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Posts posted by UCEagle72

  1. You know the one with the Scout skills that use to be taught (i.e. fire building, pioneering, etc...)


    You can easily find those all over eBay and in most any used book shop. The 6th Edition (1959-1965), the 7th Edition (1965-1972) and the 9th Edition (1979-1990) were all written by Green Bar Bill -- but I would stick with the 6th or 7th.


    (Heck, you look at the Eagle requirements in the 6th edition and you'll find out that they did not have a Leadership requirement - or a project requirement)


  2. The original Lion program ended in 1967/8. My pack kept the Lion den for a couple of year after that. When I was in Lions, Webelos was basically a 1/2 year program, and really, the only emphasis was the Arrow of Light! (And it was the first time, outside of our Cubmaster and his Assistant, that we had a male den leader!)


    I crossed over in 1969 - and already knew everything that needed to be done for Tenderfoot (no "Scout" in those days).


  3. I'm UCEagle72 and I'm an addict ...


    Although my wife insisted on this deal ... her birthday, the daughter's birthday, our anniversary are all verboten (she tried to get my birthday, but I insisted that since it was my birthday, I should be able to celebrate as I wish -- last year it was at RT).


  4. Boy's Life launched a "Way Back" Machine on their web site to let you look at their magazine over the years (thanks to Google Books). So I took a look at the January 1970 issue - http://boyslife.org/wayback#issue=dkJ5dSeKf3MC - where just about 1/2 through there is an ad for official uniforms for the 60th anniversary.


    $13.50 bought you a complete uniform (socks, belt, hat, slide, neckerchief, too) -- made in America. Now using the Inflation Calculator provided by our Federal Government - http://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl?cost1=13.50&year1=1970&year2=2010 - I found that this is equivalent to $76.13 in today's money.


    Okay ... so I went to ScoutStuff and added up the cost for a new uniform (using the same configuration as a 1970 uniform) -- total cost - $108.


    Things that make you go "hmmmmmmmmmmm"



  5. (1) Attend your unit's meetings:

    - Committee Meeting (a must)

    - Courts of Honor (also a must)

    - Scout Sabbath or Sunday

    - Random Unit Meetings

    (2) Attend your District Committee Meeting (you are a voting member)

    (3) Attend the Annual Council Meeting, know who you are voting for, and make sure they are the right person for the job.

    (4) Communicate regularly with the Sponsoring Body's Executive Officer. Let them know how the program is doing, and if the leadership is working.

    (5) Smile when you are with the youth. Does not matter if you are a 103 - you need to show the youth you care, and that you are there to ensure they have a great program. The YOUTH never need to see you frown, be angry, or upset -- save that for the adults when they have earned it.


  6. I liked the green uniform of the 60s & 70s and the overseas style cap (young man wore one the other night at his ECoH). It was very tough, and held up well. Plus we had both long & short-sleeve versions with no collar, which made wearing a neckerchief perfect. (I keep trying to fold in the collar on my current centennial shirt, and it is a pain in the neck - literally and figuratively!)


    I also liked the Explorer shirt of the same era - we wore those on our Philmont expedition in '72 (717G) and kept wearing them after as we were the "leadership corps."


  7. Scout Leader Basic Training is designed (out of the box) to be held in 3 2-hour sessions. (Start at 7, end by 9)


    We hold this training 6 times a year in our District -- Spring and Fall District Training Days -- Spring and Fall Camporees -- and the three-month trainings in spring and fall during RT. (And yes, our Council-run Summer Camp program also teaches the classes during the Summer Camp season.)


    I just looked at the Council training calendar, and it appears there is a Scout Leader Basic being held every month somewhere in the Council. And an IOLS class being held every-other month.


    We are one of the Councils that has been "added" into the mandatory training pilot for 2011. So we are reminding Commissioners to start working with their units now in order to avoid problems come next November when we recharter.

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