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Everything posted by SaintCad

  1. "It is just that I have to wonder if this boy perhaps had some undiagnosed heart condition which, when combined with the lightning striking near him, caused his heart to malfunction. I just don't know, maybe I'm wrong." A wet ground can conduct electricity. Electrocutions during rainstorms where the lightning strikes NEAR the victin are not rare.
  2. "The backdrop is a recent decision by Bank of America to withhold its usual charitable donation to a regional Boy Scouts council based in Valdosta because of the national organizations prohibition of gays serving as troop leaders. That news has fired up two Republicans from Cobb County: Rep. Earl Ehrhart of Powder Springs the chief sponsor of the earlier Defense of Scouting Act and Sen. John Wiles of Marietta. The two have vowed to introduce bills in their respective chambers next winter that would forbid the state from doing business with any company that discriminates against youth g
  3. Old Grey Eagle I'm not sure why you directed your comments to me specifically. I said that I don't believe that SSM's will lead to the downfall of Western Civilization. I also pointed out that SSM laws do not repeal incestuous (consanguity) marriage laws.
  4. "The hat isn't in question! It's the head and what program the head is in. What's it they say: If you want to get ahead get a hat, if you want to get a hat get a head? Of course the Sea Scouts are the only program that really uses the head -But we aren't going there!!" ??????? I asked the salesman in our local scout shop (a national one) and I made it very clear that I was a Den Leader for Cubs. He explained that the campaign hat was appropriate for any BSA Scouter since we represent Boy Scouts of America - even in a Cub Den. That's why we wear the Boy Scout uniforms and n
  5. My simplistic response was meant to illustrate that in this country, the BSA would need to show that they were NOT negligent instead of the plaintiffs proving negligence was involved. Anytime there's a death/injury in this country, the jury assumes there was negligence involved - that's why there are so many of these cases (they're very easy to win).
  6. "It isn't gay marriage. It is same sex marriage. Same sex marriage means almost anyone one can be married, two brothers, two sisters, a mother & grandmother, to male best friends, two female best friend, etc. and receive the same benefits as a traditional married couple. And that's OK?" Really? Can you point to ANY proposed law that repeals the consanguity marriage bans that every state has? I didn't think so.
  7. Using the rule that official BSA uniform gear is always official, I have a 1930's campaign hat made by Stetson (size 7 1/8) with the original BSA pin. Well worth the 5 points.
  8. "I don't give a rat what Bob and Bob do in privacy but when they start mucking around with the basic unit of society in an effort to force acceptance of their particular perversion then I'm going to react." The problem with this stand is that society gives preferential treatment to married couples (income tax rates, medical decision making, next-of-kin, etc.) Once you use the law to limit opportunities for a group of people that another group can have - that's discrimination! Now I know what the argument is: there's no discrimination because homosexuals are allowed to marry, bu
  9. I was reading the back and forth between Merlyn and Ed and I have yet to see the real issue. Not everything in this country is discrimination. Someone can exclude you for eye color, height, age (under 40), and yes - sexual orientation. It is all about being in a protected class such as race, religion, sex (I know I'm missing a few) and NOT EVERY CHARACTERISTIC IS PROTECTED. The other issue is, does the public school use funds to support the organization. If the public school simply gives the pack a place to meet than there is (probably) no problem with it. Even if they do fund the
  10. Right or wrong, here's how the case will go: Judge: Where is your WRITTEN procedure for what to do during thunderstroms? BSA: Our what? Judge: Ruling is for the plaintiffs.
  11. "Where in my post did you think I was accusing anyone of homosexuality" I wasn't. I wasn't exactly sure WHAT you were referring to (my best guess was bobanon) so I thought I'd check.
  12. "I guess its something to be expected when you are proud of who you are" Was this a general statement accusing some of us of homosexuality or a specific statement about Bobanon and his participation in the UU? It seems to me that this statement coming out of nowhere could be easily misinterpreted and I want to make sure that I'm inferring what you're implying. By the way, what does UU stand for? I know all of the other acronyms used so far in this thread.
  13. I think the manner of the breakup is important to the discussion. If the new troop's attitude was a "screw you we're leaving!" then they left and gave up everything to the old troop. On the other hand, if the split was amiable and the break-up was mutual, then definately the funds and supplies should be shared (maybe not 50/50 though).
