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Cubmaster Mike

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Posts posted by Cubmaster Mike

  1. IF your scout troop has good organization, then focus on the Cubs. 6-11 years old is an important stage in a boy's life and you can make a real difference.


    CC or CM?


    Ask yourself-

    Which are you more comfortable with- adult organization and planning or boy programs?

    Are the den leaders working out? Do the den leaders plan and maintain a viable den program?

    Is there a viable committee lacking only leadership or is everyone out to lunch?


    If the den leadership is there, consider CC- you can plan events and provide direction for the Cubmaster.


    If the den programs are faltering or needs shoring up, consider the CM position.


    But remember, you will not make changes overnight. There will be a warm-up period in any leadership transfer.


    Short thoughts, but we're with you. Where do you feel you're strengths lie?



  2. Hold on Herms-


    We had a den leader who was very lax about award rquirements. Believed that if the boys showed up 50% of the time and were well behaved, give it to them.


    Another den saw the boys getting attendance awards and conservation awards, etc., and commented:


    "I was there and they weren't. How come I didn't earn it?"


    When I took over as CM we replaced the den leader after graduation. Keep it in perspective but remember, "Do Your Best" means just that.



  3. We have the leaders with the top car technology hold workshops. Advertise it as the way to come learn the secrets. Make it a matter of pride to attend the workshops and "learn from the masters."


    We do not allow wheel modifications of any kind. Must use stock axles. Polishing only and no lathe work.


    For those dads who gotta strut their stuff, we have a special "Unlimited" class for their own entries to race against each other- no weight limit, no modification limit- the only rule is that it has to fit on the track.



  4. You did the program right mama. Two years ago we had a den leader who was granting rank to her boys automatically (I found this out when I asked to check her individual boy records- I suspected as much and was proved right). We replaced her and near the end of last year we were going through the bear book with a couple of the boys in the den who were way behind. Sat down with the parents to work up a schedule so that the boys could catch up and get their awards by the end of the year..... and the parents were speechless. They thought that just showing up 75% of the time was good enough for the rank. They had never opened the book and had thought it would be a repeat of the previous year. Wrong. But we worked out a schedule for them to finish on their own at home.... and they never did.


    Cubs is a family program- some people really need to be reminded of that.



  5. One thing I work with the den leaders on and do myself at the pack meeting is to set up RULES immediately (first meeting).


    Take flip chart and ask boys for rules. They will chime in with some examples, and write them down. After you feel you have some good rules- half dozen or so is sufficient- and feel free to hint/direct the discussion in the direction you want to go and write down an "interpretation" on the flip chart that suits the den's needs- just check back with the boy who suggested it and say "I wrote it like this--- okay?"



    Then- ask the boys what should happen if the rules are not followed.


    Most of them will not want to offer any discipline or punishment. This is the point where we step in and state that boys who misbehave will be spoken to and corrected. If it continues, a meeting will be held with the boy, the cubmaster and the parent.


    I don't envy your situation, but the rules have to apply to all and the den leader needs to be fair in how they treat their boy with the others in mind.



  6. parent/committee/leader meetings are held in my living room. Very informal, but we do have a printed meeting agenda and a draft agenda for the next pack meeting for review.


    We serve coffee, soft drinks and some kind of baked goody (usually courtesy of my wife, bless her!).


    We try to keep it comfortable and allow single parents to bring their kids to play upstairs or outside during the meeting.



  7. Movies? Riding around on bikes? SOunds like a Cub Pack and it sounds like one with troubles. We camp in public areas occasionally, but we set up specific rules about where the boys can go, what they can bring with them (no electronic games, no bikes, no pets) and they must follow the buddy system.


    But I also depend on the public for feedback. The camper in the thread didn't help the situation by not telling the Pack to change their behavior. Some packs just have to hear it from the outside.....



  8. We had the same issue last year. We put the 5th grade boy in the Webelos 1 den. Explained to the parent that he won't make it to AOL (unless he is REALLY motivated) but he will receive a full year program and earn his Webelos badge before he moves on to Boy Scouts.



  9. No more than one hour.


    Remember to stage your campfire program like the fire itself. Start low and easy, build to a high point midway through (flames should be highest at this point), then stop addidng fuel and let the fire dwindle down as the program calms down in the same matter to a low-end closing and off to bed!


    We start with a couple of songs, then have each den perform a skit or run-on mixing in songs. We do songs that everyone knows or repeat-after-me songs because otherwise everyone has flashlights out during songs or can't see the words, etc....


    halfway through the campfire, mix in a shaggy dog story or two. We then open the campfire up to those boys who want to either tell a story or a joke- be prepared to jump in with a "tree check" if necessary.


    End with an inspirational story.



  10. Last year we taught State History to the dens using a matching game. Broke the boys into teams then would pick a question off of one board, read it and try to guess which number the answer was hidden under on another board.


    Example question: What is the state tree?

    Answer on back of card #6: redwood


    If they did not pick the right card, then they had to put the answer card back. If they got it right they kept the card and got points.


    Boys loved the game. When they got an answer right, there was also a short detail blurb about the answer that they read.


    Ditto on what was said before. Civics and fitness can be fun, it's all in how you present it.



  11. Here we go again.


    New decision posted today in California.


    "Judge rules Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional

    'Under God' reference not appropriate for public schools, he says"


    See story link:



    Once again, a tempest in a teapot to correct someone's misguided sense of "correcting a horrific wrong." It's just so wrong that we would spend taxpayer dollars on such an issue based upon one person's skewed views.



  12. Wow, what a problem! How does the rest of the committee feel? If they share your opinion that there is a problem here, then I would suggest that the SM be called in front of the entire committee and a "no confidence" vote be held. If they vote to keep him, work together to resolve the differences. If they vote NC, then offer the SM a chance to resign prior to taking steps to him removed at the COR level.



  13. We do the space derby, raingutter regatta and pinewood derby. Both the space derby and pinewood stand on their own and don't require boy operation. For raingutter regatta we move the metal rudder position to near the back of the boat for the Tigers and slide it forward each year until it is in the normal position at Webelos. The result is that the metal further back picks up the bow and the tigers can keep up with the webelos.


    Everybody gets a participation ribbon and patch. Siblings also (girls race boats too!). 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies at each den level (I make my own trophies). 1st place in each den goes into a runoff for overall winner. We also have certificates for fanciest, funniest, strangest, most colorful, etc.



    The week before the race and then again at the race, we talk about sportsmanship. And the two awards we give out that I make the biggest deal about are for Best Sportsman and the Best Display of Scout Spirit.



  14. I have two knots, AOL and Tiger Cub leader and am working on finishing my WB tickets. I wear both knots on both uniform shirts. At the Arrow of Light ceremony I point out the AOL knot to the boys and tell them that it is something they will always remember and cherish. It never fails, their eyes widen and they sit up a little straighter.


    Each knot is another link between myself and the cubs.



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