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red feather

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Everything posted by red feather

  1. found link: let me know what you think of the ideas. http://wings.interfree.it/free
  2. Looking for information and experiences from those of you who have used either commercial or homemade alcohol stoves. Thanks. YIS
  3. After burning off 12 acres of grassland,the excuse was I dropped a match and it just lit. Observed a scout playing with fire and when told to get rid off it, it was thrown still burning in to brush. The upset parent who after falling asleep during a water balloon fight using 2 man slingshots (asleep in the target area) was hit and got upset. The dad who trying to speed up the cooking process used starter fluid to speed up the fire. The camp ranger who came to us wanting to know what the left handed smoke shifter looked like. The parent who did not believe the jalopena
  4. Welcome, light crow. I am an adult Runer in the Tribe tapped as a youth in 68 and currently active in the St. Joe area. Thanks for the brief history. MOS is not a secret orgainzation its ceremonies and activities are open to parents who might be concerned or have questions. The boys and adults who are tapped or called to join the Tribe are asked to keep the traditions and ceremonies to themselves to heighten the experience of the scouts who wish to join. Watching 3rd year scouts who are elegable to join during the week prior to them being called is exciting to watch, as they realize
  5. How about a dad who brought a potato gun on an overnight in a state park...and fired it in the direction of the park ranger offices? The dad who had cooking responsibility for the adults and brought the food from home, precooked and ready for serving. The mom who insisted on sitting downwind of the fire to discourage bugs and complained about the smoke and ash. The dad tht couldn't figure out why his shoe was hot... until the coal finally burned through. The mom who insisted on being treated the same as the other adults but wanted help with her gear and wouldn't leave her t
  6. ASM7, any non-tribesman or woman is welcome to learn what is involved in MOS. Traditions and cermonies are based on the scout law, oath, and motto. The 'secret' tag is utilized for the scouts who are nominated to MOS and to enhance the mystique for the younger scouts. You are welcome to come to camp and learn what it is about. I have heard of visits by National to our camp to see what we do to retain older scouts. If you have any questions please let me know.
  7. L-owl, I think you have given me a new hobby. thanks very much for the site. Just the thing i have been looking for in this thread. Keep the ideas coming. YIS
  8. I too like the idea of skits and singing etc. However, remember there are adults like me that are tenors (best heard ten or twenty valleys away) and need a bucket to carry a tune. Last time I was singing to myself of a hike, other troop members rushed to my aid thinking I was in need of help. Keep up the good fight. YIS
  9. Yeah, altar is a better spelling. Like the idea of the swedish chimney. One of the things I have found suggests 3 logs 6-8 in in dia. about 2 feet long. one procedure said to bury the bottom ends a couple to inches in the ground to stabilize the fire. This one built the teepee fire on the outside of the logs on the upwind side and allowed the fire to burn into the center. Said to increase the heat generated. Thanks for the input keep the ideas coming. Has anyone built the pepsican stove yet. I'm working on one slowly. YIS
  10. rmal thanks for the input. Much of this forum is geared to rather isoteric ideas, but I am hoping for real life ideas. Thanks for the info. You might look into kite string for sowing, just as strong and has uses for snares, floss, etc. The back frame is a good source for storage, duct tape, wire. I like the metal shower curtain hangers as they can be used as emergency pack pins. Have you heard of the fire lay I described? YIS
  11. Mic-O-Say is a Honor Camper society located in St Jospeph, Mo with a sister camp at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation used primarily by the Kansas city area scouts. Scouts and adults are nominated to join based on rank, age and activity in scouts. Boys are generally Star rank adn 3rd year campers. Adults who are active are usually 2nd or 3rd year campers. MOS is loosely based on american indian traditions with two ranks Brave and Warrior. With additonal 'paint' responsibilities added on over more years of involvement. Many of the older scouts have been active in MOS for over 20 years. I
  12. Will check it out. Welcome to the digital campfire. Check my thread of camping tidbits always looking for ideas. YIS
  13. Camp Geiger, St Joseph, Mo. Home of Mic-O-Say (Honor Camping Society, alternative to OA) and home of COPE. Staff is great, all Eagles and many return staffers, many 5 plus years. Had a British troop this year, and they could not understand why anyone would colonize such an area, hot, rainy, buggy etc. (hah,hah) But a great experience. Mic-O-Say keeps boys coming back to advance. Many 17 to 20 year old scouts return for the experiences.
