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Posts posted by Woapalanne

  1. Thanks, UCeagle. Just more proof that things made in America are NOT more expensive. They are priced higher at the retail level, but are NOT necessarily more expensive at the supplier level.


    Our government (both parties) have destroyed manufacturing in America through ridiculous one-way "free trade" laws and regulations. And we have allowed it.

  2. " So in other words, if authority to do something can be found in any provision of the Constitution (including the amendments), then the federal government has the power to do it, otherwise it does not."


    Correct. Well spoken. And that is pretty specific.


    Recent Congresses have often really stretched to try to authorize themselves to do things that they are really NOT allowed. Even the Supreme Court has gotten tired of the overreaching (as in a ruling a few years ago that a local elementary school is NOT "interstate commerce").


    And, yes, the suthorization in the Constitution does include amendments. That is the whole purpose of the amendment process, to get permission from the States before taking on another activity. (Would that they use the process all the time.)

  3. evmori asked: "Where in the Constitution does it state federal ID cards aer not allowed?"


    10th Amendment. Which states that if the Constitution doesn't specifically allow it, they may not do it. The most ignored provision of the Constitution.

  4. Thanks, guys. I've been to every fabric store in the area. I've thought about finding a red/white/blue ribbon and trimming off the blue. Elmer's rubbed in would maybe keep it from raveling. I just figured that surely somebody had that ribbon in 3/8. It's no problem finding it in 5/8, 1" and even 1 1/2.


    And, Packsaddle, I fully relate to your comments, but I do have the rest of the uniforms well squared away, so I should try to match. >chuckle

  5. VE04 said: " One thing I don't like is (and this used to be a habit of mine) when you see a Scout or Scouter with a white border flap, asking them when we are going to see them come out and get their brotherhood."


    In the three lodges I have been a member of (3 different states), Vigil was a white or silver border. Your question would get you a really serious "HUH??" >chuckle<


    On another note: I'm back in my old original lodge, which has dropped the different color borders. I'm not going to remove my flaps, which all have the Vigil white border. That's an ROF's privilege.

  6. "without looking the definition up in the dictionary, an Alumni individual is a person who has belonged to an organization,"


    Actually, your definition is for an alumnus (an individual). Alumni is plural, so by definition, the BSA knot has to involve more than one past member of the organization. How? I suppose we will learn next year.

  7. We don't know how tough the new requirements are. The link on the BSA site that says it does NOT lead to the requirements, and there is no additional link except to the 2010 award.

  8. I don't advocate individuals having to pay hospitals, it's too large a chunk. That's what insurance is for.


    As for the arguments about neighbors kids infecting mine because they don't get shots - bogus argument. None of those scenarios were common when insurance was hospital insurance.First, when people have responsibility, they usually own up to it. Second, schools require the shots.


    Bottom line: go back to us paying ourselves for the routine. Otherwise, IF (and that's only if) we want everything covered without personal payment, then be prepared for "universal single-payer (that's government)" coverage, with its attendant decline in quality and long waits for service. There's no other realistic alternative.

  9. Actually, I paid 100% of the health care for my family - out of pocket - when my children were growing up.


    I had excellent insurance, but in those days it was hospitalization insurance, not attempting to cover every little scratch, immunizations, checkups, shots, etc. It was for serious illness or injury. Fortunately we had none of that, but were well covered if that should have happened. Office visits were, of course, not covered, even when my son needed stitches, or setting a broken nose.


    I submit part of the problem with today's excessive insurance cost is that we expect everything to be paid. That's wrong. Does your car insurance pay for oil changes and wiper replacement?(This message has been edited by Woapalanne)

  10. You forgot to mention that the increased services demanded of the private insurers (by the new law) MUST increase premiums and increase them more than a little. It is estimated that there will be a 10% increase in the number of people covered (from the current 85% to about 95%) which is obviously not enough to offset the increased costs even if all the new ones are perfectly healthy (which is not likely).


    I proposed a reduction in Medicare age to 60 during the debate. None of my representatives would even answer me. That's a win-win: Medicare would gain by having younger, healthier (that's the assumption) people paying in just as much, and private insurers would lose their oldest, most expensive clients.

  11. .... a source for the red and white ribbon used in the OA pocket drops? I have a couple of very old sterling silver ones I would like to use, but the ribbon is faded and grungy (from cheerful service?). I have looked everywhere, all the shops here and online. One would think a simple red and white 3/8" ribbon would be easy to find. It is easily available in wider widths, but not 3/8". Help!

  12. Sorry, Beavah, but a number on a county tax assessor's computer is NOT an income producing asset and there's no way you can make it so. The garage and other facilities I referenced are NOT valid numbers to calculate income from. Absolutely not, and no accountant will attempt realistically to make it so. The REAL assets are quite different. they are NOT producing 2% income, but more like 20%.

  13. I get my news from my local paper (Gannett, decidedly left-wing), NBC, CBS, CNN and others but have to admit that the rare time I see Fox (which is at an odd time here) they seem to do the best job of presenting BOTH sides of an issue.


    There are no right-wing (or even centerist) daily outlets here, so I have to sift and sort to find the real facts.



  14. "Yes he's failed - he's failed at trumpeting his accomplishments, and at playing hardball with people out to destroy him and this country, and of using that greatest of weapons - public opinion - to do what's best for the US. God help us all."


    BUT.... but.... he has never EVER... tried to do what is best for US. Only what is best for his agenda. Not for us out here in the real world.


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