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Posts posted by ScoutBox

  1. I have a pair of pants I ordered from Cabelas that are great. They look just liek the older pair and are grey. But I was asking because there are no more of the nylon version on the national Supply Store's site??? Are these being done away with and replaced?

  2. I've been having a look at the new National Scout Hop web page, and see that they are either out of the Venturing Pants or are replacing them, (I hope they are replacing them). Anyone have any info please?

  3. Moose, your right, she will have nothing to do with finding a new Chair. In fact, she will not be invited to meetings. I think the SM would be best for the CC job because is is a great Administrator. And he was never kool with becoming the SM. He speaks of this all the time. But I spoke to him tonight, and he's changed his mind again, and is interested in asking another parent who already has Committee experience from a past unit to fill the spot. But I will speak more with the COR about this. I want to get her more involved again.

  4. As of the e-mail I just read, no one for the moment. She says she will be looking for someone to step in to the job this Summer. I will keep pushing for the person who would work the best for the position, and the Troop. At this moment, our present SM who only landed into the position a couple of months ago would be the best solution. He would be best suited for the job then anyone. Then it would be up to him to find his replacement. But we have several great ASMs who would make great SMs.

  5. OK, Like I said the problem I have isn't that she doesn't want ASMs at ONE meeting, although that makes no since. But that she lacks in Scout Spirit. It makes since to me that if the SM asks to have the ASMs at ONE meeting to help better the communication, and who does what job(s) int eh Troop, then the CC should be smart enough to allow this. Another point, she has never not allowed the past SM to bring or invite someone to a meeting. This is her power trip.

  6. Good point all around Beavah, as an ADC I am staying at a distance. The SM wants to fight this, then he needs to make it his fight. I have been trying to calm him down for two weeks now. He's up and down. I'm trying to support the units here, and I take that role serious. Not the fighting. But it's hard to sit back and watch. But I'm a watching. The CoR knows the problem, so that'0s all can be asked I guess. The Troop is going int eh right direction compared to a year ago. And I suspect that in another year it will have changed again. I'm here for the long haul. many like the CC isn't. She's only here until her boys decide they want out, and they are heading int hat direction. Another problem is she's wanting to start a Crew. I'm in favor of this, but not in favor of having to go behind them, and clean up the mess. And they make a real mess. That's why the Troop was in such a bad situation. There was threat a couple of years ago that if they didn't start running it correctly then they would loose their charter. And that came from Council. I don't want to see that, but several up top have suggested that it would be best. I think that that would be a waste.


    Thanks for your fine advise Beavah..

  7. Beavah, the problem isn't the old guard with experience here. It's the old guard anti-American here. They are trying to maintain control. I was asked to run for SM over a year ago. When I did, the old guard heard about it, and found someone who didn't even show up to meetings or outings to serve. Now we have an American as SM, and the CC is making sure to keep him from being able to make a move. She is really anti-BSA. Before I came along and pushed for proper Boy lead, the boys did nothing. Always adults out front. Now the boys are taking the lead. I was at the CoH at another Unit last night, I'm the local ADC, and saw how they were doing things. In fact I spoke to a couple of families that live very close to our Troop but they prefer to drive the extra 30 mins. to go to another Troop because of the situation here. First, not BSA enough and second too much adult involvement. So as a parent of a boy in the troop I see this. as an ASM I see this, and as a ADC i see this. This isn't working. And speaking of parties. She's throwing a party for the past SM.. but not allowing the ASMs to attend. Because it will be at the Meeting???

  8. I've spoken to the CoR, she understands the situation, and at this moment isn't getting involved. I ask the SM to talk tot eh CC first, then if that doesn't work, speak to the CoR whom he is a good friend of. The Rest fo the Committee is staying out of the problem. They do what they are told, and that's that. not much adult attention in the troop, and the few who get involved try to run the show.



  9. Thanks Moosetracker. I am an ASM and the Equipment Cord. I avoid the meetings because of the attitude of the Chair. She is very negative. And since she is also a part of the local Girl Scouts, is always comparing the Troop with the GS?? Last time I saw her was at our COH, or new DE was around, and although she spoke to him for a few minutes int eh hall, when the leaders from other troops arrive to meet him, she went home. She acts like out former SM who never would stay around to speak or try to get to know other adults. We have a culture problem with her and a few of the former leaders from the Troop. They are no longer involved, but try t play a roll int eh unit. The problem, is we have very good educated and informed leaders present, and the former leaders didn't do much in helping the Troop just working to slow down progress. The culture problem is they are all English. And see the Troop as some kind of fiefdom. They are afraid of change, and really anti BSA??? Yeah, we don't understand it either??



  10. Our Committee Chair Person is a real problem for the SM and ASMs. in fact she is a problem for everyone. She is first very negative. You has for help or a question and you only receive negative replies. She only wants to do it her way. Our SM wants to bring all of the ASMs to the next Committee Meeting, but she doesn't want them. She doesn't encourage any training for Committee Members, and only takes advice from the past SM, and Committee Chair. What can be done. Can she limit who can attend a Committee Meeting. What should we do?

  11. I will be Staffing WB this year in my Council. I had a blast at my course, and am having a great time at the Staff-D's. Anyway, I remember getting a small gift from my TG last year, and she's our ASP-P this course. We were asked to give a small gift, but not spending much money nor making it a competition on who gives the most expensive gifts to our Patrols. We made Para Cord Bracelets last year, using a BDU pants button on Day 1. I went home using my Critter color with the cord, and hand made a wooden bead, and made myself my own. I decided this year to make a bunch of different color para cord bracelets and using my hand made beads to fix them with to pass out as gifts to my Patrol. Anyone else have to give gifts in their courses? and what did you give. I was going to buy one of those critter necklaces like i got last year from my TG, but this idea was already taken, and they are expensive.

  12. I just sent my order to my local Scout Shop, and they sent the shop's order today. They say that National says that all in on stock. In fact, several of the youth size older new shirts are already out of stock, and being replaced with these. I should have my new, new, shirt and pants in two weeks.



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