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  1. You might reach out to Chip Turner -- he's the Chaplain Coordinator at Philmont. Great guy.
  2. I can't completely vouch for its accuracy, but this might serve as a starting point . . . 05. Quick Reference Guide for Units.pdf
  3. With segments of the United Methodist Church having varying opinions on the best actions to take regarding the Boy Scouts’ bankruptcy/lawsuits, the best place to look for guidance is the General Commission on United Methodist Men and the Center for Scouting Ministries. “I know there are a lot of instructions and communications going around about voting and bankruptcy,” said Center for Scouting Ministries Director Steven Scheid. “The document that GCF&A (General Council on Finance and Administration) distributed is really good.” (The GCF&A document Steven references is at the web address below.) “What I don’t want to be lost in this is the survivors and ministry. I have added my personal video to our https://MethodistScouter.org (edited to add: Scroll Down to the video) to help you focus the conversation. “Keep survivors in prayer. Listen and grieve. Let survivor experiences steel our hearts for ministry and protection. Pray for our chapter on healing and grace to be included in the book. Pray that future chapters will be bright as our best moments and free of the darkest moments. “Know above all you are loved and prayed for and with. Know God does see each of you and knows you even better than me. I feel the most privileged man on earth to serve with you in this calling. Please share our love, hope and communications within all of the Scouting community you know. I want the message of care to be the real place we stand on. How we respond in the darkest of days is our greatest accomplishment.”
  4. This was released by the Bishop and the Conference Scouting Coordinator of North Georgia Conference of the UMC today: Copy of full letter is located here: https://northga-email.brtapp.com/files/fileslibrary/bishop/letter+from+bishop+sue+and+chris+10-6-21.pdf
  5. So, yeah, This sounds great, but I'm trying to get more info on it -- I emailed PTC, and they said they'd pass my query on to the course director, but I haven't heard anything yet. Does anybody have any more info than just what's listed here (this is what's on the PTC course description page)?
  6. If you haven't been there, take a look at http://www.venturing.org/
  7. I’m the new kid on the block on this forum, but I’d like to invite you folks to the United Methodist Scouters’ Conference at Philmont Training Center July 15-21. I’m serving as leader for the week-long conference designed for local church, district and conference Scouting coordinators, Scout leaders, Charter Organization Representatives, Committee Members, clergy, and youth leaders. Heck, if you once walked by a Methodist Church, we’d take you. The course is designed to benefit both experienced church Scouters and those new to either organization (the United Methodist Church or Scouting). We focus on how the Methodist church and Scouting can and should work together to benefit the youth we serve.. Attendees are housed at Philmont Training Center at Philmont Scout Ranch at Cimarron, NM, at the edge of the Sangre de Cristos Mountains. Registration is through the Philmont Training Center at www.philmonttrainingcenter.org A more complete explanation along with many links to detailed information is included on the attached file. If I can help with any other info, please don't hesitate to let me know. UMC at PTC.pdf
  8. Folks: I've been lurking for a while, and just decided to jump in. I'm liking what I see here. I'm a District Training Chair, a Venturing Advisor, a committee member for the troop and pack. Perhaps more importantly, I'm involved with United Methodist Scouting Ministry. I'll be serving as course director for the UM Scouters' Conference at Philmont Training Center. I'm already learning from y'all, and hope I can contribute to the conversation.
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