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Everything posted by CynicalScouter

  1. Conversely, the plaintiff/claimant have little manner in which to prove their case. Memories of all who might be still alive will all be suspect. It cuts both ways.
  2. So, I have seen some version of this posted in several places that these look-back windows for sexual abuse claims are all about Democrats and trial lawyers. It is simply not true: I already ran through 4 states (Arizona, New Jersey, New York, and North Carolina) where such bills were passed unanimously/almost unanimously. Let's go though the rest to put this canard to bed. I am JUST looking at states in the last decade; some states passed these laws in the 1990s (Arkansas = 1993) that likely had nothing to do with either BSA or the Catholic Church Sexual Abuse scandal. I'll be
  3. So was I. Of the states where revival laws reached enactment, they were lopsidedly bipartisan. And you make a mistake when you a) look at how a state votes in its Presidential election and b) attribute something about its political makeup when it comes to the state legislative races. Not quite apples/oranges, but close. As I said: Arizona may have voted for Biden, but it has one of the most conservative, Republican legislatures in the U.S. when it passed its version. Ditto North Carolina. Etc.
  4. Right, but my point is that GSUSA is not out their banging the drum about how super fantastic awesome its YPT is. BSA was. And GSUSA wasn't staring down dozens (early 1990s-2010s) to hunderds (2010-) of sexual abuse lawsuits. BSA was. So, if GSUSA is only 50% trained on their version of youth protection, meh. If BSA is only 66% of of 2018, oof.
  5. Right. I would simply point out that, even according to BSA's own data as many as 33% of registered adult leaders did NOT have current YPT training as recently as 2018. I mean, come on. You can say "We take YPT seriously" and "We have the greatest YPT program ever." but you wait until 2019 to get to 99% compliance? I'm not looking for 100% because there will always be some lag time in reporting/someone missing their YPT renewal date, etc. But, like, high 90s? It wasn't until states started reopening the abuse lookback windows that snapped BSA into shape on this.
  6. Yes, but I don't think they'll allow you to start a fire in the classroom. This is more about getting scouts and scouters 10-15 minutes in front of a captive audience (public school students during instruction time) once a year.
  7. There is and are. That is what makes the instance/case of the sexual abuse claims so unique. To my knowledge, except maybe asbestos cases, I have NEVER heard of reopening a lookback window like this. And asbestos was tricky because the question was when did the clock start on the statute of limitations: when you got EXPOSED to asbestos or when you found out? Some states amended their statute of limitations to say: when you found out. There is absolutely NOTHING partisan about these bills. Most are passed unanimously or nearly so. Want to know why? Because what happens is you get t
  8. First of all as has been pointed out you were not members of the Boy Scouts of America you are volunteers and donors but you were not members. Second of all the fact that you’re a donor and volunteer does not mean that the Organization you’re donating to and volunteering for shouldn’t be held legally accountable for its actions. The fact that an organization is a non-for profit working with children should not give it immunity from civil liability for its negligence.
  9. Then under your theory a non-for profit or charity that works with children and:or uses volunteers could never be sued for anything. You in effect make non-for profit and charities judgment proof so long as they can demonstrate that they’re working with kids? i’ve asked you before at least three different times i’ll ask it again because I’m a glutton for punishment. in the event a non-for profit like the Boy Scouts of America commits a civil tort such as negligently allowing the young people in its program to be sexually abused by adult volunteers do you really believe that the
  10. Sufficient payment in an amount more than an insult (e.g. $6,000).
  11. Right, and I would also make the following distinction: 1) The people who drove BSA into the ditch are, in many instances, long gone. Some are still around (the people who thought Summit was a good idea, etc.) but many are not. 2) The people who inherited the mess. Let's keep in mind: Roger Mosby took over on or around December 29, 2019. In his first days he had to a) LDS formally ended its relationship with BSA on January 1. b) immediately decide on whether to take BSA into bankruptcy (although the papers were not filed until February 18, I have no doubt they were being dr
  12. I have precisely 0 to do with any "money stream" so I don't know what you are talking about. And this entire mess wouldn't have happened but for 1) Sexual abusers who 2) Were given free access to scouts with 3) No oversight or supervision by BSA and 4) That BSA KNEW FOR YEARS it had a sexual abuse problem and did not much about. Oh, and if you want to point fingers, (effectively) NONE of this would resulted in BSA's bankruptcy but for 5) state legislatures reopening the statute of limitations of civil cases involving sexual abuse of minors. And I am not
  13. Do they? Because at various points in this process it looked as if they were planning on somehow convincing the judge to order a cramdown which, as has been pointed out, has NEVER happened in sexual abuse cases before.
