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Officially an Eagle Scout


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We had a Scout go through his EBOR and they said he was now an Eagle Scout. He was our SPL at the time and he wanted to announce he was a Eagle Scout. He asked me if he should announce his new rank and I (SM) said he was not an Eagle Scout yet. Well, he was upset and his parents were mad.


Well, it stated on the back of the official Eagle Scout application:


"Presentation of the rank may not be made until the Eagle Scout credentials are received by the BSA local council."


Yes , you use the EBOR date for Eagle rank, But it still has to be signed by the Scout Executive and forwarded to national to be checked and then the OK is sent back to the local council. He is NOT an Eagle Scout until it is OK by national.


How do I straighten this out with the Troop?

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What I do is announce that the Scout has successfully passed his Eagle Board of Review and that his application will be forwarded to the National Council in Irving, Texas for final approval.


Then, when the National folks sign off, it's up to the Scout to announce the date for his Eagle Court of Honor.

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How many Eagle scout applications do you know of have been turned down by national?


I would say there is a big difference between 'presentation' and 'announcing'. I think you were wrong in not letting this young man share his exciting news with the troop. I think you owe him an apology.

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I sit on maybe 5-6 EBOR a year, and without fail, the Board Chair will pronounce, "Congratulations, you are now an Eagle Scout"...but technically, the above replies are correct. Perhaps a FAQ sheet should be presented to the scout and his parents outlining the procedure as to "what happens after the EBOR"...

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Like Scoutldr, I sit several EBORs each year. We tell the young men: "As of this moment, you are an Eagle Scout. The paperwork has to go to Texas and come back, and then we will give you your Eagle patch. When you are ready, we will work with you to support your Eagle Court of Honor."


Units in our District tend to publish results of Eagle Boards on the district list-serv that very night!


Has anyone seen Irving reject an approved Eagle app recently? From all I've seen, National is a clearinghouse to make sure the Eagle roster is straight. The major work is done by the local Council and the EBOR.

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Yah, I've certainly seen council scout executives not sign an Eagle Application and have that upheld by national, even after a successful EBOR.


So I think it's best to keep things squeaky clean. The boy is not an Eagle until national approves. But there's nothin' wrong with announcing that a boy passed his Eagle BOR and will be an Eagle scout "pending final approval from National" or somethin' like that.




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How about "CONGRATULATIONS ! Well done! You are now an Eagle Scout! What happens next is we send your application to the council office for their signature, then it is forwarded to Texas to verify that all is in order. If there are no glitchs, your Eagle certificate should arrive in about a month. So, barring any unknown problems, as of this moment you are an EAGLE SCOUT." Handshakes and backslaps all around. Tears from mom, maybe the SM too.




"Well, you completed your board of review OK. You're almost an Eagle Scout but not quite. First we must get the council office to sign off on your application. Usually that's not a problem but you never know. Then they will send your application to Texas for their review. They will check to see that everything has been properly completed and all the signatures are OK. If there is a problem, they'll reject it and send it back. If they don't find any problems, you'll get your certificate in about a month, but it might take 2 or 3 months, you never know. It looks like you'll be an Eagle, but not until you get the official certificate. So don't start celebrating yet."

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