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Posts posted by Woapalanne

  1. To answer BadenP: I am active in the National association of Masonic Scouters, and worked in that capacity at the 2010 National Jamboree. For the last 2+ years I have been visiting many lodges, talking to the men about what they learned from Scouting (anywhere from 1/3 to 3/4 in each group I meet are former Scouts), about the parallels between our organizations, and encouraging the men to volunteer and the Lodges to sponsor units. I see this as helping both organizations.


    After I discovered the Alumni Award (I joined the Alumni Association to aid me in that work), it was simply a matter of documenting what I had already been doing, for the most part.


    This work is not about improving me as a Scout leader, but as a means of bringing back men who can help the Scouting movement, from new unit leaders to merit badge counselors. It is also a means of helping Lodges. For example, I recently recruited a Troop to help a group of older men to do "spring cleaning" in and around their building. The Lodge looks much better, and the Scouts accomplished a community service project.


    And it doesn't hurt the future of our Lodges for Scouts to discover what Masonry is about, and the parallels in teaching Duty to God, Duty to Country, Duty to family..... etc.


    (Sorry for the delay in answering - I've been busy. And by the way, I'm not a unit Scouter. Did that years ago.)(This message has been edited by Woapalanne)

  2. I have completed all the requirements, and the application form with required signatures has been sent to National. Now to just wait (meanwhile working on getting a new unit started).

  3. I have completed all the requirements, and the application form with required signatures has been sent to National. Now to just wait (meanwhile working on getting a new unit started).

  4. I have completed all the requirements, and the application form with required signatures has been sent to National. Now to just wait (meanwhile working on getting a new unit started).

  5. Flew from GSP, then out of DFW last weekend. Kept my "airport friendly" belt on both ways. No problem. Thought Dallas, being such a big airport, would be a problem. Not so. As a matter of fact, DFW security was the smoothest I have ever encountered. They have a number of small stations, so there's not a big long line at a single one, like some other airports.

  6. " Well in the US you elect your Head of State by electoral college, if I understand correctly then a President could in theory be elected by gaining enough electoral college votes despite not getting a majority vote of the people."


    Actually, that happens. Bill Clinton was elected twice and never received a majority.


    The Electoral College was originally designed as a group that would sit and select a President based on merits, not popularity. Judging from recent occupants of the White House, that might be a better idea!

  7. I found a way to wear my Eagle Dad pin on my uniform while conforming to IG. I had a nameplate made with my name engraved in the right 2" of it. Then I cut the pin off my Eagle Dad pin and used jeweler's epoxy to place it on the left one inch. Now I can display my proudest "award" - my son's attainment of Eagle - right on the uniform. Legally.

  8. Moosetracker asked: "Is driving down a road a right or a priviledge?.. If a priviledge then why tax us for the upkeep of the roads?? "


    It's a privilege. And you are taxed for the upkeep of the roads only if you use those roads. (Remember the gas tax? Of course, some is skimmed off the top to pay for mass transit, but that's another matter.)

  9. Packsaddle, the comment cane from the discussion of Jewry on page 3 of this thread.


    And, no, most times you can't see them. They look like everybody else on the street. But my point was to oppose someone who seemed to think we don't have Jewish people in the South. As a matter of fact, the first Jewish National official was in the CSA, not the USA.


    And, again, there is no legitimate reason to have to remove your belt, that I have ever heard. Your Charlotte experience was strange. We'll find out in a couple of weeks. I'm flying to Seattle and have no intention of removing my belt. I want to keep my trousers in the proper place, not on the floor.

  10. Shoes I can see, and metal belt buckles.... but belts? That's just nonsensical. (I didn't have to remove my belt at LAX last fall, nor at my local International airport... until now.)


    NJCubScouter: my username is my Vigil name. English: eagle. Dates from 1977.


    And, by the way folks, it is NOT unusual to see Jewish people in the South. We have three synagogues in my town alone.(This message has been edited by Woapalanne)

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