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About IndyScouter

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  • Interests
    cub scout day camp, Camp Belzer, Camp Chank-tun-un-gi, patch collector
  • Biography
    Boy Scout, Eagle scout, cub scout day camp staff member, Minisino(Firecrafter), Ordeal Member(OA)

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  1. Yes, you heard right. I saw the plans last summer and you could have heard my chin hit the ground. I will write more about this later but right now I am still too mad about the decision to move on this project. I want to finish my day of Thanksgiving on a positive note.
  2. What camp did you say you worked at again? I think a treasure hunt into unknown woods sounds more fun than teaching my classroom of masked students next week. Hmmm...I could make it a field trip! 😁. I just need 30 shovels and a tape measure for social distancing.
  3. Great idea. We start next week and I am heading to the dollar store and see if I can't get a complete set for my classes. I might have to change my curriculum to underwater basket weaving. 😁
  4. Wow, I thought I was only old timer here. Most of the "youngins" I know have never heard of a baker tent(or wall tent). Probably thought it was were the kitchen staff slept. 😁😁
  5. I am a high school math teacher who has used the Canvas platform for several years through our local school corporation. I download all my power point lesson plans, word documents, etc into "my clasroom" and my students can access them when they are absent, when our school goes to all e learning days for snow days(northern Indiana) or more recently when Covid hit back last March. The teacher can also write quizzes/tests that students can take to show mastery on that topic. I also used It for one on one tutor (canvas conference) during E learning where the student and I could hear each other
  6. Sorry to hear that. I hope you will get another chance in the future. Thanks for working on the front lines...not an easy job ever but more so this year. Good luck with the certification. I pray you stay safe and healthy.
  7. Hey ItsBrian, Did you ever get to camp this summer?
  8. SSScout, I wish I had thought about writing down the stories earlier this summer. I am just about ready to go back to work(teacher) and I could have used some of my free time for writing stories. Ok, I will try to outline as many stories I can remember now and save the grunt work for winter or summer break. Great suggestion too!
  9. Qwazse, Thanks for the advice. My daughter and wife already roll their eyes and shake their heads at me when I tell one of my dad jokes. I have always had a tendency to tell very bad puns and have always blamed it on my dad's sense of humor. Did not think of it until now that I have been telling them about his "life lessons" too. Great way to memorialize the man he was.
  10. Thanks for the kind words. I inherited all my dad's scouting patches, files, pictures, etc and decided to get them out to see if he had one particular area of scouting he cared about more than others. Found tons of great memories...some that I had forgotten about and some that I had no idea about.😊 One particular item was a container that had 2 hand axes, 2 scout knifes, a whet stone, a metal file, a compass, a roll of twine, a mess kit, a small Coleman stove(coffee pot size), matches, various scout handbooks and a box of skill awards. I had forgotten that he brought this container to EVER
  11. Hey fellow scouts, I am new at starting a topic in this forum so please forgive me if I don't do this correctly. In June, my father died after living to a ripe old age of 80. Dad was an active leader in our troop and after my brothers and I moved on to college he stuck around to help as a leader for other troops and the district. I feel like I should honor his time in scouts in some special way. It got me to thinking that I am sure some of you have seen or participated in some special ceremonies for scouts or scouters who have passed away. I have a few ideas of how to praise him priv
  12. Having been in the program for many years all the way through to Eagle, scouting taught me so many of the items you listed and more. I can't tell you how many times I used my knowledge and/or experiences from my earned merit badges, camping and hiking troop events, and my cub scout camp staff days to complete my current life tasks. The chance to be a responsible youth leader in scouts prepared me to be a good leader and follower in life. That would be the carrot for parents. For the youth side, an active troop promotes itself through the activities they do. The second troop we joined
  13. On my...I just about wet my pants reading these comments. Oh no...I better not get those senior diaper ads!
  14. Really! That is cool. Might want to make me drop by and see the first aid office. You know... just to make sure I was fully cured. 😁
  15. Congratulations! I would read your friends recommendations and get comfortable with your council physicians orders for various treatments. I bet 75 to 80 % of the injuries are solved with a simple band aid and some comforting words. Not a bad idea to also have a health care officer backup person. It seems like injuries to campers always came in pairs and usually they were in opposite ends of the camp. The back up person can be trained in simple first aid so they can take of any simple problems while you take care of any major first aid cases. We even had a golf cart dedicated for the fir
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