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Everything posted by Wondering

  1. My scout was looking for the Silver Supernova bar just a few months ago and I was told that the Supernova bars are being discontinued when I called the National Scout Shop. They were out of the Silver bar and told me to call the New England Base Camp Scout Shop because they might have it. They did. Give them a call.
  2. Thank you so much for your quick answers and guidance, I am truly grateful to the experts here on this forum!
  3. I am wondering... What happens when a merit badge counselor (who didn't have to pay registration fees) wants to become an ASM as well? MBC is a district/council position so how does that work if the MBC is a parent in a troop--would this MBC have to then pay fees to be dual-registered as an ASM for the troop? Can this MBC serve as a Troop Committee Member and vote? How about a currently registered ASM signing on to also become a MBC so that he/she no longer has to pay registration fees at recharter? Can that be done? Am I right to assume that adults who register for free as M
  4. Wondering if anyone has seen this... Came across this "California Sex Abuse Lawyers" website which lists the names and BSA IV files of "notable abusers in the California Boy Scouts" and "full list of California Boy Scouts Ineligible Volunteers." You can view the actual BSA IV files: https://californiasexabuselawyers.com/boy-scout-files/?utm_campaign=1670720370&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=390952897119&utm_term= boy scouts abuse&adgroupid=82868823089&gclid=CjwKCAjwzaSLBhBJEiwAJSRokpzV8Rqj6FK5zk2MXO_gdlE_-a2YC-oEl7zVgiPWnFWLLq4UdnbgShoC1UMQAvD_BwE
  5. Article from the L.A. Times today: Boy Scouts payout disputed (pagesuite.com) Note 4th paragraph 😉
  6. TCC letter recommending voting to reject plan on tccbsa.com http://www.pszjlaw.com/assets/htmldocuments/BSA TCC letter re plan.pdf
  7. An article from The Conversation today: Sexual abuse survivors are voting on the Boy Scouts bankruptcy settlement: 5 questions answered https://theconversation.com/sexual-abuse-survivors-are-voting-on-the-boy-scouts-bankruptcy-settlement-5-questions-answered-168337
  8. From https://www.scoutingnewsroom.org/youth-protection/100-years-of-enhancing-efforts-to-protect-youth/ 100 Years of Youth Protection January 31, 2014 Recognizing that youth protection requires sustained vigilance, the BSA continues to be on the forefront of developing youth protection policies to strengthen and enhance efforts to protect youth through clear policies, training of adult volunteers, and effective screening of volunteers. Following are the steps Scouting has taken throughout the past 100 years in an effort to create a safe environment for its youth:
  9. Thank you for the tip, InquisitiveScouter! You're right, a lot of the people who want to help simply don't have all the information they need to do their jobs right or well. Next time I feel frustration sneaking in I shall remind myself to be more understanding and help them if I can, or gently steer them back to the Committee Chair. 🙂
  10. On a different note... Pardon my newbie-ness and silly questions: I identified my CO's name on the Summary of Sexual Abuse Claims in Chapter 11 Cases of BSA (updated 8/11/21) and would like to know if that is indeed my CO, or just another CO with the same name. I am wondering if contacting PSZJ Law is the best way to go about this? Or I'm better off asking someone at the LC? Can they divulge such information? If my CO is indeed the one named on the list, would someone there have already been notified? Thank you in advance!
  11. The intent is good but I agree the language is problematic. It'll be interesting to see how it gets implemented here in California. I was fingerprinted, background-checked and TB-tested a few years ago in order to volunteer at my kids' school. A number of parents decided to not volunteer because the prerequisites were "too much work." I think this new bill will have an impact on the already strapped afterschool programs in terms of staffing but parents will be likely be willing to pay more knowing there'll be more supervision. We shall see...
  12. Thank you for the warm welcome! I am currently a unit level volunteer and handles troop registrations and memberships. I am also a merit badge counselor. I am happy with these "jobs" but I find myself getting frustrated at times when I see that a lot of people around me don't do the "job" they are supposed to do. My Scout is enjoying scouting and always has. I will never forget the day he came home from kindergarten and told me excitedly that he wanted to be a Scout. I've talked to him about the BSA lawsuit and possible outcomes, and we've resolved to just keep right on Scouting.
  13. Hi! I am a volunteer mom of a Star scout. I am here to learn, to be more informed, and to seek answers for questions I have about scouting. I must admit, I've already learned so much more here than elsewhere, thank you very much! I am going to read through as much of the topics and threads here as I can and I am truly grateful to everyone who contribute and share their perspectives and knowledge.
  14. I am wondering if anyone is as surprised as I am to hear this news. I was expecting to hear about the Citizenship in Society MB and this felt like it came out of the left field. "As the fields of human medicine expanded through specialization, support services, and technology, it be-came apparent through direction from the field that Scouts were interested in learning about other areas of human health care and medical support. However, because it would have been impossible to develop an individual merit badge for each field of interest in the health care domain, it has been decide
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