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Posts posted by Cubmaster-Fred

  1. We are being told by our Jamboree SM that when they leave the campsite thatthey can only wear Jamboree T-shirts. I know in the past it was alright to wear scout related T-shirts at the Jamboree, how is everyone else handling this?

  2. I am the Scoutmaster for the local troop and we invited the Webelos II to participate in our spaghetti dinner so they could also raise money for their summer camp. I agree that if they were invited then ou should choose yes or no. I also agree you should check into this JAmbo business, my son is going but the Jambo troop is doing their own fund raising.



  3. I gues I should have been clearer. Even when I went as a scout they taught merit badges, but if you wanted to do something else during the day there was plenty to do.

    We cannot find one that has things for the boys to do during the day except merit badge classes. I talked to the people at Hale Scout Reservation and they plain told me that free time and open shooting were both in the evening and that htere was nothing to do during the day. I also talked to Buffalo Gap Scout reservation and was told that if they did not take merit badge classes they could stay in the cmapsite.

    We would like to find a place that if the boy only wanted to take 1 merit badge, he would still have things to do during the day.

  4. Was lookng on the WWW for a new summercamp and cannt seem to find one that is in the Texas area and is not a merit badge factory. We want to go somewhere else next summer because at our councils camp, if the boys are not in a merit badge class there is nothing for them to do.


    I remember growing up and having plenty to do at camp whether you did merit badges or not. It just doesn''t seem right to charge this amount of money, and give the boys nothing to do.


    Please chime in and tell how it is where you go.



  5. Our Pack has the pack meeting on the 4th monday of every month, except the 3 summer months. The dens are on thier own to decide for themselves.


    The way we work it is that the new tiger den each year has to work themselves into the schedule. This gives us consistency in meetings. My wife is the Webelos leader and they have been meeting at the same time on the same day for 4 years now. It really works.


    PS: Pack meetings are as much fun as you make them.

  6. as a unit trainer and assisting with district advancement the answer is no, you cannot use unused portions of Wolf achievements or unused Wolf achievements towards arrow points. This is only for Bear.







    Memorial Day is a patriotic holiday in the United States of America, that is a celebration of remembrance for the brave service of men and women who have given their lives for our country. Originally, Memorial Day honored those who had died in the Civil War. Now it honors those who have died in all wars and conflicts.


    Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and was believed to have been first celebrated in Waterloo, N.Y.. Waterloo is considered the birthplace of this holiday because the people of Waterloo were the first people to proclaim a day to honor the soldiers who died in the Civil War. This date was May 5, 1866 and was celebrated every year on this date. The people of Waterloo closed their businesses and placed flowers and flags on the graves of their soldiers. Flags were flown at half mast.


    Major General John A. Logan declared May 30, 1868 as a special day for honoring Union soldiers killed in battle. He was the Commander in Chief of an organization of Union Civil war veterans called the Grand Army of the Republic. They took charge of Memorial Day celebrations in the northern states. The South did not observe Decoration Day, preferring to honor their dead on separate days until after World War I.


    Memorial Day was moved to a Monday in 1968, along with 3 other holidays, to create convenient 3 day weekends. Memorial Day was declared a federal holiday in 1971. In December of 2000 a resolution for a National Moment of Remembrance was passed.


    This Memorial day I would like to ask everyone to join in and have a Moment of Remembrance. At 3pm on Memorial Day please pause for a moment of silence, or listening to Taps, to show remembrance and respect for those who have given show much.




    PS: please don't forget to pause for a moment at 3pm. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)

  8. In the latest edition of the Cub Scout Leader Book, page 12-4 states:


    "Webelos Dens may have a name and wear the appropriate "patrol" emblem instead of a den numeral, but they still must be referred to as dens not patrols".


    I hope this clears this issue up.



  9. As Carol has stated the boy may be granted a few extra weeks to complete his work. Once he begins work on the next level there is no going back.


    Also once they become Webelos there is no reason to rush, they can complete the Webelos badge even if they are in 5th grade. They just must earn it before the Arrow of Light.




    JMHO but if all they need is to complete a few requirements, give them a few weeks to finish.

  10. Our Pack has just had a local branch of a major national company, pledge $400.00 towardsa new PWD track. I was just wondering what the pros and cons of aluminum versus wood. I would like to hear everyones preferences. Most of the leaders say an aluminum one, but I just don't know enough about them.



  11. While it might have worked, it is still wrong. The Webelos are Dens not patrols.


    Right now our Webelos II den is known as the Panther Den because this is the name they picked. This is also the name that they will cross over with to form a patrol.


    Remember, they are still part of the Cub Scout program and they cannot be treated as Boy Scouts.



  12. Retread78,


    I am the cubmaster, and for th epack meetings every den is involved in several ways. The dens rotate between set-up, opening, closing and clean-up. Also every den is responsible for either a skit or a song. We also do games.


    Also I would suggest that the awards be broken up and given out in between other activities, this keeps the boys attention longer.



  13. It's me,


    Sure like everyone said, it is sad that you have lost one, especially one you thought of as dedicated, but this happens. Just keep on driving. Remember don't change your program, the other boys are still there and there must be a reason.




    Chin up and smile!!!

  14. The boys can work on any activity badge they want whenever they want. The only difference in Webelos is that the WDL is the one who has to sign off on the requirements. And there is nothing saying that a Webelos I cannot go on an overnighter or a day hike. This is not what I said.


    If you read the books you will see that in order to earn the Webelos badge he must be active in the den for 3 months.


    In order to earn the AOL he must be active in his den for 6 months after completing the 4th grade or turning 10, and earn the Webelos badge.


    This equals 9 months, because the time cannot be utilized for multiple awardings. The clock on AOL starts after he has earned the Webelos badge.


    It is unfortunate but some boys will not earn all that is available. I have not added 3 non required months, I have simply read the requirements and put them into play.



  15. As I have said before, the CM is responsible for the program. This includes the planning and the execution of the program.


    The CC is responsible for the finances and ensuring the CM has what is needed to put on the program.


    The CC does oversee the planning conference but more for ensuring that the MC are informed and know what is needed form each of them for the program to be put on.


    As an example: As the cubmaster I decided that the pack would take a trip to the local newspaper for a tour, because it met the monthly theme. At this point it is now the CC responsiblility to ensure that all arrangements are made, transport, reservations, timeline, cost etc.... Then the CM is responsible for making it happen.


    Neither one, the CC or CM, is truly in charge. Tehy work as a team, and the pack will only be as good as the team.



  16. If he stays with the Webelos Den for the full year he has a chance to earn the AOL. If not he cannot earn it if he just joined scouts in September.


    The boys must earn the Webelos badge before they can earn the AOL, which means 9 months minimum.



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