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Posts posted by UCEagle72

  1. There is a significant difference between how Crews run, and how Troops run -- one of the normal challenges is to get the Crew Advisor & his/her Associate Advisors to let the youth to do the planning and execution. (In one Crew where I am a Committee Member, part of my job was to put my hand on the Crew Advisors shoulder and sit him back down when ever he wanted to "take over" the meeting.)


    Frequently I hear "but they'll forget" -- and I keep saying, "Let them forget, they'll learn from the experience."



  2. I've been commish'ing since '76 - and some of the best and most engaged Scouts I have ever met, were simply wearing a necker (neckerchief) with whatever else they had on.


    Ride around Europe on any given weekend and you'll see lots of young people wearing them, tied in the International Friendship Knot, or maybe secured with a woggle.


    They all have "uniforms" -- but you rarely see them worn.


    Are we hanging on to an old model?


    Scouting is in the heart.

  3. @artjrk --


    If you don't fill out the form when you take the new position (and just wait until re-charter, like many leaders do) then the "time in position" does not start counting until the registrar changes you to the new position!


    Prolly not a big deal - but one of the Cubmasters I worked with could not be awarded his Cubmaster Award because Council said he had only been CM for 18 months, not 2 years as required.


    (I did get him the Unit Leader Award of Merit.)


  4. '92 --


    Yes, QM & Silver also go to National.


    BTW - for those that say you can't give a rank patch until you turn in an advancement report -- you can always buy the rank pins, and use those for immediate recognition.


    And everyone else has already answered the original question. ;)

  5. @Tampa --


    Your Council has several ships and runs one of the largest events in the area each spring!


    You should check on BeAScout.org - or just check with your DE.


    In fact there is a Regatta out your way in early November:



    I'd like to be there, but I have already purchased a ticket to attend TEDxOrlando on Saturday.(This message has been edited by UCEagle72)

  6. I like RT ... especially this time of year, since this is when most of the "new faces" start showing up.


    I especially enjoy getting to talk to leaders from several units - to see how they do things.


    I am fortunate to have a pretty good Cub RTC, with a great staff -- and a great Scout RTC - he's double the attendance.


    Soon we are starting a Venturing "forum" with 9 Crews in the District (6 of which are not LDS) we need to start serving our Sr Scouting programs better.


    We did something interesting this last year ... if you want to chit-chat and not be part of the actual RT, then we have a spot for you with couches and chairs where you can talk - and not drowned out the RTCs and their staff. That has really made the RT move along much better.


  7. There is what the Admin Manual says, and what is actual practice ...


    If I have a unit leader who wants to be a UC, that's fine, but they will not be the UC for their own unit. Plus, I always limit UCs to one unit -- and when they are ready for another, we will discuss if that is appropriate for them.


    Do I prefer UCs who are not an active unit leader somewhere else? Sure, who doesn't, but the reality is we do our best to match volunteers with the available jobs in the district.


    One of the things that I created as a 1-page "UC job description" based on the new "Commissioner Support" document -- this as really helped prospective commissioners to understand the role of the unit commissioner -- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/144059/Commissioner_Support.pdf



  8. While I wholeheartedly agree with Kudu (okay, no fainting out there) - this is from the history of WB, and the 2nd WB try in 1946:


    The organization and working of the Wood Badge troop was strictly American. The Boy Scouts of America interpretation of the patrol method was used to its fullest extent. The patrol names picked were of birds and animals found in every state of the Union: Eagle, Bob White, Fox and Beaver.




  9. Latest on the $1,000 limit:


    Square, for its part, appears to have removed the $1000 per week limit, or more precisely, the $1000 limit only exists for the first week as Square checks out the transactions being made to ensure they're not fishy. A company representative said that the cap originally was instituted to protect against fraud, and one presumes that the loads of transaction data they've gathered has enabled them to spot bad actors in more sophisticated ways.


    (From an article published today in the Atlantic)

  10. So Pros (and high level Council volunteers, like the Council Key 3) pay $242.46 for the complete blazer set (not including a white shirt) - jacket, pants, crest, and tie. (I hope the jacket is fully lined.)



    (This message has been edited by UCEagle72)

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