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About CubHerder

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  1. Yes, this is true, though I have not seen where it says that scouts need to earn their Whittling Chip to be awarded AOL. I agree that AOL can be a lot of work, and it should be, they are 5th graders. My issue with treating it as a BIG DEAL is that you get the same award if you have been in Cub Scouts for six months or for six years. We have scouts who have attended every meeting, since Lions, for six years. We have other scouts that joined Cub Scouts late in 4th grade (too late to earn Webelos rank), and will most likely earn AOL by March. It is fine that they get the "5th grade rank" whi
  2. For Cub Scout standards, yes. Unless the organization, i.e., the BSA, provides provides resources to execute the plan, such as people or money, they are quite literally just providing words on a page.
  3. Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone who had a part in the developing the current program. Our scouts love the Castaway Adventure! Thanks for that! They would love to do boating as well, but our Council basically told us that the safety rules around swimming and boating are so complex and impractical to enforce at the Cub Scout level that they basically don't allow it. Part of me believes they want to reserve those activities as selling points for the Council's Cub Scout Day Camp. It sounds like the pre-2015 model made a little more sense. In the current program
  4. I really like this new organization. It looks like someone has actually thought about and designed a six-year program, as opposed to the current structure that appears to be made up of one band-aid solution on top of another. I'm also glad to see Arrow of Light as simply one of six rank badges. The idea that Arrow of Light was some great culmination of Cub Scouting never made any sense to me. Any kid who joins a Pack in 5th grade and participates for six months can get Arrow of Light. Whoop-De-Do. I also agree about eliminating the random awards. In the past six years I think our Pack aw
  5. @BetterWithCheddar, @mrjohns2, @MattR, @fred8033, thank you all for your suggestions.
  6. @Armymutt and @5thGenTexan, thank you both for your well-considered comments.
  7. Our Pack is struggling. Number-wise we are OK but the program we offer is not great. I do think if the Cub Scout program were delivered as designed it would be a great thing for the kids. I have taken basically every Cub Scout training class on my.scouting.com. The problem isn’t about knowing what should be happening, but instead about how to make it happen. My goal here isn’t to bash any part of the program, but to get help in dealing with these issues. Here are some specific concerns: 1. Not enough adult help. I’m sure this has been an ongoing concern for the past 30 years, at le
  8. It looks like COVID will be shutting the doors on our January Pack Meeting. Any suggestions for fun things to do outdoors in winter? We have no snow and none is forecast, so anything involving natural snow is out. Temperature should be in 30’s during the day, 10’s at night. We just did a hike so I would prefer something else, unless there was something special about it.
  9. Hello all. I am a leader of a Cub Scout Pack and I have been following this for the past few months to try to anticipate the impact to our unit. As things stand now, it appears that short-term impact to our unit will be minor aside from increased dues and maybe one less camp in our area. Long term … well the headwinds associated with Cub Scouts certainly haven’t disappeared but that is a different topic from bankruptcy. But nevertheless we have volunteers who are committed locally to Do Their Best for the scouts regardless of what is happening at higher levels of the organization.
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