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Council Advancement Committee


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I attended our Council Co-ordinated Meeting last night.


It's kind of a Roundtable for district Scouters, with a general session to update everyone on council issues and then breakout sessions for many district type committees. (Do other councils do this?)



Anyway, when my District Exec and I were leaving, he pointed out one set of lights still burning, and said the District Advancement Committee always had the longest meeting.


He said they review all the appeals for waivers and extensions of various requirements that go to the council, pass on lifesaving type of awards, referee disputes about Eagle Scout projects, requirements, time extensions and such.


He said that the paperwork on such issues can be extensive, and can involve medical reports and such. All paperwork is duplicated for each Advancement Committee member to have available when deciding issues.


I thought it might be useful to report on the diligent efforts of these volunteers. I had no idea how that got done or how diligently such issues were considered before that.





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Our Advancement Board does seem to take a little longer then the Training Board, but I only have to wait a little while for my husbands board to get out.. We are one of the last groups to leave, but not like I am standing in an empty hall for an hour waiting for him..


Sometimes they will do what you discribe sometime they are just finding something to argue about on some nit-picky topic..

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Our Council holds a Coordinated Committee meeting three or four times a year. In addition, some other council operating committees hold stand alone meetings - sometimes monthly, depending on need. The advancement committee is one that meets monthly to deal with the topics you mention.


Other committees which meet frequently include the Camping committee, the Relationships committee, the Shooting sports committee (which is a sub committee of the activities & civic service committee), the finance committee (duh), and a couple others, I think.

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