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Cubmaster Randy

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Posts posted by Cubmaster Randy

  1. Girls are not allowed to join and be a a member as they don't fulfill the first obvious requirment of being a boy. Hence They should not be working on badges or ranks.

    But there are programs within the BSA for the family.

    One of these is called the BSA family award.


    Campouts in cub scouting are defined to be "Family camping" I am not sure what you mean that they should just be observers. I would find it hard to tell a family that they should go camping but the only ones that can particiapte in the program is the cub scout.

    A girl racing in the pinewood derby (sibling, open or family class) should not be an issue. I would agree that they should not be racing in a den race against the other boys, but make them sit on the sideline and watch? If you give them a patch what is the real issue with that


    I don't follow the anology between scouts and a baseball team

    A CubScout den is not the same thing as a baseball team. A Boy Scout patrol maybe, but we are talking about girls in Cub Scouts

  2. Cub Scouts are family orientated, I don't see anything wrong with female siblings participating in activities that are age /gender appropriate, In BALOO, we teach that we should have activites that are appropriate for all the participants.

    Example, We just got back from a pack trip to the USS Yorktown, do the girls get a patch?, yes they do.

    Can they particiapte in Pinewood Derby Family Race, yes they can;

    Can they put on a skit during the pack campfire, yes of course;

    Should they be earning rank awards, definetly not.

    My 7yo "brownie" daughter will not be able to particpate in a year when my son crosses over. I already know she is upset about not being able to go on activites with the troop.

    Maybe she can help out me at the district level events until she is old enough to be in Venture Scouts... :) then again maybe not.

  3. What has the history of the pack in regards to crossing ceremonies? What has been done in previous years?

    My understanding is that it is a Pack event, but I cannot find the referecne material for this. Either way, Could the Scoutmaster of Troop A invite the Troop B to participate just for the crossover ceremony? To me that would be the scout-like thing to do. The SM may feel that he has been planning this and being that it is on a campout he may have put some time into it, but maybe a little cooperation would go a long way


    I have a friend who is having a 2 pack, 3 troop crossover because the one den/pack had only 2 webelos were crossing over to a particlar troop and the other had one going to thhis troop. overall I think 20 boys will be taking part


    Bottom line.. It should be about the boys

  4. A lot of times we tend to focus on one of anything. There are 10 purposes of cub scouting and preparing for Boys Scouts is just one of them.

    I agree that roops should be recruiting as well, but It is a lot easier to retain than to recruit. A cub going through the program is more adapt to staying on and becoming a boy scout, than a non-cub joining boy scouts.


    The 10 purposes of Cub Scouting are:


    1. Character Development

    2. Spiritual Growth

    3. Good Citizenship

    4. Sportsmanship and Fitness

    5. Family Understanding

    6. Respectful Relationships

    7. Personal Achievement

    8. Friendly Service

    9. Fun and Adventure

    10. Preparation for Boy Scouts Membership


  5. Most badges in the US are patches except except when it comes to Webelos acivity badges which are pins. :)

    We refer to badges of rank here in the US , but I remember at the '80 Essex Jamboree in England trading my patches for badges.

    Growing up in NE Illinois we drank pop, went to student council camp in southern IL, they all drank soda....moved to Atlanta 9 years ago... Everyone drinks coke. Doesn't matter what it is, could be orange coke, grape coke, if its carbonated it coke, even if its pepsi-coke.



  6. What is the lesson being learned here?

    Are we teaching that it OK for Dad to sell the popcorn and for the son to reap the benefits. Personally, I'd rather see a scout sell $500 of popcorn with his parents help than for the dad/mom to sell $4000 at work without the scout involved.


    This just sends the message that the pack wants the money.

    If someone has that kind of money to invest in popcorn sales , may I suggest a larger donation to FOS or possibly James West donation



  7. Are all forms of this song innappropriate? probably not. Some forms of this song may be appropriate for Boy scouts and maybe some cubs. Others are definetly not. You need to do what is in the best interest of the boys. I am not PC, but do respect the rights of others.

    If it is causing issues then it should be addressed.

    I like South park, but turn it off if my chidren come downstairs while I am watching it. Do my children (7 and 9yo) know what South Park is, yes. why, because they watched it a friends house. That led to a discussion about the show and why the actions of the boys were inappropriate.

