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Posts posted by SctDad

  1. I have to agree that there are many terms that we use today that many think are derogatory, but if someone acutally takes to find out a little bit about the true meaning.


    EX: While serving in Iraq during the second part of OIF, we were using the term Haji in reference to the Local Nationals. We started using it due to the terms that our predacessors used.


    Immediatly after they left, our command came down and stated that the term Haji was no longer to be used. Our interpreter that was with us in the medical clinic was surprised, he told us the true meaning.


    A Haji is a male Homeowner/Businessman/Politician who is successful and well known. So the term was was actually that of a good thing. Guess that is why none of them ever complained.

  2. I guess BP's Commander did not get the tweet soon enough.


    I do not see where this matters. The Hague Convention did not have rules of land warfare drafted until 1899 and finally approved in 1900. The Geneva Convention was in 1929, although there was a Geneva protocol in 1925.


    Desperate times call for desperate measures. There may have been something that BP saw that could not be relayed to Command fast enough.


    And as evmori said, "What's your point?"

  3. Our council is doing our standard scouting for food this January. They have thrown a twist on it this year where all the food banks are running low due to the bad economy. The new twist is:


    "100 cans for 100 years"


    Meaning that they are challanging all units to collect 100 cans per scout. For some units that is going to be a very heave load of canned food. I have 74 Boys listed on the roster right now, expecting to keep 40 - 50. They calculate each item at our food bank as one pound. 100 cans/lbs X 50 boys 5000 pounds of food. Wow.

  4. "What is the Aquanaut badge for? Do you have to tie knots underwater?"


    Not it is not knot tying, it is knot UNtieing. You are tied to a large brick, thrown into the pool and you must untie the knot.


    I know a lot of boys in my pack would think that was cool.

  5. Summer camp is one thing. Yes I know that this is the biggest money maker for the camp. But what happened to al the other weekends that are out there. Why don't you take your troop there for a weekend. Yes it will cost a little money, but that canbe a way of support. If the camp is used for more than just summer camp then it will be harder for the E Board sell it because "it is not used"


    Use your local camps. Check out their programs. Our local council camp is in the process of trying to put in a BMX track as there are many scouts going to a neighboring council to have access to theirs.


    Don't forget your cub scouts. They are probably your biggest membership in your council. help to plan a council weekend. Help with staff at one of these weekends.


    I could suggest more, but I do not have all night.

  6. Mother says "What do you mean I cannot take this radio and turn it up real loud at 2200 hours, in a state park, after all the Cubs have gone to bed. Let's have some fun"


    I got to be the bad CM and tell her NO.

  7. Eagle92


    WHy would I use a chain saw. I have an axe and if I get em from camp, they have that 2 man cross cut saw.


    As for what they are for, I was thinking of doing one with the Cub Scout ranks on it for my pack. I have also asked about doing another project, but to avoid problems, I will keep that one to myself for now.


    So am I understanding it right, that a cedar or an oak. I just need to make sure that I seal it real good afterwards.

  8. I am looking to do some totem pole projects in the near future. I have access to some land and have permission to cut the trees.


    What kind of tree should I look for. I live in NC so I need to make sure that the trees are actually here. The size I am looking for are about 8 - 12 inches in diameter and maybe about 6 - 8 feet tall.


    Any suggestions??

  9. My question is, why is it there can be no Boys organizations anymore. why do they al have to be coed.


    I do not buy the statment that ALL girl scout troops are boring and have no scout/outdoor skills taught. My duaghters troop does these type of things. Blame the individual leaders, not the whole program. Just because some people cannot or will not do anything outdoors is not a reason to blame the whole program.


    I still think that a coed program at all levels is a bad idea.

  10. What is this WB21C course that you say I am going to. I have a future Cub Scout on the way about that time and HWMBO said that there is no camping in that time frame.


    I still have green light for camping for about another 3 weeks, but that is it.


    I would not mind the NCS course though. I think that is past my base restriction. LOL

  11. What part of BOY Scouts of America does everyone have a problem with. The Citadel was an all male military academy. When one female took it to court and got in the whole history of the academy was changed. They had to make all kinds changes around the campus and make "Special Arrangements" for the girl.


    Then to top it off the girl did not even get through the Standard hell week. Dropped out.


    Now for a little more recend examples.


