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Posts posted by captainron14

  1. Thank you very much YAK_Herder for setting these misinformed scouters straight.


    I myself am a LDS Leader and through my travels (with the Military and as a Government Employee)have seen alot of different views on LDS units. Some "right on the money", some quite bizzar. Here are my personal experiences.

    1. As a 1st Year Scout leader (LDS Blazer Leader) in the Salt Lake Valley we actively recruited and had almost 50% non-LDS membership.

    2. LDS units DO NOT have sole license on MB factories. I have seen my share of "Counterfit" MBs being signed by Non-LDS MB "Pow-wows".

    3. No one is "ordered" to be a leader. It is known as a "Calling" and it is an invitation by the Leader(Bishop) of the congregation (ward). You are free to turn the calling down. Many people do so. Nothing bad will happen.

    4. I am a Brotherhood member of the OA. I was elected from a LDS troop who had active members in the OA. I was privilaged to just attend my own sons ordeal.

    5. Just like any church, group, orgainization, Etc. LDS units have great leaders and their "warm bodies" taking up space.

    The important fact is LDS Scouts are just as much a valuable part of this great organization as anyone else. So please keep your personal problems with the LDS Church seperate from your Scouting. Remember what the program is all about.


    NOTE to Yak_herder:

    Hi to everyone in the Santa Clara County Council, Gavalan District, Miwok Lodge and Camp High Sierra.

    From One who began Scouting there.





  2. This whole topic realy quite simple.

    Drop the memberships of those who are against following the accepted policy. Then appoint new leaders. We (BSA) are a private organization, if those people disagree with policy and there points of concern have been addressed (maybe not to their liking) they have two choices. #1 Follow National Policy, or #2 Leave the BSA and start their own organization.

    Knowing that a large majority of Chartering organizations are Conservitive Churches. I can not believe that these Councils have a majority of members supporting these actions. Considering that the United Way is behind a lot of this. It looks like extortion. Our rights are protected by the 1st amendment and reaffirmed by the Supreem Court.

    Just remember this, Scoutings Values are NOT for sale!

    Now could all you disenters PLEASE go charter a Gay Scouts of America and leave the BSA alone!

  3. I am a Brotherhood member of the OA. Though until reciently not active until my son was taped out this year.

    At the ordeal, I noticed that there were different sashes. Not just Ordeal, Brotherhood, & Vigel. Different Colors, such as:

    Black Sash w/white arrow

    Red Sash w/white arrow

    Red Sash w/black arrow


    I also noticed all of the above "Beaded".

    And some had the legend on the back of the sash.


    I have called, wrote, and asked everyone from local to national. But NO ONE has given me a good answer. The local lodge has said that they were for ceremony. Some have said that it was for collections only. (The Black w/white arrow was the orginal sash). Others have said it is your choice. (You can get them from Ebay)

    I don't buy the last answer, we wear a uniform for a reason.


    What is authorized for wear? Colors? Where do they come from? Beaded?

    Someone out there has the answer!!!




  4. I'm the Cubmaster and the only OA member. My son just went through his ordeal and is one of two members in the troop.

    The lodge does "Cross over" and "Arrow of Light" ceremonies. Using these opertunities I try to promote the OA to the pack and the parents. The last election (the first in over 4 years)in which 2 boys were elected, is a good start. I have been trying to find adults who were OA members as scouts and to get them into adult leadership roles. So far just one as ASM. But its a start.

  5. I wear my eagle knot as well as my religious knot and Arrow of Light. Since my budget will not allow more, I only have one shirt.

    I attended a Eagle court of honor and wore my Eagle medal pinned under the knot.

    Someone told me that I could not do that, it either one or the other. Since no sane person would wear a medal everyday, the knot is the reasonable choice. However, for a special time like that of a Eagle Court of Honor it seams proper to wear the medal. What does not seam reasonable is to take the knot off to wear the medal or not to wear the knot at all for those few times when you would wear the medal. Thanks for the space.

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