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Jambo Merit badge completions being mailed?


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Scouts were given hard copies of their merit badge completion at jamboree. They should have turned them in to their home troop.


Jamboree staff also entered the merit badges into the Scout's Scoutnet records in real time. You should be able to pull the records from there. We don't use e-advancement so I'm not familiar with how to access Scoutnet. Maybe someone at your council office can help you with that

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Ahh, thank you for clearing that up for me. This scout said that his stuff was going to be mailed to me, that sent up a red flag as it sure sounded odd that the scout didnt' receive any paperwork at all.


I'll check Scoutnet, and see if anything new is there.


I'll ask my DE if I dont' see anything online.



Mike B(This message has been edited by exibar)

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Whoever handles advancement paperwork in your council office can also download copies of the forms and easily e-mail them to you.


They can search by Membership number and also by name. One of my son's had a transposed number on it, but we were still able to retrieve it.

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Thanks for the clarification, hadulzo. I didn't really understand what the deal was with the electronic records, although I watched the MB midway staff folks enter the data real time as the boys finished the merit badge.


The staff advisor would be the professional person at council who supervised the council jamboree committee. Here it was our council Program Director. I also know the jamboree registrar (a volunteer) had access to the national records. Call the office and ask.

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My husband was in charge of some of the instructors/MB counselors for the Army (MPs) at NSJ. He said they filled out a sheet with the Scouts name, Troop and what requirements they completed. This was turned in to Staff. Each unit should have been provided the same type of print off that you get when a Scout has attended Summer Camp to take back home. Have you checked with the Jamboree Scoutmaster of the Troop that this Scout attended with?

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