  14. Because most are dead. And where they are alive, yes I've told you before they are being sued in their personal capacity. And if the scouts in your troop are being forced to pay for BSA executives bad actions and allowing abuse to fester for decades, well, sorry but too bad. Part of being a corporation is that a corporate entity is perpetual (and Congress even mandate BSA have a perpetual existence) which means that the corporate entity today pays. Besides, I thought you said, clearly and unequivocally, you would leave scouting you or your scouts had to pay for any of these sexual ab
  15. Class = what "tier" of Council you are. Smaller council, lower number. Example: Class 100s include Crossroads of America, Michigan Crossroads, and Greater New York G = Grade. Numbers refer to scout executive pay/cost of living. Runs G1-G4 (G4 = Greenwich, Greater New York, Northern New Jersey, Greater Hudson Valley) EDIT: So what is the SMALLEST, most expensive council (C500/G4)? Piedmont [CA] (C500/G4) Biggest/most expensive (C100/G4)? Golden Gate Area and Greater New York Biggest/least expensive? Well C100/G1 don't exist, but there are six C100/G2s: Denver Area
  16. Source: https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Restructure-of-Councils-by-Territory.pdf We already saw 1 Class 500 merger. Who is next? 64 Class 500 83 Class 400 56 Class 300 33 Class 200 16 Class 100
  17. I lost track of it, but I was trying to find/refind that list of the new BSA Territories and the councils in each and trying to figure out using that which were the next council mergers to happen. I can think of at least half a dozen councils similar to what you are describing with membership collapsed and/or with financial stress that will kill them unless they merge. EDIT: Found it. https://www.scouting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Restructure-of-Councils-by-Territory.pdf So a C500 merged into a C300. Interesting. NST 2 Great Southwest (C400/G2) Greater
  18. So, just had a surreal experience and I really, really wish those people in this forum that insist BSA is full of "honorable" men and that the claimants are all frauds/the lawyers are vultures would have the same. Let me explain. This morning I checked the Omni Court Docket and saw that the clerk had put online 8 letters from sexual abuse victims that were mailed to Judge Silverstein. I won't link to them but I encourage all of your who are unquestionably defending BSA to read those 8 letters. They are from young(er) and older. They are from Eagle Scouts, OA, Cub Scouts.
  19. Right, this is NOT a forced Chapter 11 or forced Chapter 7. BSA came into this wanted to settle all abuse claims, but now REFUSES to turn over financial records to indicate what their REAL financial status is, and that of their single largest asset, Summit? "Trust us" doesn't work in a bankruptcy. "Trust us" doesn't work with 84,000 sexual abuse victims. There is no way any attorney worth a dime is going to tell their client to "trust" the people who presided over (or covered up, depending how you view it) the sexual abuse of 84,000 people. "Trust us"? No way.
  20. Yep. And all the TCC is asking for is for those documents to be turned over. BSA (and JP Morgan) are saying "Trust us. There's a real legit note payable, and it is really all Summit, and it is really valued at $350 million and there have been no fraud in how it was executed, even though it would be the first promissory note in history with a) no interest and b) no maturity date." "Trust us." Nope. Not in a bankruptcy case you don't "trust". No debtor in his/her/their right mind would "trust" that kind of a secret deal. Trust, but VERIFY. And BSA's running scared of hav
  21. I want to pull this out from that law firm letter for one reason. This is wild speculation, so big grain of salt here. Having the mediation in NY may mean nothing and could just be because it is a major hub and it is NY after all the center of the universe (they think). Whatever. But there is one aspect that occurred to me: New York wasn't just because of easy access to airports and Junior's Cheesecake. The lawyer(s) for the Ad Hoc Committee of Local Councils are based in NY. In terms of number of claims filed in November Greater NY Council was second only to Michigan Cro
  22. The point of the TCC request is to have the financial statements turned over to them and the judge so that the judge can take those records into consideration when ruling on the BSA bankruptcy plan(s). But BSA is about to spend tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure the judge never, ever sees them. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
  23. That's a different legal argument. One legal argument is that all HA bases are "core" to the BSA mission. ANOTHER is that they are currently endebted to other creditors with a superior claim(s) therefore not part of the bankruptcy. If, for example, Sea Base is 100% paid off, that addresses concern #2 (there are no other claimants with a superior claim to the sexual abuse survivors), but does NOT address #1. And interestingly, BSA isn't arguing that Summit is a "core" function here. They are saying that NO ONE, not even a federal judge, can look at their financial records.
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