    All we can do is instill in them with the values of the scout oath and law.......


  8. It is a lot easier to keep an eye on multiple scouts at a rest area if they are wearing some sort of uniform.

    My wife did a similar thing with my kids when they were younger. They would wear brightly colored shirts or jackets. You could spot better them if they accidently wandered off.

  9. from the flag code:

    (k) When used on a speaker's platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker. When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the flag of the United States of America should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience, and in the position of honor at the clergyman's or speaker's right as he faces the audience.

    Any other flag so displayed should be placed on the left of the clergyman or speaker or to the right of the audience.

    I take this to mean that the US flag is located on the speakers right and all others are speakers left

  10. Back when I was a scout, there was a troop in a neighboring city that used to collect used uniforms and sell them to raise money for leader dogs for the blind. I think we paid $5 or $10 for a shirt back in the 80's. They had everything.

    ow as I Scouter, I Thought about trying to set something like that up here in my new state, but found many troops have already set up a "uniform bank" to recycle uniforms to new scouts

  11. I don't see the issue in having to go to a Life to Eagle seminar. This is not really an added reqirement but part of the entire process. By going to the seminar the scout can fully understand what is expected of them. Our District has established several guidelines of its own for Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Proposals. These are intended to help the Eagle candidate plan and execute the project in a way that is consistent with BSAs Safe Scouting principles.



    I've heard somewhere if you go skydiving, it is highly recommended that you wear a parachute!

  12. Yes announements should be brief.

    Although I've seen a pack make a game out of announcements. The persons making the announcments used props and the cub scouts guessed what the announcment was going to be when the announcer came out. They seemed to enjoy it.

    I'm not sure if the parents got the information other than it was an event coming up. They have another system for the actual dissemanation of information.

    Instead of long anouncements , Handouts, phone tree or an email system for messages should be utilized instead. Half the time the parents are not paying attention to the announcments anyway

  13. I had not thought about that before today but a scout wearing a James West Award, is technically correct.


    AOL Award

    The uniforming people were nice to change the AOL rank award to be placed below the pocket under the current rank award for the Boy Scout. Before that it was placed on the pocket flap of the Cub Scout and would need to be taken off and resewn when the boy went to the tan uniform from the blue.

    BTW, Most councils will replace an award if you bring in the certificate and let them know it is a replacement or for a second uniform.


  14. The AOL square knot is worn after they turn 18 and become a scouter. The Arrow of Light Award is the only cub scout rank award that can be worn as a Boy Scout


    The only square knots that scouts can wear are the religous and heroism/bravery

  15. The school is long gone now. The students were transfered to Walker and Timber Ridge. The land was sold and their are a bunch of townhomes on the land now.


    I vaguely remember our activities. It was over 30 years ago, but I do remember going to the Presbyterian Home on Grant St. at Christmas time and singing carols to the residents. I remmember going to a neighborhood gas station and them not having gas (72 oil crisis). They still were fixing cars so we saw how they did that and of course We had our pinewood derbies. Our pack was small. We had one den in each of the three grades (No tigers and only a one year Webelos program). Every month we got to show at the pack meeting what we had been working on that month at our den meetings. We did not go family camping as a pack back then, but did as a family. it was sure nice to crossover into Boy Scouts. Other trips were to the Field Museaum and Shedd Aquarium, normal stuff

    I would suggest taking a tour of Gross Point Lighthouse if you have not. The climb up is not too bad and fulfills a tiger requirment as well.

  16. Regarding dues for Webelos II, Our Pack Committee has been thinking about this recently. We have a January recharter, but do most of our recruiting in August. So we have two calender years (a school and a fiscal) . We have three if you count the web 2's crossing over in March. We have yearly dues of $65 which is supplemented by popcorn sales.Part of the the popcorn sales are credited to the scouts account for a big trip.

    We have started looking at where the award money goes and to which ranks. Historically the Tigers, who pay the same $65 as everyone for the school year August-August do not get the same amount of awards. They are busy earning their beads to earn their tiger badges. We tend to spend more on the pins and badges forthe wolf/bear and especially the Webelos who are being awarded activity badges and have (re)discovered belt loops they might not have earned before, but now need to earn for their badges. Also we have found that our Webelos 2 tend not to sell as much popcorn as the younger scouts. So at the end of the day, i suspect that everything will even out in the long run

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