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Posts posted by BrentAllen

  1. yeah, right, Gern. That's why gay marriage and marijuana passed in the most liberal state in the nation. Oh, wait - actually, neither one passed.


    And Obamacare was so popular, it passed both chambers with flying colors, right? Oh, wait - no, they couldn't get it passed in the Senate, so they had to take it to reconcilliation where they just needed 51 votes to pass. And it was so popular, Democrats were touting their votes AGAINST it during this past election. Yep, sounds popular to me!

  2. We were backpacking the weekend of Nov. 13, in the southern part of the state. We were horseback riding up on the TN/ NC border the first weekend of December, which has become an annual trip. We head north, hoping for some snow, and we have been successful the past two years. Sunday morning temps were 19 last year, and 29 this year. We had a blizzard (by Southern standards) blowing by mid-morning this year, which the boys loved. We don't get many chances to see snow while camping, so it is a big deal to us when it happens.

  3. I voted for Obama. Oh, wait - that was on the "Who is the worst president ever" ballot.


    The "chosen one" failed to bring the Olympics to Chicago, and the World Cup to the US. Those were probably the only two positive things he could have done for the country, and he failed miserably. Don't those committees know who Obama is?? How dare they!


    Jack Cafferty seems to remember things differently from Calico and gwd. You'd be hard-pressed to call him a right-winger. Thank God we did remember all that "crap" for the elections.


  4. Beavah,

    This conservative was against the prescription drug plan from day one. I was also against the bail-outs. I'm all for cutting spending. At least make the prescription drug program a low-income program. Get rid of COLA for social security, only adjust it through pay-go. It's supposed to be a safety net, not an income plan. No steps, raises or COLA for congress; adjust during census years if budget is balanced, only thru pay-go. Start billing countries for our military protection - in Europe, Japan, South Korea, etc. If they won't pay, bring our troops home. Yes, these are small steps, but dollars are made up of cents - start cutting cents, and soon you will be up to dollars. Make congress balance the budget to earn any pay increase. They are entering wealthy, and leaving extremely rich, anyway.

  5. Liberals crack me up. The rich should pay their share? Really? As if they aren't already?


    No, the ones who should pay "their share" are those from the middle down, who don't pay ANY federal taxes. Aren't they getting the same protection from the military, using the same highways? Yet, they don't pay ANYTHING for those federal services. In fact, we end up PAYING many of them through the earned income tax credit.


    Sorry, but no freedom-loving American could ever be in favor of the estate tax. The wealth that families earn has already been taxed several times. Now, upon death, the government wants to come take part of what you have earned? That is almost as un-American as the New London, Conn. acquisition-for-economic development fiasco. Why are liberals so determined to punish success?


    So, Beavah, instead of allowing a parent to pass on his wealth to his heirs (do with it what he pleases, since he earned it), you think the government should step in and regulate? I fail to see how this is any business of the federal or state government.


    " Beyond that, if yeh get to live off daddy's Trust Fund for life, I reckon yeh should pay some added tax for the privilege." Sorry, Beavah, only a real bleeding-heart liberal could make that statement. The government is most likely going to be paid, through sales, income and capital gains taxes, while that person lives of daddy's Trust Fund. You think they should also get gigged just because daddy died and passed to his kids what was his? This is just more punishment of success, and transfer of wealth from the successful to the failers.


    I say lower the brackets and expand the pool - let ALL Americans pay "their share."

  6. Other Republican candidates probably running - Haley Barbour and Tim Pawlenty. Chris Christie says he won't run, but that could change. Republicans need a governor to run, not a Senator, again. Jeb Bush might even get interested. My personal choice at this point would be Haley Barbour. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see Marc Rubio end up in the VP slot.

  7. Sarah isn't going to run. She just enjoys keeping the idea alive, which has all the liberals' and Democrats' skivies in a wad. She is like catnip to a cat - she absolutely drives liberals insane! I submit Gern as evidence. She doesn't mind making all that money, either.

  8. afscout,

    SOAR is a small company - you will not reach anyone for customer support on Thanksgiving Saturday. They will return your call, on Monday.


    I haven't used the combination of Packmaster and MyPack, but we use the Boy Scout version - Troopmaster and MyTroop. It is very easy to set up the web page from Troopmaster, and is probably the same with Packmaster. I'll give the directions for Troopmaster, and you can check Packmaster to see if it looks similar.


    In Troopmaster, go under File to Export, then to SOAR. A box will come up titled SOAR Export Location, where you can select the location of the export file. There will probably be a default location, something like this: C:\Troopmaster Software\TM4 Write that down and hit OK. In a second or two, the file will be exported.


    Next, go to your MyPack web page, to Import in the left hand column. It should open a page with a MyPack box, among other choices. In the MyPack box, hit Import. That will open another page where you have a few options to check, and a box to either type in the file location, or browse for it. Type the location or find it, and hit Import. The web page will load all the data into the web page. When I did it for our Troop, it set up everything - Patrols, leaders, parents, etc. It will send out a user name and password to all members. You don't have to type in any data to the web page.


    Once you get used to the process, it literally takes about 30 seconds to export and import. I think you will find it very easy to use.


    Once the page is set up, members can edit their profiles on the MyPack page - phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Let your members know those changes need to be made in Packmaster, or they will be reset on the MyPack page every time you export and import.


    We are extremely happy with the SOAR product. I am setting up a page for our OA chapter, and we are looking at the possibility of using it for our District web page, as well.

