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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. That's what they need to explain to the judge. The burden is on the DEBTOR (in this case BSA) in a bankruptcy to account for ALL its financial doings. PROVE it has not been repaid. And yet, rather than allowing a federal judge to review the books on the Summit loans, they are fighting it tooth and claw. What is BSA afraid of? That a federal judge is going to perhaps look at this, realize this is a shell game of fake debt and fraudulent notes, and a) end the bankruptcy (look up the principle of "unclean hands") and b) start making criminal referrals to the U.S. Attorney for Delaw
  2. I see. 84,000 sexual abuse victims, and yet you remain 100% convinced BSA executives can do no wrong? Never hid information? By the way, as came out in the Oregon and other cases, there were actual written documents indicating BSA officials knew about the sexual abuse and did NOTHING to slow it down or stop it. As Reagan said: trust, but verify. If BSA wants to be believed that they are not playing fraud games with the JP Morgan note, then produce the books to the federal judge. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
  3. That's exactly what they did, per the filings made when BSA announced the deal they struck with JP Morgan back on March 1. As I read it, BSA basically has to just pay interest-only for 2 years AND BSA has to get a $42.8 million loan from the BSA Foundation with a second lien by the BSA Foundation against Arrow, WV.
  4. Yep. Again, BSA is doing everything it can to NOT have the TCC and the bankruptcy judge look at the books on Summit and is literally spending tens if not hundreds of thousands in legal fees/billable hours to keep the TCC and the judge from seeing the books. The only question I have is how much is 1) because the financial documents and loans associated with this boondoggle are fraudulent and 2) because Summit has been such a money pit that it would shock the conscious/enrage people. Is that a 50/50 split? 70/30? Etc.
  5. I still cannot get over this. I mean, all that the BSA has to do is turn over some financial statements regarding Summit to the court and TCC for review as to whether or not the JP Morgan note is legitimate or not. I remain convinced it is either a) fraudulent or b) legit but would show that Summit is such a massive sink hole of money that it would be a shocking embarrassment. And based on the latest news reports, it is likely BOTH. Boy Scouts Say Tort Claimants Can't Challenge $350M Note So, there's the fraud. Now, here's the embarrassing sink hole of money. Let that
  6. It always amazes me that people do this. Yes, the law has its own jargon and uses language among lawyers that is, from an external perspective, utter gibberish. And yet doctors and other professions have their own arcane language. Don't hear a peep about that. Moreover, law is much more complex and varied. If, to take the medical example, if I were to say "obstruction of the superior vena cava" that has a certain, precise, scientific meaning. Law, however, usually does not use preciseness because it cannot. Our much vaunted U.S. Constitution is an utter mess in this regard. Cons
  7. Recently posted to a scouting FB group, a letter from a lawfirm representing some of the abuse victims. I was unaware of the mediation set for next week. To our clients: We apologize for the lack of a recent update. The judge recently delayed ruling on the Boy Scouts proposed plan and disclosure statement until May 19th. The Boy Scouts, in the meantime, filed two key documents. First, it filed a revised disclosure statement in which it provided additional details about a proposed
  8. This is the other message about this forum: these are matters that directly impact scouts (sold camps, fees going up, councils in distress) and there is literally no other forum to get this info. BSA National cannot breath a word because, well, their lawyers are telling them (wisely) to a) shut up and b) keep shutting up. Your Local Council, both professionals and volunteers, are either a) unaware of what is going on or b) being advised that if they are told things (like by, say, the Ad Hoc Committee of Local Councils) they too fall into the "shut up and keep shutting up" group.
  9. To be clear, I've made it clear from the start that I do think BSA has done positive things. They opted for bankruptcy. I know many people who think that was stupid and BSA should have fought these abuse suits, one at a time, for decades. BSA is to be commended for at least paying lip service to the idea that, regardless of statute of limitations, they want to help abused scouts. HOW MUCH they want to help is TBD. I actually support the decision of Mosby et al to remain silent at a time when people here and elsewhere have criticized them for that. The more BSA officials talk
  10. BSA's lawyers told the court August was the out-of-cash date.
  11. This is the key. There is a TON at the BSA and LC level of "this asset is restricted" and when asked to demonstrate how/why, the answer is "because we said so." That is not how this is going to work.
