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Posts posted by whitepine

  1. I am in a very small troop. There are 7 members, 6 of which are 15 or older. I am an Eagle, there are 4 Life Scouts, 1 First Class Scout, and 1 new 11 year old Scout who is a Life's younger brother. The deal is that we are extremely top heavy with no feeder pack and there are few children in the struggling church we are at. We are outside a medium sized city there are plenty of other troops just minutes away. The troop will inevitably fold in the next two years as some guys age out.


    With all of this said, I really want to see the troop survive. We use the patrol system as much as possible, go on great trips, are involved in the OA, and have active kids. Does anyone here have an idea of what we can do to gain members? I expect getting a handful of new members can't be that hard, but we need to start now and need ideas.

  2. I don't know how familiar some of you are with the Royal Ambassadors, or RAs. Most of the boys in my church, including me, were involved in it. It was a boy's Southern Baptist missions program and had some Scouting influences. I was even a member of the RA's and Cub Scouts at the same time, though the RA group was viewed as more of a church activity.

  3. My troop went camping at Stone Mountain this past weekend. I was at a Lodge event and didn't go. The state park is in my council and is about roughly 1 houraway from where we live. The troop he was with is from a town much further away and was camping there that weekend as well. For those not familiar with the mountain, it is basically eroded away to expose a huge rock bald. Although past deaths and injuries have led to some better marked trais, warning signs, and railing; there are areas where the gradual slope can intice people to go too far out on the rock.


    As fate would have it, both my troop and his were on the summit at the same time. It appears that both groups were off the marked trail, exploring the rock face. The Scout who died walked past my troop and said something along the lines of "I'm going to see how far I can go". My friends have guessed that he walked too far downhill on the open face, lost balance, and tumbled down a ways before falling off a pronounced cliff.


    Well, my friends were the last ones to see him alive on the summit. That's if you don't count the rock climbers who saw him in freefall. His unfortunate death really affected my friends. We have decided as a troop to never overstep similar park boundaries again.


  4. Many of the senior staff members at my local camp have taken NCS courses and they appear to be very detailed. I know a guy who took a weeklong Leave No Trace course in June and he said that it was a very well put together curriculum to learn from. They basically lived and breathed the principles all week long. For people that don't know much about it, this is the real deal. I was under the impression that it was a fairly common program among adults. (I'm a youth member so I'm not so cued in to "official" training.)

  5. If homosexuals and/or female youth were allowed in the BSA, I predict that the official BSA would shrink and that other scouting groups would be formed or grow. I also think that entire councils would secede.

  6. I will concede that my lodge doesn't do everything accurately when it comes to ceremonies. For instance, the pipe totem and dance were invented by us because of the importance of tobacco in our area. We also tend to do the same thing every time we have a ceremony due to tradition. Part of that is fear of change. I am not involved in Indian Affairs or Ceremonies, but I am friends with many people that are and it would be interesting to see a more historically accurate induction ceremony.

  7. Wow BSA24, I am disappointed. You chose Wahissa Lodge #118 to single out and accuse of ignorance with your YouTube link. Wahissa Lodge, MY lodge, has a GREAT Indian Affairs program. Our dancers regularly go to powwows and dances across the state and nation to learn more about their styles of dance. You seem to forget that they spend lots of time, money, and research into what they do.Also, our drum team learns true Native American songs to use for tap out ceremonies and competitions. To top it all off, many people think they are good at what they do because our competition teams consistently do well and I'd say about 10,000 people attend our Wednesday night OA tapout ceremonies each summer.


    With all of this said, I will concede on one point. Due to the lack of Native American population in our area, we don't have a centralized cultural focus on any one tribe or people group. The local Saura Indians were driven out hundreds of years ago and the Cherokee and Lumbee live pretty far from us so we may mix things a bit. However, everything that we do is done out of respect for the people that lived on this continent before a bunch of pale people came over in ships.



  8. My old troop (note word old), had a horrible way of electing people for leadership positions. Only a few offices had real competition, and oftentimes SPLs and other leaders were given positions because they needed to complete rank requirements. One memorable SPL hated Scouting, went to summer camp only once, and didn't tell people he was a Scout. His parents recently pushed him through Eagle, go figure.