  9. Ramp for us. It's not the heavy weight of items, but the number of trips you will make in and out of the trailer that matter. We have two trailers - a small, older one with barn doors, and a newer large one we purchased a couple of years ago, with the ramp. With 6 patrols worth of gear (patrol gear box, food box, cooler) it is nice having the ramp to get in and out with. When we go to Summer Camp, each patrol also has a second, large food box, and second, large cooler. The ramp works well for our Troop.

  10. I watched The Diary of Anne Frank on cable Monday night with my son. I read the book years ago in school. Understanding what they went through - over 2 years in that loft, worrying about getting caught, to finally be discovered after the invasion had started - that will make you thankful for the ability to just go outside for a walk. I am very thankful for family, friends and freedom. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Oak,

    For archived Scouts, all you have to do is "un-archive" them for a moment and print an Individual Participation Report for camping or any other activity on the list, then re-archive them. I just ran through the process, and it took about 2 minutes.


    Do most Troop memberships fluctuate that much month to month? We generally add Scouts in March and any we lose will be at recharter.



    The NYLT Course is a Gold Award standard - Troops can still earn Silver award level points for that requirement without sending a Scout to NYLT. It is a difference of 100 points; Troops can still easily earn Gold without that 100 points. I hardly find that worth grousing about. I've run into Troops that were not aware of NYLT, and have never sent Scouts to the course. Do you think this program might just introduce those Troops to the course, and encourage them to send their SPL? Do you think that would help them build a better Troop in the long run? I do, so I think this is good thing to include.

  12. I like the new plan. We use TroopMaster software. With that program, I could fill out the new form in about 5 minutes. I'm really confused as to which parts some of you think are hard. Maybe you don't use TroopMaster or some other program? I'm guessing every Troop has an annual planned calendar of trips. You have to turn in advancement reports to buy rank badges - surely, you keep copies at the Troop. The information shouldn't be that hard to collect. Is it really that hard to remember who went to Summer Camp? With the average Troop size at 14, is it really that hard to keep up with what's happening in the Troop? Really?



    If you think TLT and NYLT are the same thing, you are mistaken. Yes, there is a fee for the course - to cover materials, food, etc. If you have a Scout with financial needs, check with your council - they may offer camperships. Your Troop will benefit greatly from sending Scouts to NYLT.

    As for "Gold" award units having an advantage because of the award - you are missing the obvious. Those units that qualify for Gold already have the advantage, even without the recognition. Those units are doing all the things to draw new members. They have a first-rate program, so having a Gold Award piece of cloth isn't going to make much difference. They were providing an excellent program before this new recognition award was started.

  13. Well, unfortunately, SR540Beaver has spilled the beans. Yes, the Tea Party blames all issues on Bush's predecessor, Bill Clinton. He is the cause of all the anger in the Tea Party, and since he was America's first black president, the Tea Party is racist.

  14. "And in a tight battle and a significant win for Tea Party supporters, Republican candidate Pat Toomey defeated Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak to win the Pennsylvania Senate seat, CNN projects."


    Toomey Would Consider Joining Proposed Tea Party Caucus


    "Toomey said he received a lot of support from the tea party movement during his campaign against Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak.


    I met with lots of folks who were active participants and others who were sympathetic to the tea party, he said. In my experience, they are ordinary Americans, mostly working-class and middle-class Americans, who love this country; theyre very worried about its future, in particular theyre worried about the mountain of debt thats being piled on their kids backs. ... I welcome their support, and I think they can play a very constructive role in keeping the Republican Party committed to the principles that we advocate.


    The point I was trying to make with Gern is how the races turned out for those candidates that the Tea Party supported. They obviously supported Toomey.

  15. OGE,

    Feel free to take your argument to ABC News.


    Which Tea Party Candidates Won?

    Victors and Losers in Senate, House, Governor's Races




    Ken Buck (CO) told ABC News he doesn't consider himself a Tea Party candidate, but they left him on the list. So, take Colorado and Pennsylvania off the list, if you wish, and the batting average is .556.

  16. For the Baptist Middle School program, one of the requirements is to make either a photo album or a video. Making a video would be kind of hard by yourself. When my son earned the award, there were 3 other Scouts from our Troop going through the class with him. Our Youth Minister (an Eagle Scout) conducted the class. I think small group settings are a very appropriate venue for the program.

  17. Gern,

    You are correct, my math was wrong. The Tea Party batted .545 in the Senate races, not .500. Won 6, lost 5.


    Kentucky - won,

    Connecticut - loss,

    Delaware - loss,

    Colorado - loss,

    Nevada - loss,

    Alaska - loss,

    Wisconsin - won,

    South Carolina - won,

    Utah - won,

    Florida - won,

    Pennsylvania - won.


    "I also noted that it is peculiar that there was no organized anger before a black man moved into the White House, but suddenly erupted after he did, before he even enacted his socialist agenda. That hints that race is a factor in their anger. At least at the birth of the movement."


  18. Gern,

    Because you keep saying it is racism, at its core. Duh!


    The Tea Party batted .500 in the Senate races, not too bad for first time around. They did better than the First Lady.


    Michelle Obama's favored candidates: 6 wins, 7 losses



    I'm guessing the President did even worse, though it is hard to tell, since many in his party didn't want him anywhere near them during the campaign. Pretty short coattails for The Chosen One.

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