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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. Then let me rephrase: Given the Kosnoff "kill BSA, kill and liquidate" contingent can control over 33% of votes, that means either 1) a failed bankruptcy (BSA emerges with no reorg plan, dies from the ensuing lawsuit tsunami) or 2) a Chapter 7 liquidation or 3) a judge-ordered cramdown which as TCC said, there is NO chance of happening
  2. Yes and they already have. How much of the recent camp sales were a) because of COVID b) declining membership and c) anticipated payments or d) a mix. Also, there's at least one Council that is selling their office in a mad dash to save having to sell their camp.
  3. I feel the same way. I don't see the sides coming to an agreement on a settlement fund number, which means BSA voluntarily liquidates OR faces sex abuse lawsuits for the next decade, effectively killing the program anyway.
  4. The ONLY time I've heard a judge say that was when it was a contempt proceeding, or the threat of one.
  5. Here's an interesting thought that a bankruptcy lawyer might need to parse out. TCC is paid for by debtor (BSA). Debtor BSA runs out of cash in August 2021. No more payments to TCC and we are MONTHS if not YEARS away from a resolution. TCC then becomes a CREDITOR IN THEIR OWN RIGHT against the "estate" of BSA.
  6. Kick it to District Court where this will grind for another 1-2 years. Meanwhile, BSA loses all cash on hand and does what pay the attorneys with IOUs? As I noted: even the warp-speed Estimation plan is 111 days. This would take multiples of that.
  7. This is why I don't think BSA was lying/bluffing when it said it would run out of money by the summer. This keeps going and BSA is going to run out of money to pay TCC, its own lawyers, etc. Then, I honestly don't know what happens in bankruptcy when the debtor runs out of $$. I would guess the lawyers would then have a lien on any claims coming out of the bankruptcy.
  8. No. The Zoom link appears limited to parties and attorneys. I would expect media reports and even a transcript of portions later. EDIT: Typically the transcript is available to lawyers and parties 2 days later and the public 60-90 days.
  9. But National has no way of knowing that that 99% are. And the old/ancient idea that COs would serve that function to vet and maintain oversight is just laughable. So, because National cannot vet, and COs won't vet, then the only thing left is rules written for the 1%.
  10. Just to put the fear of whomever into people that are not taking this seriously and reading/lurking this forum: 1) Three Fires Council in its last annual report indicated $3.3 million in support and revenue and $3.5 million in expenditures. 2) There were 126 abuse claims within Three Fires Council + 2 more that were in multiple councils including Three Fires. 3) Wisconsin's statute of limitations on abuse claims wasn't lifted or changed since 2007! Victims have until they day they reach 35 to file a claim. What this means is LCs are starting to see the writing on the wall.
  11. Three Fires Council to close Camp Freeland Leslie; cites need to pay into Settlement Fund. Remember: we were all told National would pay for it all. No LCs would be impacted. All donated funds would stay local. Dear Friend of Camp Freeland Leslie, The Boy Scouts of America’s bankruptcy filing and the necessity of a significant local council contribution to a victim’s trust has led the Three Fires Council Board of Directors to make the difficult decision to close Camp Freeland Leslie in Oxford, Wisconsin after the conclusion of the 2021 summer camp season. Th
  12. To be clear, we are like, miles into hypothetical territory here. This has NEVER happened before. But there are three ways National can kill your LC. 1) Your Local Council is incorporated in your state to administer the Boy Scouts of America program in that area. See Charter of the Boy Scouts of America, ARTICLE VI. LOCAL COUNCILS - INCORPORATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS. That program would not longer exist if National liquidates. Therefore, the legal basis for your LC existing just went POOF. 2) National could just simply yank your council charter (and all its assets) TODAY. NOW. Not
  13. On the question @ThenNow asked about the Ad Hoc Committee again, it is a loose affiliation and represents absolutely no one. And this line is very, very close to the example given before: TCC does not WANT to liquidate BSA and the LCs, but BSA National and the LCs better start cooperating or else the missiles start to fly and hundreds/thousands of suits are going to get filed.
  14. Maybe? Here's how it would work. National ceases operations/is liquidated. Councils are chartered by National under the grant Congress gave. But with National no longer in existence, those Charters cease. The incorporated entities called Local Councils can no longer meet their main function, to administer the BSA program. And since National charters Units, it means those units cease to exist as well. What that means is National revokes all unit charters. The unit funds get transferred to Councils under the Charter and Bylaws of the Boy Scouts of America and the Rules and R
  15. Yeah, random. Some came in early Notice of Appearance. Filed by Sequoia Council of Boy Scouts, Inc.. (Walter, Riley) (Entered: 02/18/2020) 02/18/2020
  16. At first look, it is clear that they still cannot even come close to a number for how much we are talking here. This is the ball game right here Who owes what, and how much? This process would answer the "how much" and then that sets the stage for "Who"? and I though (and still think) the court may reverse it figure out the WHO first, namely, are the LCs really independent and autonomous? Or are they mere appendages of National (which means ALL LC assets are on the table). EDIT: This is gutsy. Telling a judge something is "mandatory" that he/she "shall" d
  17. Er, sorta. Guide to Safe Scouting is a compendium of "SOME Council or SOME camp or National once upon a time got sued for this, therefore we have to ban it." So, while National may trust 90% of units, even 99%, they have written a manual for the "Edge case", that 1% of instances (or even less) where something went wrong and BSA and/or the LC got sued for it. In risk management it is called a high consequence low probability event. And with a scared, panicked, bankrupt National freaking out, all you have to say is "safe scouting" and they'll jam it into Guide to Safe Scoutin
  18. It is an entirely voluntary grouping. Councils are free to cooperate, not cooperate, do their own thing, hire their own counsel, etc. First, keep in mind the Ad Hoc Committee represents ONLY 8 councils Andrew Jackson Council Atlanta Area Council Crossroads of America Council Denver Area Council Grand Canyon Council Greater New York Councils Mid-America Council Minsi Trails Council Second, the committee put a warning on its documents, such as an objection to a motion And Circle Ten has made it abundantly clear the Ad Hoc committee can go do whatever it wants, C
  19. Without giving away my council, yes. 😃
  20. Yeah, and read it Southwest Florida Council has at least 108 claims against it. The idea they are going to tell all 108 to go away and not have to pay a dime is nonsense. If they want in on the settlement, they'll pay.
  21. Sorry, you are right. They sent a repeat of the 2018 "all is well" thing out last week.
  22. For the following reasons: 1) This bankruptcy is TECHNICALLY Boy Scouts of America ("National") and Delaware BSA, LLC (National's main affiliate, don't worry about it for these purposes. 2) Local Councils are TECHNICALLY "interested parties". They aren't bankrupt but they MAY be able to take advantage of the National bankruptcy given that they are co-defendants in many of the civil cases involved (e.g. John Doe Sexual Abuse Victim vs. Local Scout Council and Boy Scouts of America) Now we have two big messes to figure out and/or the judge to rule on. Are LCs really "separate
  23. Which is exactly the OPPOSITE of what most people were told locally and what LCs were (and still are) telling people. I gave the example of Black Swamp Area Council which as recently as last week was emailing and getting articles in the local paper about how LC funds were safe and secure and would never, ever go to pay for any of this. So...yeah.
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