  12. Right, this is what frankly confuses me. TCC/FCR is simply asking that JP Morgan and/or BSA produce documents showing that in fact there is a valid debt/lien/note against Arrow, WV and or its sole asset (Summit) and that the debt/lien/note was not entered into fraudulently. This is easily solved with a PDF of the note agreement and a PDF of the last/latest financial statement sent to the parties with a CC to the judge. They could even redact things like the account numbers so the people cannot access that (Rule 5.2). Bing, bang, boom. Done. Instead we get thousands (tens of
  13. In a bankruptcy, the burden is on the debtor (BSA) to demonstrate it is operating openly and honestly regarding its finances. BSA is deliberately trying to hide information about the precise status of Summit, the debt for Summit/Arrow, WV, and where all the money went. I suspect it is one of two things: 1) SOME money went to pay down Summit/Arrow, WV debt. SOME. Where the rest went? Let's see the financials. That is ALL the sexual abuse victims are asking for. 2) The theory @Eagle1993just mentioned: ALL the money went to pay down Summit/Arrow, WV and has proven to be an unm
  14. I believe money went to pay for something. Money went somewhere. What I don't believe is anything BSA is saying about where the money went and what the real status of Summit is. As I said: 1 hour and a PDF bank statement reviewed by the judge would fix this entire problem. Or do you not trust federal judges to look at a bank statement? You'll just think and believe whatever BSA tells you to think and believe at this point? And after all this, you just believe whatever you are told? Don't question BSA. Don't doubt BSA. Do what BSA tells you. Think what
  15. Really? According to who? BSA? You've seen evidence and documents to this effect? That's is ALL that the sexual abuse victims are asking for from BSA. PROVE there is a real debt. PROVE where those payments have been going. PROVE that the loan is real. And BSA won't answer. Instead, they object to the sexual abuse victims even asking the question/having a judge review the documents. This REEKS of shell game. And it wouldn't be the first time. Read up on how when the Archdiocese of Milwaukee diocese got sued for sexual abuse, they played a shell game (there, transferring money to
  16. That's laughable. Again, 1 hour and a PDF printout would prove this is a valid debt and not a shell game. The fact that they are spending THOUSANDS in lawyers fees fighting the sexual abuse victims from even being able to SEE these purported debt documents tells me all I need to know.
  17. Super! Then why is BSA fighting tooth and claw to NOT get this in front of a judge? All they would have to do, today, now, this instant, is present in court the documentation proving this. They haven't. Instead, they filed an objection to even allowing the sexual abuse victims to put this deal before a judge. Document 2733 https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.com/cmsvol2/pub_47373/79c9867a-f837-49ff-a8ab-562ce6c6dfdc_2733.pdf And not just BSA. JP Morgan has now filed objecting to having a judge look at this as well. Document 2732 https://casedocs.omniagentsolutions.
  18. This is the membership death spiral I see in associations. 1) The number of members decline. 2) Boards hike fees to keep income flowing. 3) Now members leave because of the cost. 4) Cuts are made, some substantial, most superficial. 5) Now people leave because they have higher fees (2) and less services (4). Rinse and repeat. Can you pull out? Sure, if you are willing to offer reduced rate benefits. One organization I belong to, for example, targetted the heck out of Early Career Professionals. Literally wined and dined (special reception at annual conference
  19. And Council INSURANCE fee (separate and apart from Council Activities Fee) of $12.
  20. I was told, point blank, that the 2021 and 2022 increases were merely "discussed" and not "approved" by the National Board. Of course, several councils posted the truth in 2020: the fee increases are coming in 2021 and 2022.
  21. Here's the sad, sad part is that National cannot even keep its lies (no other way to put it) straight. Last May, then the $66 increase was announced, several councils ALSO let the cat out of the bag that in fact BSA National was planning to hike fees in 2021 and 2022. Middle Tennessee Council, for example. BSA National went nuts, demanding Councils remove that, and denied that any such increase was approved. They claimed only that it was being "discussed". I will put money on the table that the 2021 and 2022 increases will take place.
  22. No. There are claims vs. lawsuits. Currently, there are over 900 sexual abuse lawsuits pending (meaning someone went into a courthouse, filed papers, and formally started a lawsuit against BSA National, a Local Council, a Chartered Organization, or some combination). There are currently 82,500 claims (roughly). These were documents filed with the bankruptcy court last November that claimed the person was sexually abused as a scout. The idea is that if you have/had ANY claim (prior to February 2020) that BSA owed you ANY money in ANY way, shape, or form, you had until November 2
  23. EXACTLY! This is LITERALLY what they say during the YPT video: is it NOT your job to play investigator. It is your duty to report and let BSA handle it. I really, really do not understand why people are trying to defend/protect this behavior. I really don't.
  24. What on earth are you talking about? Proposition someone for a threesome is most certainly "sexual activity/discourse". I don't know how much clearer this needs to be for you. and
  25. My question is: can they afford to? I know, generally, a lot of councils are really cash strapped now more than ever. This would also require that BSA do a complete 180 on first time joiners. As you may recall last year they imposed, for the first time ever, a joining/initiation fee.
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