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When going on a scout outing which shirt and why?

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Greetings All:


I have a quick question and can not find an answer in scout literature anywhere. I have always been told that when traveling a scout was to always be in their Class A uniform for insurance reasons. Is there any truths to this? If so where can I find it in official scout literature. I was also told that cub scouts was not the same as Boy Scouts and did not have to follow the same guidelines. Please help me! I am very confused.


Thank you for any and all assistance in this matter.


amethyst in TX

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There is no BSA requirement for insurance or any other reason that a scout must wear his uniform while traveling. You're right to be confused. Just think for a moment. If such an insurance requirement existed, why would it only be for Boy Scouts and not Cub Scouts? Sad to say, but you've been the recipient of one of Scouting's most often told myths.

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Two years ago, our Committee Chairman had a break down on a scout trip. He had the scouts (in full uniform) out of his vehicle and along side of the road. He said he could not believe how many people stop and offer help. One person, a mechanic, even fix his car for him!


We always travel in full uniform!

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Yep I was a believer in the myth to, especially since my old troop sent scouts home if they didn't show up in uniform. But like T185 said, the uniform is a conversation starter. Also I've broke down on two camp outs and on my way to work at summer camp. Alot of people stopped by and helped me out.

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Please, tell me you wear the uni because you are proud to be a Scout and not because you're afraid of being sued.

The uni should be worn to identify one as a Scout. Traveling, doing service, acting in a Scout activity.

We encourage our Scouts to wear the full uni (full monty? Nah...) at appropriate times, and the Troop Tshirt or Sweat shirt for work projects and camping. Flag ceremony at Camporee, display time, parade, traveling to Jambo, etc. full uni. Digging trail drainage ditch, hiking on the AT, capture the flag, Troop Tshirt.

Yes, we get favors (ice cream!), good comments from adults and some sniggers from other kids. I remind the Scouts that often that snigger belies a jealousy. But often they realize the recognition is a good thing. It is, a good thing, isn't it?

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Greetings Everyone:


I appreciate all of you valuable information that was passed along to me. I can tell all of you that my family all has always worn our uniform, one out of respect and two because we have a great love for the scouting organization. Scouting is in our blood. I have a 12yr old who has his eye on the Eagle rank and new Tiger that has wanted to wear the uniform since he was two years old. We will always be a part of the scouting organization in some form. We see this as a true gift to pass along to our future generations.



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We have a general Troop rule that we always depart for any camping trip in class A shirt - no neckerchief, jeans are fine. On the way to summer camp we are in full Class A with the Troop neckerchief & hat, appropriately green shorts, Scout sox. We usually stop for lunch at a fast food place on the way to summer camp, and it's impressive - 30 Scouts & 6 adults all in uniform. We take over the place, and get lots of smiles and nods from the older folks, looks of jealousy from teens, and simple awe from young boys.

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I am willing to give a ride to the first 6 boys who show up in uniform for an event. Out of uniform Scouts are welcome to the event, just find their own ride. If no one likes my terms, I'll leave my van at home and take the Goldwing.

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Our Troop wears full uniform on all trips, with their Class B t-shirt on underneath. When we arrive at camp, the uniform shirt comes off and they are already in Class B. I highly recommend the BSA Activity shirt, as well. Scouts and parents have learned this plan makes packing for trips very easy.


Nobody wears jeans on any of our trips. Sorry if I ruffle some feathers, but I tell the boys they can see who the novice campers are, they are wearing jeans. If they get wet, they get heavy and take forever to dry. They loose all insulating value when wet. They are a hypothermia accident just waiting to happen. If you are interested in the BSA's opinion instead of mine, turn to page 205 in the Scout book.

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Scouts should learn to dress appropriately for the activity. Is the uniform appropriate? That depends on a number of conditions doesn't it? Which uniform? What activity? What is the itinerary? What are the weather conditions?


Let's teach scouts to make good decisions not just do what we tell them to do. Otherwise how will they ever make good decisions without you?(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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An official scout uniform complete for any and all scout activities. If one doesn't want to be caught dead wearing such a uniform, don't join the program. I have yet to see any high school football players show up in a t-shirt and jeans to play a Friday night game. If the schools can get away with it, so can I.


If a boy can't afford a uniform. I buy him one off of E-bay. Sometimes the council strip and numerals cost more than the uniform, but there's no excuse for not having the right equipment for the activity. Can't play hockey without a stick and skates, can't play scouts without a complete uniform.


Since I stress that policy in my unit, my biggest complaint thus far this year is that one boy has been bugging his parents for the full NEW uniform. They think it's kinda expensive, but then Christmas is just around the corner...


The only time the boys do not see me in full uniform is when I take my annual swim test.



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I generally transport my son and one of his friends to and from scouting events, if his dad can't make it. I have them wearing their full uniform. If it's a long trip, (over an hour to our Cub camp events) I let them ride without the neckerchiefs/slides until we get close. It's a pride thing, not an insurance thing.

And now that I've been officially accepted by the Pack/Council as an Asst. Leader, I'm always in uniform for all events.

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