    The troop is/was almost wholly composed of kids forced to go to meetings by their parents and patrols were barely used at all. I knew my time there was up when I was denied the chance to run for OA rep. because I was an Eagle Scout and needed to let others do the job. Only 3 in the troop had ever gone to a lodge event since our Ordeals...


    So... it is critical that you stress the importance of positions like SPL, and encourage capable, enthusiastic kids to run for the office.

  9. The way I see it, the Tea Party appears to be elderly couples and housewives who advocate for change in government through peaceful rallies and changes in voting. On the other hand, the Occupy movement has a large amount of complaining freeloaders who like to camp out and protest against the inequalities of capitalism instead of getting a job and helping themselves.

  10. I think that having time requirements for the lower ranks would be very bad for encouraging rank advancement. As of now, you often get kids who are really excited once they join, and as long as a scout works hard, he can easily get first class in 1-2years. There is no reason to hamper success by having minimum time requirements. Kids would be slowed down in their advancement and it may send the wrong message (don't try too hard and be too successful).

  11. Warning: The following is coming from a conservative Christian who finds homosexuality to be unnatural.


    Although many people on here don't like to admit it, the BSA is very heavily influenced by the Christian religion. If the BSA allowed homosexual members, many Christians would leave the program. I think that it would hurt the program and our youth greatly.


    On the topic originally presented here, it seems like the woman who was kicked out of the Cub Pack was just asking for trouble. She obviously knew that she could be kicked out, but took the chance anyway. And now she is starting a petition to allow gays in Scouting. She appears to be allowing non-Scouts/Scouters to sign it, and that makes no sense to me. If the BSA ever changes their policy, I would hate to see liberals and gay rights activists cause it.

  12. Dear God and all that is Holy, why would a person think that extending the school day that late would go smoothly?


    Maybe a gradual change of length over a few decades or centuries would work, but not going until 6! I can't even focus in the latter half of my 4th block class. (during a 7hr day) It never ceases to amaze me that adults think that they can change the lives of children and young adults without protest from the affected minors. To put this in context for you, the idea suggested is like a forced absorption of the BSA by the Girl Scouts. You would see large numbers of people dropping out, and the seemingly good idea thought up by administrators would turn out to be a nightmare for those involved.


    Neither American teachers nor American students would take it well. Also, after school activities, businesses, and our culture would suffer. For instance, how would you have time to have a scholastic football game? Student athletes get out before 4 around here, and things aren't ready to start until 7pm.

  13. You say that some people in your troop believe that the OA is just slave labor. They must remember that the Order is service oriented. We believe in giving back to our local scouting communities, keeping up the ideals of scouting, and having fun together. Give it a chance in your troop because it is a very rewarding program.

  14. I suggest the 2man backpacking tents out there that are popular with scout troops. My old troop used to buy Alps Mountaineering Taurus 2man tents and they are awesome. I even have one. Eureka is another good brand to buy from. By the way, I think that Campmor would be a good place to get your tents from. They are really cheap and may be having a sale right now on Eureka products.

  15. My council has a camporee once a year. I have been to a few of them and they are ok, but not amazing. They are usually campouts focused on learning scout skills and celebrating the scouting movement or firefighters, or soldiers, or Native Americans, well you get the point. However, this year the camporee is advertised as being a backpacking/outback campout a few miles into the woods at our camp. I don't know how that's going to work out, but I am curious and will probably go.


    FYI: Our council is relatively small in geographical size, and has never been one for the jamboree/ non camping type of event. I am not familiar with the large scale experiences some of you have described.

  16. Our council is small in geographical size, so we tend to have a council camporee once a year. I've been to a few of them and they're ok, but nothing too awesome. I am hoping to persuade the scouts in my troop to go this fall because they have never been.


    We are supposed to be having a backpacking jamboree coming up. How that works, I don't know, but everything at the event will be a few miles into the woods at our camp. So I guess the only way you can judge one is to actually go to it! I am hoping to persuade the scouts in my troop to go this fall because they have never been. It will be interesting to see what we do.



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