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double dipping for merit badge


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I posted this under OA by mistake


Our troop has instituted a no double dipping policy for merit badges. We finished a Philmont trek this August and I was inquiring about utilizing the 10 mile portion for my sons hiking merit badge qualification. He did four 10 mile and one 20 mile hike in prep for Philmont. The final day of Philmont was an 11 mile switch back death march (at least for me).


I was told these were used for the backpacking merit badge only or he could drop them from backpacking and use them toward hiking but not both.


Any thoughts?

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I thought that was standard policy. Our boys are not allowed to do something only once to satisfy two separate MB requirements. I know my boys attended a city council meeting for a Citizenship in the Community MB, but they have to attend another one to fulfill their Communications requirement.



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Well lets look at that example for Communication you have to make notes and give an objectivity report. For Citizenship in the Community you simply attend. Why not use both if you are actively signed up and working on them. Other than being inefficient what is the lesson? Is it BSA policy? If so I will bow-out if not I think it is totally illogical.

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10 miles is easy get up early one saturday morning and just go do it. Shouldn't take more than 4 hours. I can do 10 miles with the cubs in that period.


No big deal in my book. I bet you have wasted more time worrying about it than you would just have done the hike.


So what is the lesson in letting them skate on requirements?

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Working and playing smart is not skating requirements. And I post here to get the wisdom of others. Still I ask is it written anywhere? Or is it another fine example of an adult led troop. By the by Saturday should be capitalized no skating on penmanship either.

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I miss a capital letter and your trying to short cut a path to Eagle.


I investigated the merit badges and it is a significant investment in time that is for sure. It is more than just two hikes. So I understand the desire of "killing two birds with one stone".


I will have my scouts start working these right after they cross over.


Not to cast the first stone.



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Here is the statement in the requirements.


The hikes in requirements 5 and 6 can be used in fulfilling Second Class Rank (2a) and First Class Rank (3) rank requirements, but only if Hiking merit badge requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been completed to the satisfaction of your counselor.


The hikes of requirements 5 and 6 cannot be used to fulfill requirements of other merit badges.


He was able to join the boys working on second class 1a and 1b. He completed the 10 with an Eagle scout and his Dad yesterday.


Thanks everyone,





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That doesn't translate to requirement #11 for Backpacking can't be used to fulfill #5 and/or #6 for Hiking only that these Hiking requirements can't be used for other MB's.


An a unit instituting a "No Double Dipping" policy on MB's is absurd since the unit has nothing to do with the requirements for MB's!(This message has been edited by evmori)

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An a unit instituting a "No Double Dipping" policy on MB's is absurd since the unit has nothing to do with the requirements for MB's!


That is why I posted in the first place. I feel the hiking has merit in the writing (I may be wrong but would rather err to the right of the issue). I gave example earlier of communications and citizenship on the Nations that is foolish to me.


I struggled with our troop rules a couple of years ago. They tried to institute a Life project on the same order as a mini Eagle project. I was able to get that voted down in committee with the help of this forum.


I struggle now with the boys Star and higher not allowed to sign off rank requirements of younger scouts without redoing the requirement in front of an ASM to get his initials beside theirs. It was abused by a couple of boys once so the whole idea gets thrown out.


We have a lot of parental involvement which is good but it seems we haven't dropped the den mother principals.


Sorry for the long dissertation but I keep hitting my head against the wall on certain issues. A lot of times I jump too far in the boys favor I know. I guess my biggest problem these rules or policy's are never discussed in the PLC with SPL, ASPL, PL included.


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There is no rule in the BSa that requires a scout to use one activity toward just one requirements unless that requirement SPECIFICALLY prohibits the repeatative use. And there are a couple of requirements like that.


Unit's have no authority to set to add to or suibtract from ANY of the BSA requirements. this includes setting a "no double dipping rule" as described in Liz's post. Leaders needd to understand that the BSA sets advancement rules and NO ONE ELSE.


Even for one unit to not know and not fullow the BSA advancement program correctly is too many.



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