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Everything posted by denleader09

  1. My son and another boy were in the same position with not getting the award due to the fact we couldn't go to camp. They did everything else. I was disappointed when I found out that the camp-o-rees etc didn't count. (Sorry new to scouting and didn't know), but I didn't get mad or upset. This year those two boys will get it, because we got to go to resident camp this summer. And I think there is a big difference between day camp/resident camp and the other events. All the boys aren't going to get all the awards. It's not t-ball and everyone gets a trophy. This is a perfect time for kids a
  2. We visited the county courthouse instead. The boys got to see the different courtrooms, see the fingerprinting system (old way and computerized) and the holding cells. Even the elevator had a cell in it. They also got to see the video system that is used to watch the county jailhouse. The next meeting we did CSI: cub scout investigator night. There we fingerprinted, plastercasted footprints, determined height from footprints, etc. We also did the fingerprints on a pen using superglue.
  3. Scoutfish, we do an "Outlaw" race in which parents and siblings can enter. There are no rules about weight or length. This is actually one of the best races during the derby. One year a little 5 year old who obviously did a lot of work herself on it got 2nd or 3rd place over all the souped up dad ones. lol! We don't charge anything to enter the race, but you do have to provide your own derby car. It is great fun and I highly recommend doing it.
  4. You could talk about healthy snacks and serve "Ticks on a Toilet". My boys loved it and the parents were so funny about it. Core apples and slice. Spread with peanut butter or cream cheese. Sprinkle raisins on top. What about the drug puzzle in the leader's guide or some make some kind of jeopardy game about nutrition/drugs etc.? I was thinking of doing having the boys measure out how many teaspoons of sugar that go into soda pop. or do some kind of other shocker with calories in their favorite foods. Hope this helps, it is not the most entertaining badge.
  5. I am so glad that your CM could make you feel more at ease. I can't really add more to the good advice that you have already been given. But just remember that everyone is nervous on that first meeting. As for the parents, my parents like to hang out, but mostly they are talking to each other and are not paying attention to me. They are just relieved that you are doing it and not them, lol! I recommend having some kind of simple game or activity for the boys if you run fast on your meeting. The simpler, the better they love it. It also helps me to have my meeting outlined. I just ha
  6. Ours went well last night. We went from a pack that was pretty much at death's door. We ended up with 7 new boys, but have 4-5 more recruitments left. So there is hope for us. Instead of a Web 1 and 2 den pack, we will now have Tigers through Web 2. In August, we had given up after fighting a good fight all year, so we were so happy last night. This was our last chance. We have to compete with many many packs so it was a real celebration for us. What an exciting start to our year! So glad to hear others are having good turnouts too!
  7. It was announced at our roundtable this summer that second year Webelos would be called "Arrows". And they were continuing to use that terminology at the last roundtable. It is supposed to make us focus more on advancement and the path that each year takes. However, I really don't see my pack using those terms for a while. It is so much easier to say Web 1 and Web 2 than "Webelos" and "Arrows". Old habits die hard.
  8. There are some comic books that you can order online from scoutstuff.org that deal with bullying. It shows bullying from both sides: victim and bully. It is a little simplistic, but it gives ideas for how to stay safe etc. It might be a great way to broach the subject. They are only about 20 cents a piece. Good luck with your situation. By bringing this up, you will be letting the other boys know that you are standing up for them, even if the conversation doesn't reach the bully. And that is so important.
  9. Thanks so much Basementdweller! That is exactly what I was looking for. I do hope this works out. The kids will be thrilled if we get to do this.
  10. We will be doing Traveler in June. I have had a parent offer to help with the badge by helping us tour the airport and giving us a plane rides. I know about tour permits, but where would I find the regulations for this type of activity. Are cub scouts allowed to given rides in planes? If someone could point me in the right direction, it will be much appreciated. I will be asking my leadership committee about it this week, but I was excited about the offer and knew that the folks here could help. Worse case, the pilot could just show us the inside of the plane and my boys would
  11. I like the idea of donating to the pack. They would be great use to learn how to set up tents or could be used by scouts in need. Another idea for using the tents would be as a reward for community service. Maybe for the scout(s) who show up to 3 community service projects? HTH!
  12. I am also a rising Webelos leader having one year of Bear leadership under my belt. Like you, I am very excited to get started. I haven't had my leader specific training yet, but have reviewed the leader's and scout's handbook. There seems to be a lot of fun activities to do that my scouts (and me) are going to love. One thing to consider about having meetings on Saturdays are your den families. My scouts have a lot going on weekends (pack outings, sports, family events). So if you have busy families, they may not be able to attend. I know that juggling weeknights are difficult, but
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