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Why do we wear a uniform?

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Two comments:


First, I'll agree the issue about Scouts not being able to buy a uniform is getting old. SO IS THE COMPLAINT ABOUT THE DIFFERENCE IN SPORTS AND SCOUTS!


Second, I am extremely proud to wear my uniform thank you.


(yes, I was shouting above)


No chilles!

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I wear the uniform with pride. I wash and press both my son's and my uniform before each outing. The patches are sewn on in the proper locations. We don't wear multiple quality unit patches like a list of awards. We wear neckerchiefs with slides, not knotted because we lost or forgot our slides. I made custom leather slides and the pack paid for neckerchiefs to be presented to each of the boys upon joining. By wearing the uniform correctly and completely with pride, I teach the boys to do the same.


As a leader I believe it is very important that I wear the full uniform. It is also important that I wear it correctly with all the patches I earn and located in the correct positions. How can I expect the boys to wear it correctly if I don't? Lead by example. Yes I have both shorts and long pants. Once you purchase them, it is easy to wear them.


The cost compared to sports uniforms is a losing arguement. My son plays sports. His uniforms cost more than a scout uniform. He only wears it 6 months of the year. After a season or two when he outgrows it, no one will buy it because every team has a different uniform. With the scout uniform, there are always new boys joining who are willing to purchase gently used uniforms. We have families who hand down uniforms within the family and only have to remove the rank when passing down. A scout is thrifty.


Recognition. When wearing the uniform in public, you are recognized as a group and often given special priviledges like discounts or extended access to areas. The public smiles and often makes a point to greet and speak with the boys. Part of scouting is learning and earning various patches and pins. Applied to the uniform, it serves to provide a continous from of recognition for the one who earned the award but also by others who can "read" the uniform and recognize the scout for his achievements.


Part of the recognition system of scouting is to present awards in a public manner before his peers as quickly as possible to encourage growth and continued learning. Wearing that award is a constant reminder of what they have accomplished and from where they came.


While I agree that the uniform could be cut to be more comfortable while active, it is the uniform of the organization and I wear it the best manner that I can.

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I'm afraid money IS a big issue with some of our scout families. I have given away all of my sons' old neckerchiefs, hats, and a blue cub shirt to scouts who couldn't afford the uniform. When my youngest outgrows his current uniform shirt, I will donate that as well. We also waive fees for cubs who can't afford the monthly dues or the registration fee. Our Pack never has much money left at the end of the year, but at least any boy who wants to join, can participate.


We also have 1 DL and 2 asst. DLs who have yet to buy a shirt. Two can afford it, but haven't gotten around to it! The third leader has a real financial need, but would be embarrassed if the Pack bought her a shirt. She privately asked me if I would mind wearing a shirt under my uniform for the Blue and Gold so she could "borrow" my uniform shirt for her den's picture. She confided that she is saving up to buy the shirt, but after buying shirts for her own 2 boys, it will take a while to save up. My family of 4 gets by on just my husband's income, so I can't really afford to personally buy her a shirt.

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If your Scout families can not afford their uniforms then direct them to EBay.

Last year I bought 4 Cub Scout uniform shirts for the price of a new one. I have a single mother who's son isin my den. She could not (or did not want to) buy the expensive shirt so I sold her one of the eBay shirts, wolf neckerchief and belt for $10. If they do not have a PC then they can go to the Library and use the public ones. I just wish I would have thought of eBay before I bought my sons uniform.

Just My two cents,


Mark Maranto

(This message has been edited by hendrickms24)

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I've bought 4 shirts on the eBay and never paid more than $15 including shipping. Excellent condition too. Don't overbid. If the price goes too high, bid on a different shirt. After a few days you'll have a quality shirt at a low price. Short sleeved shirts seem to have better prices in the winter. Last year prices were higher because the national Jamboree created a big demand. Each participant needed multiple shirts.

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Back when I was a scout, there was a troop in a neighboring city that used to collect used uniforms and sell them to raise money for leader dogs for the blind. I think we paid $5 or $10 for a shirt back in the 80's. They had everything.

ow as I Scouter, I Thought about trying to set something like that up here in my new state, but found many troops have already set up a "uniform bank" to recycle uniforms to new scouts

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I must have come from an odd troop, because I remember when I was going through boy scouts (94-2001) I never had any problem wearing the shirt, and after two weeks in the troop neither did anyone else who stayed for any length of time. I beg to differ with Lisa's assessment that reason #4 holds no weight, because I can most definitely recall seeing the boy leaders in my troop proudly wearing the full uniform to each weekly meeting, and nobody had problems with wearing it in public or anything else of the sort. If the boys are taught from the beginning not to fear social stigma and the like pertaining to wearing the uniform, they'll do so.

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We have a uniform drive every few years...we put an article and/or advertisement in the newspaper asking for donations of used uniforms. You have to have a few people willing to be to "collectors"...we wash them & put them in a closet. Each time we have new Scouts and Scouters, there are "experienced" shirts available for them to use...we just ask that they return them when they are through so another Scout may use them. We typically gather 30-40 shirts. When so many people are wearing experienced uniforms it is hard to feel bad.

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