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Eagle Award Ceremony Results


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Went to te Eagale award Ceremony today. Well, maybe it was a Court of Honor where the Eagle Award was given?


Not sure, first one I have ever attended. The ceremony was opened with a prayer, then the host called the COH as being open.


Was a great ceremony.


Anyways, it was exactly what some of you said it was: I was invited due to the Eagle Scout was a Tiger Cub and Bear at my pack way back in the day. They had to move due to dad getting transfered to another state ( not military) and when they moved back to NC, they set up about 25 miles up the road.


I figured that I was invited along with other district leaders,but the case was - I was the only Scout Leader who was not a part of the Eagle Scouts troop.


As son as I stepped into the Sanctuary, the father greeted me and siad he was glad I came.


Anyays, a great and beautiful ceremony. Absolutely glad I went! :)

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I gave an Eagle card and a tie tack and money clip.


Probably ended up being the tenth of each one he got, truth be told.


Nope! No FOS at all. Matter of fact, I was the only person who was not family or within his troop that was invited.


Well, I take that back. There was a rep foir Woodmen of The World there who presented the Eagle Scout with a NICE US flag.


All I can say is that a FOS at that ceremony would be way, way beyond tacky.

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I can imagine a situation where a boy may request FOS. For example, if and FOS-supported summer camp was his only vacation and maybe he went on a campership, this could be his way of "giving back" or shining a light on a program that brought him to where he was.


Eagles have full reign over the format of the ceremony. In principle, most boys stick to whatever traditions their troop has. I'm glad yours was a touching moment, and I hope many more boys with think to invite you to theirs!

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Fod drive huh? That's not such a bad idea : reqeusting everybody bring a can or two boxed food when they come to the ceremony.


And thinking about it, that idea exemplifies the idea of being an Eagle.


The ceremony was cool though. After the awrding of Eagle Award and after committing to the Charge of the rank of Eagle, there was a slide show of the scout from Tiger all the way up to the morning of the ceremony.



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