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Posts posted by Woapalanne

  1. " if a ship with sails is depicted moving from left to right, it means the wind is blowing in that direction, why then does the flag stream towards the back of the ship? Artistic liberty? "


    Nope. It does not mean the wind is blowing in that direction. Sailing vessels can move many directions other than the direction the wind is blowing. The only direction they can't do is directly into the wind. But I have often sailed my boat within 10 or 15 degrees of the wind, which to an observer at the side would look like I'm going into the wind.


    Also, the flag could be streaming back simply because the ship is moving faster than the wind.

  2. I still think the following change makes sense: There should be a "None of the Above" on the ballot. And if nobody gots 50%+1, then EVERY party would have to go back and field a new candidate. Chaos at first, but then they would figure out they need to field candidates the people actually want.


    (Edited to correct a stoopid typo.....)(This message has been edited by Woapalanne)

  3. GernBlansten said: "I don't look at my voter registration card as identification. Its more of a receipt. Proof that someone with my name registered to vote, that's about it. It really doesn't identify me or prove my identity. It proves that the person who's name is on the card is registered. Rather worthless when trying to prove identity."


    You are correct, sir, it is not an identity card. It should be. It should be proof that you are the one who is identified and eligible. That system is WAY too loose, imo.



  4. Maybe your STATE uses county issue. But that simply proves my point that it is not a federal document. Can't be, since there are no federal elections.


    No, if the states get together and agree, it is not, by definition, a Federal standard, if the Federal (D. C.) government is not involved.

  5. GernBlansten, "Also, it is a federal thing. We are citizens of the US of A. Free to move about the country."


    Gary_Miller: "But we are residents of our state therefore the state should issue the ID. "


    Actually, you are a citizen of your state, not just a resident. And since your state is one of the "United States", then, by extension, you are also a citizen of the U.S.


    Proof? Look at your voter's card. It is issued by your state, not the feds. And voting is the most basic of citizen rights. And remember there are no Federal elections, only state and lower.


    So that's why states should issue any ID cards needed, and there is, imo, nothing wrong with them getting together and deciding on a consitant standard to be used by all 50, plus territories.

  6. Actually, Morse code, being the first digital mode, is still the most useful for getting through when conditions are rough. Uses far less power and is more comprehensible when signal strength is low. There are some digital modes that rival it in low strength readability, but not in the power usage and simplicity of equipment areas.


    It's far from obsolete yet.


    Besides, it's fun.

  7. What one wears under his kilt is strictly personal choice. No option is either more or less manly, as this is not the UK army (where such is specified). As a matter of fact, it is long tradition that one never says what he is or is not wearing, as the mystery is part of the mystique. And a gentleman or lady never asks. Period.

  8. Bevah said: "At the same time, it's totally kosher to criticize a publicity or marketing statement that goes awry, whether it's "mission accomplished" or "read my lips, no new taxes" or "I did not have sex with that woman!". "


    Hey, 2 correct out of three is really good for politicians!!!

  9. Thanks, JoeBob, for putting out the facts. Which are in no way refuted by the post folowing yours. It really disgusts me the way the news media puts down the exemplary service of our sailors for political reasons. (Disclosure: spoken by the proud son of a WW II sailor.)

  10. "The first step would be to dump the party system."


    AMEN, Scoutfish!!! Actually, all we have to do is abide by the "Law of the Land". Parties are already illegal at the Federal level. (There is nothing in the Constitution authorizing parties, - I've searched diligently - and there IS a provision saying that if the Constitution doesn't authorize it, then you - the Feds - can't do it.)

  11. We don't need to cut what we have promised our people. What we need to do is get the economy going again, and that means MAJOR cuts in discretionary government spending (billions of waste come to mind). Especially government spending in areas in which the Federal government has no authority under the Constitution. (Think "education", and "HUD".)What we need is tax CUTS that increase Federal revenues (as in the Reagan era).


    To say that tax cuts require decreases in spending reveals a lack of understanding of just what targeted tax cuts can do. We DO need large increases in Federal revenues. That does not necessarily mean increasing tax burdens on the middle class.

  12. "No one doubted what Bush meant; lets not stretch it too far."


    No stretch. Bush used it correctly and congratulated that particular vessel on completing its mission. It was the "news" media that stretched it. For one purpose, of course.

  13. "JoeBob: Start with "Mission Accomplished"? "


    If you are talking about a certain banner on an aircraft carrier, THAT vessel's mission WAS accomplished. And she was on her way home for R&R.


    Don't confuse a "mission" with a "war" or even a "campaign".




  14. I watched it. (And learned how to Tivo on the internet as I was out of town when I heard about it.) I thought it very interesting.


    And it's "her" Alaska just as much as South Carolina is MY state. It's not "her" possessing Alaska, it's Alaska possessing her. She is a citizen of Alaska, just as I am a citizen of South Carolina. That makes it "hers", no matter what office she may or may not hold. You don't have to hold office to be a citizen.

  15. jhankins said: "I know many people who wear shorts under their kilts. It's not a big deal. "


    True. However, I tried it once. Never again.

  16. ChaiAdventure said: "Uniforms in Scouting are not to distinguish one scout from another, but rather to unite Scouts as Scouts. Uniforms are a common denominator that bind all of BSA......just look at any scene from Jamboree, or a photo from Boy's Life. "


    EXACTLY!! Bravo. (The scene at Jambo, with thousands of uniformed Scouts coming into the Arena, is one that brings a lump to the throat. That is, if you are serious about the program. Those are moments I'll never forget.)



  17. "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." State of the Union Address, Jan. 28, 2003, making a claim that administration officials knew at the time to be false "


    I can't believe anyone is still touting that story. The subsequent British investigation into the intelligence showed it to be the best anyone had at the time. Period. The Administration did NOT "know it to be false". It wasn't and they didn't.



  18. Well, I only have 5 knots. Two from youth programs, and three as a Scouter. I have great respect for those who have served many years, and in many functions for these kids. I'm not jealous of the ones with more knots, on the contrary, I admire their dedication and service.

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