  14. Scouter.com is invaluable for this thread alone. So my (next) question is since the horn is in Bb but the key for bugle calls is C natural: Will the fingering will be the same as that natural scale? For example, the first note in reveille is a G, so it would be played with all of the valves up but the note played would be Gb. OR Do I need to play a half-step higher? For example, for G would I press valves 2-3 as if I were playing G# on the natural scale?
  15. "The easiest way is just to let him play the calls at whatever "natural" pitch his instrument has. We're only talking a 1/2 step difference. The important thing is that he play them "open keyed" (without pressing any valves), letting the embouchure and natural overtones do the work." Wait a minute. Does that mean that if my son uses a cornet that he can't use the valves to change notes while working on his MB?
  16. "But I will agree that there is line-drawing here that is not entirely clear--why is it OK with BSA for some COs to decide that women shouldn't be leaders, but not OK for other COs to decide that gays can be leaders? That just takes us back to the murky question of whether BSA's values on these subjects are based on some underlying principles or rather on the consensus of the most powerful COs." What would happen if an OC that does not believe in female leadership (like some Christian Churches) wanted to prevent a woman from being a cubmaster or denmaster? Would BSA allow it? Is it
  17. "WOW! Hard to believe! I'm dumbfounded! I guess, SaintCad, there is no way to make you understand. What I posted is backed by others. Where is your back-up research?" "Bobanon, Thanks for supplying the titles, but I don't read much fiction." Ummmm . . . the same place as yours I guess since you havn't posted any backup research either. I suspect that even if I did post the research that scholars have done, you would belittle them like you did with Bobanon since people with M.Div's and D.Min's must clearly be wrong if they disagree with you. But I did have to study the Bible
  18. "What part of "different account of the same event" don't you understand? The explanations I gave you are widely accepted by others who know and study the Bible." I understand completely. What you fail to understand is that you have INTERPRETED the Bible. In other words, when Mark said there was a young man in the tomb, you've INTERPRETED that to mean that he is referring to the spokesman. When Acts said that Judas "fell headlong" you've INTERPRETED that to mean after he hanged himself. The question was: what makes YOUR INTERPRETATIONS more valid than other interpretations backed up b
  19. "SaintCad, I'm done! Maybe you should go back to your Poker discussion & gaming forums. You probably know more about them than you do about this topic." After 10 pages of this thread and this is the best you can do?! I've shown that I have more than a Sunday School knowledge of the Bible and you resort to an Ad Hominum attack? But then, I guess your complete lack of an answer to my last post is answer enough. And I forgive you for your insult.
  20. I guess this raises another question. Cornets and trumpets are typically in the key of Bb, but bugle calls are given in the key of C natural. Does BSA print a version of the bugle calls in Bb?
  21. Ed, so it's clear that you have an explaination that covers everything. I suppose that if I point out hat in Mark the Man/Angel is already in the open tomb when Mary an Salome arrive but in Matthew they see the angel decend and mve the stone - you'll have some ready explanation of why they are not contradictory. But that doesn't matter because you have already proven my point. You INTERPRET the Bible to make it consistant for you, so that when the Bible says that Judas gave back his 30 pieces of silver and the money eventually was used by the priests to buy land yet Judas apparently use
  22. "Meanwhile, Tom Willis, the volunteer in charge of training who broke the story has had his membership in Scouting revoked and is paying to fight this in court. Wondering why so many unit did not have trained leaders, he was told to "forget it." When he persisted, he was threatened. BSA did NOT want this story to come out." So now there are 3 thing that will get you throwned out of Scouting: 1) Being an atheist 2) Being a homosexual 3) Being a whistleblower
  23. Although not close to the above scenerio, when my son won the pack's Pineblock Derby, the two Webelos that took second and third turned their back and ignored the little Tiger Cub that beat them when he went up to congratulate them. Meanwhile the parents were more than congratulatory and definately showing goodwill so it is not always a matter of emulating adults.
  24. >>Ed, I see you didn't answer my challenge. In the story of the women visiting the empty tomb in the Gospels, how many people/angels are in the tomb? How do you explain this contradiction? >No contradiction. Four accounts of the same story. No contradiction?! Matthew and Mark claim it was one person (or angel) while Luke and John state there were two peple (or angels). So Ed, how many were in the tomb: one, two, or some other number? Oh, while you're answering that, please tell me how Judas Iscariot died. Did he commit suicide by hanging (Matthew) or did he fall
  25. I talked to the music teacher at my school. He agreed that a flugelhorn simply does not have the brightness to do bugle calls.
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