    Our troop was camping this weekend. One of our neighboring towns troops were also camping on the farm. Well here comes one of the other ASM's daughter and his girlsfriend. Next thing you know there are 5-6 boys from the other troop hanging around our site and they are all over this young lady. Like WWII soldiers coming back from battle. To top it off, none of our boys were getting anything done. I ended up leaving as I was only out there for the cooking competition, but this was something that I saw.


    I think that if you have that much of a problem with your GSUSA troop them do something to change it or find a troop that actually does something. My daughters troop does, and they are talking about doing more.

  12. OK now I have seen it all. Dog Scouts. Looks interesting but no troops in my state.


    Anyway Our local scout reservation/camp has 2 dogs depennding on the time of year. They are both super friendly and very wel behaved. One of them will not touch any food left on a table. Not even if there is no one around. Last year, we went camping with another pack. THey left some pizzas on the table and we went to the campfire. The dog came down and saw the campfire and wandered off. When we got back to camp, she was laying under the shelter about 15 feet away from the food and just looked up at us. There was not pizza missing. But when one plate was placed on the ground for her, she ate it like ti was going out of style.


    Very well behaved dog. I even have one boy who is afraid of dogs, but when it comes to the camp dog he is a little less afraid.


    I talked with the ranger and he said as a general expectation, when troops are camping on the weekends, he won't see her until the troops leave.

  13. I have to agree with the statement that yes, this is a free country and this father can stand or sit. That is his given right. Fortunatly I do not have this problem in our pack.


    But if you want my personal , not that of my unit, district, council, or any other BSA or employment entity, I think if you enjoy the freedoms that are afforded to you by this great country, and defended by those like myself and many others here, and around the country, and across the world that you should stand up and recognize the very symbol of the freedoms that you have. If not, we have another great freedom, the freedom to leave.


    Anybody else want this soap-box.

  14. I talked with our RT Comm. and she said that we are going to start doing things a little differently.


    We will have the general business for all


    Then go to breakout sessions for BS & CS


    At the CS we will start with some short training on things that people tend to forget about. Next month we are going to talk about Leader awards. We also have a block of instruction coming up in a few months for CS forms (other than Tour PErmit, we covered that a couple of months ago)


    In march or April we are going to do safe swim and safety afloat training. Yes I know it is available online, but not everyone has internet access.


    We are trying to break up the monotany of the Theme based learnuing only. We are trying to bring things in that the leaders can actually use.

  15. OGE, I will agree with you on the fact that it is promoting scouting in general. The problem is they are launching it as the 100th anniversary stamp. If they are so afraid of trademarks.


    How about a stamp set with a variety of Rockwell portraits. That would be a little closer to our history.

  16. I have been noticing some things with our PL's in the troop. They are having problems with patrol members listening and getting down to business. There are youth that are not listening.


    We had this problem two weeks ago. They were running around the cabin where we have the meetings and not doing anything scout related. I asked the PL if they had worked on their knots recently (as many of them are trying to make rank.) He told me no and that they other members of the patrol were running around. I asked if he would like some help and he said yes.


    I called them in and told them that the PL wanted them to sit down for know tieing. They asked me why. I told them that the PL said that it was time to work on knots. After some griping they sat down, but they still gave the PL gave him some grief.


    The question is, when do the adult leaders step in and help the PL. There is no SPL. How should we as adult leaders help the PL's without removing the boy-led program?

  17. Remember that it was Clinton that downgraded the military strength in the 90's.


    It was then that the USS Cole was attacked by this horrid man, oh what was his name. Oh yeah, Osama Binladen. Wasn't he also the same one responsible for the first attack on the trade center.


    But the democrats saw no need to go after this guy. When the country was attacked while Bush was president, he said, that is it. No more. We take the fight to them.


    Remember enough people voted for change.

  18. I was looking over the things that were said. I have one question about the epaulets. How many in the OA have run their sash under the epaulet to help keep it from falling off. So before you say it has absolutely no use think of scouting all around.


    The shirt needs to stay collared, i just think it looks better.


    I think the bolo looks good. I like it as a CS leader.


    All in all, we need to make the program where boys are PROUD to be a scout, not just something they do once a week and go camping.

  19. Here are some of the things that have been suggested so far.



    Veggies: Tomatoes, onions, potatoes, carrots


    Biscuit mix (I think we may just get the biscuit Tubes)


    Butter for oil as well as for food.



    Milk and cream



    As for the Golden skillet, we were going to find an old one, clean off rust and stuff and then just paint it gold.

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