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Everything posted by RivetSmasher

  1. Our troop has 1 lantern per patrol plus an extra for the adults for a grand total of 5. On any given camp-out we break at least 2 of the globes. Does anyone have any suggestions for this? Typically they're broken by the boys and not while in transit. It's gotten to the point where several of the adults will bring their own lanterns so the boys can use all of the troop lanterns. The hassle of batteries and lack of lumen output make us shy away from LED lanterns. I've seen mesh/screen globes but I've read that they have trouble when it's windy. Ideas?
  2. At summer camp last week I was working with several new scouts(not my son) on some advancement. Most of the boys are working on Scout or Tenderfoot. I noticed that at the bottom of each requirement page it says something to the effect of "boys can work on Scout through First Class at the same time but cannot be awarded them out of order". I'm paraphrasing. The first rank that requires MBs is Star. Can these boys use the MBs they've earned at summer camp toward this rank? Several of them have earned Swimming which is required for Eagle. Thanks in advance.
  3. I welcome the change, my daughter worked hand in hand with my sons den from Tiger through Webelos. She did all the work because she wanted to without any of the reward or uniform. He crossed over to Boy Scouts last month and at his first campout she helped gather firewood, a lot of the boys and parents remarked that she carried more firewood than the boys tasked with the job. Keep in mind she's 7. I'd love for her to follow in his footsteps.
  4. Hi all! I started my career as a Cub Scout back in the late 80's when I joined as a Wolf/Bear(can't remember) I went on to become an Eagle at 16. I worked at summer camp for many years and even met my wife there. While a Boy Scout I went to Philmont, The 94 Nat. Jambo. and even went to Europe for 2 weeks with my troop plus countless other trips around the U.S. I became my sons Tiger Leader the instant he was born 11 years ago, and next week he is crossing over. My wife and I have already submitted our apps. to be on the Troop Committee. I look forward to interacting with everyone.
  5. I had a Cub who attended 1, yes, 1 meeting(this includes Den and Pack) the entire Bear year. I took the stance that I wasn't here to second guess the parents. If they are just "rubber stamping" things then it's their son who's being cheated. I sort of put my foot down in the Webelos I year because there is a requirement about being active in your Den. I sent his mother an email with the requirement, she wasn't happy but she complied. He hasn't missed many if any meetings since.
  6. I've been his Den Leader since day one. The plan since he was born has been that we were joining Boy Scouts. We are a Scouting family. My wife already has her shirt, I outgrew mine(laterally).
  7. Since my son is crossing over next week we made a trip to the scout shop today. Walked out with 2 new uniforms and $350 less. Amazing. Fortunately I'm done growing(vertically not laterally) and he has room in his shirt and pants, so this won't happen again for a while.
  8. Here's a quick update. In the last 2 nights he's visited both troops once again and gotten to see there meetings first hand. Two of his friends whom were undecided have chosen to join the troop that is a town over and he's decided to go with them. I asked him what he liked and said that they seemed more organized and had more fun.
  9. A little back story before I get into the question. When I was a Cub Scout in the late 80s early 90s my Pack didn't have a Troop associated with it. Rather than choose one of the 2/3 troops in my town, I chose one in a neighboring town. They are the local super troop. We went on a fairly decent trip for 2 weeks every summer, 2 weeks at camp, and generally locked in the top places in Camporees. We were everywhere. Fast forward 25 years. I am my sons Den Leader and have been since his Tiger year. He's now Arrow of Light and it's time to select a troop. The Troop associated with our Pack does some things I don't agree with. Several of the boys have attained Eagle by the age of 14. I'm not sure how that works with required Leadership times. These kids can't be learning how to be a leader. They don't require the boys to wear full uniforms, jeans are acceptable pants for everyone including the adults. Summer camp is an optional thing that isn't pushed. In my mind camping is one of the biggest parts of the program. After living in this town for nearly 9 years I have never seen a single fundraiser or service project, they don't even participate in Scouting for Food. Scouting for Food is left to the Cubs. I have personally witnessed nepotism. I could go on a bit more but I think you get the gist. I have been looking into other troops for several years now and found one that I think is on par with what the Scouting program is. It's in another town about 20 minutes away. I have 8 boys in my Den crossing over, 3 have brothers in the troop, 3 are undecided(including mine), and 2 may not continue. I have done my best not to short sell the local troop but I'm concerned I have tainted some of the other boys. When I ask my son he says he wants to be with his friends, they are the kids going to the local troop. In an effort to preempt this I had him attend summer camp this year with the boys from the other town whom he'd be crossing over with. He gets along well with them and the awkwardness lasted only a few minutes on the first day of camp I know I can't ask you all to make my decision but some guidance would be helpful. Thanks, RivetSmasher
  10. I was a Brotherhood member of my Lodge while I was in high school, went off to college and life happened. My son is crossing over next week and I intend on following him to his troop as an adult leader. I've been his Den Leader since Tiger. I've been out of the OA for over 20 years. Do I need to be elected in again or can I just join the new Lodge? How does this work? P.S. I am not in the same Council as I was when I was a scout.
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