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Back Pack

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Posts posted by Back Pack

  1. i disagree. I've seen 16 y/o's projects scuttled because of too many discouraging words about their plan. What really ticked me off was the boys who were showing the greatest independence and creativity were the ones getting brow-beat. That just didn't happen when I was a scout. Or maybe it was where I was a scout (more rural than sons' and daughter's district).

    Half my job as a volunteer is coaching parents to back off.

    The other half is simply telling boys that whatever project is on their heart, we will stand by them.

    I didn't say adults sometimes don't complicate the issue. But there's no way a 14 year old can manage the Eagle process without adult help. It's just too complicated.

  2. The project is the "Eagle" Scout's responsibile, not the coach's.  


    "Did not follow any of the District suggestions for changes.

    Did not follow the directions of the city (to wait for 1 week after applying herbicide before planting - instead did entire project in 1 day)"


    I believe that is the Scout's issue.  


    Sadly, for you, it is up to the EBOR to determine whether or not the requirement was met and if he didn't then he didn't.  (Yes, the EBOR can look towards other ways the Scout demonstrated leadership if the project is a weak one.)


    How didn't he meet it? Remember you must point out on the GTA how he didn't meet the requirement. That malarkey about waiting to apply the herbicide is a mistake. Not grounds for failing him. Show me an Eagle project that's gone off EXACTLY as planned. I'll bet you if I rolled up my sleeves I could find a problem with nearly all projects. The point is he has to have violated something severe to not get credit. How does one measure the amount of planning and leadership?

  3. The only way to know who let whom down is to hear from all parties.

    Having never had an Eagle coach (and having done very little as a coach for son#2) I have no a priori reason to blame adults.

    Adults built the process. The GTA says the scouts gets a guide, or at least an SM that understands the process. The district let him down too. Plenty of adult blame to go around. Seems like folks have already made up their mind the kid didn't meet the requirement.

  4. Having them at the US Embassy (US soil) is different from having them at a Canadian airport (Canadian soil). If I was a Canadian, I would not allow a foreign government police powers on Canadian soil. I would be ok with the US pre-screening and Go/No-go but detaining should be a matter for solely for RCMP or Canadian police.

    I should be clear. Aligned with embassies meaning they report there, but working at POEs. I know they are at Munich airport as I recently ran in to them there.

  5. Well this is what happens when the kid has a bad coach. You can't hold it against the kid. He should have been coached better on his planning and execution. BSA adds to the problem only requiring the proposal signed off. If the beneficiary and SM are okay with the project then the BOR takes place. Ask him what he did. The GTA allows for boards to question scouts who obviously didn the work but may not have articulated the process or result. Trust the Scout and let him have is day. BOR must be granted.

  6. Considering only about 50% of voting age American's vote, it's more like 25% of the population.


    And who are you to decide it's a non-issue for other people? For the Canadian Girl Guides organization, current government immigration and visitation policies are an issue because it could affect some of their members. While some in this thread seem just fine with potentially leaving some members behind on a trip if they can't get through customs so the other members don't lose out, I applaud the Girl Guides for coming out with a position that says either all of their members have the ability to enjoy an official Girl Guide trip to the US or no one goes to the US under the Girl Guides rubric. I applaud them for sticking up for their diversity policies. If I'm crossing an international border with my Scouts and a couple are turned away because of their religion, we're all turning around and finding somewhere else to spend our money.

    You assume the other 50% of the non voting citizens agree with you. Popular opinion shows the country still split. Weed out those who don't have the right to vote and it's more to the against.


    The change in immigration review has nothing to do with diversity. It has to do with rule of law.

  7. So on a National Level, the requirement for Tour and Activity Plans (AKA Tour Plans that replaced Tour permits) went away for every single campout.

    They were only required for a specific set of campouts, out of council--and that requirement is still listead as required on all BSA docs/websites/blah blah.

    So....national DIDN'T get rid of tour plans. Gee @@RichardB, you wonder why people are confused?
    • Upvote 1
  8. You mean like the part of the charter that says it's for BOYS?


    Sec. 30902. Purposes


    The purposes of the corporation are to promote, through organization, and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to train them in scoutcraft, and to teach them patriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues, using the methods that were in common use by boy scouts on June 15, 1916.

  9. I'm not sure what you mean.  Every Scouter must be currently YPT trained.  I'm not sure what position specific training there is for College Reserve, I couldn't find any.  I think there is something available for MB counselors.  But there is no universal requirement for adults to receive training beyond YPT; there are, or at least were, some councils which had tried a pilot program where every scouter did have to be position trained.  I'm not sure if any councils are still doing that, but it is not universal.

    If I am coded as CR but am an ASM, the code doesn't matter. Having IOLS and Leader specific and YPT does. If I am an MBC having YPT and MBC training matters.

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