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Uniform Appropriate Activities

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Let me clarify : At what point do you decide to take off the uniform shirt and wear either a unit t shirt or just wear whatever?


For instance, last spring, I worked a Cub Scout Resident Camp. In the early part of the day, I wore a long sleeve compression shirt under a t shirt under my uniform shirt. Not to hot, not too cold. AS the day warmed up, I took the t shirt off and just wore the unifrom shirt over the compression shirt. As the day got warmer still, I took of the uniform shirt and compresion shirt, and wore teh camp t shirt.


Yeah, there are times it's obvious: rafting, mud hiking, snow sledding or what not. But here in Norh Carolina ( the humidity capital of the east coast) weather is a bit different. I can wear a uniform over a t shirt in 85 degree weather as long as it's not humid. But it can be 72 degrees and humid...and I am coming out of that uniform shirt and wearing a t shirt.


January? WEll, you wouldn't see it anyways with my sweatshirts, jackets or coats on, so why bother right!


At pack campouts, I wear the uniform during flag ceremonies, announcements and campfire ceremonies. The rest of the time - t shirt.


So, I'm not asking you when I should or shgouldn't wear it, but I am curious as to when you do, and when you decide it's time to come off.


Personally, as long as the uniform doesn't hinder me, I'll wear it right on.


So what are your parameters for wearing the uniform as opposed to not?


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If I'm going to be getting dirty, then a uniform during morning/evening flag ceremonies and dressing for dinner, with a non-uniform shirt all the rest of the time (since, seriously, non-uniform shirts are far easier to replace, both in pure cost and time to sew on patches). If I'm not going to be getting dirty, I'll just wear the uniform shirt all the time.(This message has been edited by BartHumphries)

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Well, I wear a troop, pack or crew Tshirt underneath the my Field uniform......Today it was 95 and we were participating in an orienteering event. thank goodness for synthetic shirts......I really like the silk weight merino wool.....moisture wicking without the stink.... But they are just so expensive. wore my Field shirt to the event.....took it off left it in the van and did the event it the Troop shirt.

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At Council/District Cub Scout Camp, I wear the uniform for opening, and closing ceremonies. The rest of the time the Camp t-shirt is required to be worn.


While we have discussed purchasing Pack t-shirts, we have not done so as of yet. For all Pack/den activities I wear my uniform, even if we will be outside in sub-zero weather, and it is layered over. At Pack campouts, I wear the uniform for flag ceremonies, and when doing activities outside of camp. In camp I will usually wear a Council t-shirt of some kind. I like wearing Cub Camp staff shirts as it promotes questions about the camps.



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Generally, it comes off whenever I'm doing physical or dirty work, or while camping. With just a little bit of activity, I sweat a lot in even middling-temperature weather (I'm the guy you see walking around in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt in December). I also tend to get down in the dirt doing stuff. (Other guys can gather up a truckload of firewood and look immaculate - I come out of the woods covered in dirt and bits of bark.) I just wear t-shirts or short-sleeved work shirts from the thrift store that I don't care about.


But when I'm representing the camp where I volunteer, or when I'm teaching a program and need to get everyone's attention, I wear the uniform.

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I'll be honest, I couldn't tell you if mine is a unifrom or field uniform shirt..or are they the same thing?


Has velcro pocket securement instead of buttons, but has the button under the pocket for temp patches. andd that gadget pocket too. Whichj is good for...something I guess?


Anyways, it absorbs sweat pretty well - which is a good thing because it also doesn't breath, which causes me to sweat twice as much more.

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There is No official uniform called class A or Class B


Field uniform is also referred to as Class A uniform shirt and leather shoes. I was doc'd points when our new unit commissioner did his uniform inspection because I had tennis shoes on...


Activity uniform is also called class B scout tshirt and tennis shoes.


I went rounds with our unit commissioner about this......

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Yeah, I know there isn't an offical "B" uniform.


But I have heard the uniform shirt referenced as activity uniform, dress uniform and field unifrom. Didn'y know it there was two different styles of unifrom shirt that I should be wearing at a flag ceremony versus a den or pack meeting.


Not that I would but two different one - I wouldn't - but I was curious as they all looked alike at the scout shop except for long or short sleeves.


Well, when I bought my uniform shirt, they did have the old style shirts on sale for $9.00, just not any left in my size! :)

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Field Uniform, aka official uniform, aka "Class A's" is the blue uniform and level specific necker, hat and slide for Cubs, tan and green for the Webelos who want to wear it, boy scouts, and leaders.


Activity Uniform aka "Class B" currently refers to the above, minus the shirt, and in it's place is a scout t-shirt or polo.


Dress Uniform, aka "Pro Uniform" is the blue blazer, grey pants, and striped tie that mostly pros wear, although any member could wear it.



Now in the 90s, an official Activity Uniform consisting of tan shorts, and colored polo existed. Not very popular though.



Forgot to add, there is also a "Camp Uniform" in Camp School literature for Cub day camp and res camp. Basically any bottoms, and the camp t-shirt.


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back in the day, troop wore Field Uniform 6/ months out of the year, to and from campouts, COHs and special occasions. Usually the colder months of the year.


6 months out of the year, the warmer months, we were the activity uniform except to and from campouts, COHs and special occasions.



Once we got to camp, the uniform came off, unless you had a spare for the trip home, and we wore troop t-shirts and any pants we wanted. However there was a big preference for cammies.


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