  14. Curious on how things are going?
  15. In our troop any star scout or higher can sign off on the lower rank requirements, any adult can sign off on any of the requirements of any rank. It is up to the SM or designee (sp?) to verify or have trust in the signer that the action has been properly finished. If I have any doubts I will remind the scout that a scout is trustworthy and ask them again, susprising how many 'come clean'. YIS
  16. Welcome, halfpint. Keep them coming.. 18 is the only limit I know of. YIS
  17. When we retire a flag, we raise it one last time, let it fly and after lowering, have 4 boys drape it over the fire in ONE PIECE! as the flag is being retired we ask a scout to say what the flag means to him and then ask an adult leader (usually one who has been in the military or public service) to say a few words also. Silence is then kept while a leader verifies that the flag has been totally consumed. Once that is done the scouts are dismissed to their camp site. It has startled me over the years the respect the young scouts maintain during this ceremony. We do not require it, it just s
  18. Looking for experience with a fire lay called a swedish alter fire that has three poles 2-3 high set vertical on the ground with a teepee fire to start it. One report says it can generate temps as high as 4000 degrees. Looking for suggestions of how to cook a turkey on a tripod. have one system looking for more.
  19. Training, training, Training. Get it. Have fun and go with the flow. You will be surprised in what the scouts can do if you let them. Remember, your purpose is to provide an enviroment that the scouts enjoy and don't burn down the meeting area or the forest. Have fun.
  20. Welcome to the newposters. Jerry,Youngblood, Benny,DrBeaco, etc. welcome to the fray. ASM1-- Camping without coffee?? How dastardly!!! Youngblood-- decent points but female precence does give male leaders leaverage for proper behavior. Moms on overnight that have gone with us must/should understand that they in a male oriented activity. A little dust,ash, etc does not mean the meal is ruined, etc,etc. If a mom wants to go on overnights I would hope that she would understand what the purpose of the overnight is , not a getting away but as been stated a bonding of boys to lea
  21. Keep on truckin' LauraT7. Work within the program to provide help, but keep to your guns and try to provide the programs for those in the troop that can't do all of the 'high adventure'. With the program the PLC planned that is part of the learning process of young leaders. If some of the scouts could not do the program, this should be pointed out to the PLC and see if they will, themselves, plan a dual level outing that will include all of the scouts. Good luck, stay the course. YIS
  22. Training, training, training. Once trained put the scouts in a situation (similated) and monitor their reactions. Tent fire on overnight, lost scout, campire burns, medical situations. Without this practice judgements on proficiency cannot be made. All groups that may have to respond to emergencies practice and practice more. Amazing what the boys will gain in confidence and what you will learn about them. YIS
  23. Yes refillable rules. I have manitained and rebuilt our white gas stoves for years. However they are geting up in age and the troop has decided to go propane to use on overnights. This does have the disadvantage of the scouts not knowing how to maintain their personal stoves on trips that they can't carry the propane bottle...haven't found a volunteer yet to carry the hoses and gear in their pack yet. Propane is quicker on heating but cumbersome. YIS
  24. From a wader. What is the White Stag Program? YIS
  25. Quixote, unless the other two adults fust wanted to bike with the scouts there was no need for them to go. with two leaders already with them requirements had been met for any question of leadership participation. I agree with proper supervision or contacts no leader would be needed for this type of function. Sounds like you might have parents that want scouts swaddled in bubblewrap and not allowed near hot, sharp or otherwise dangerous things. Hopefully with a little work you can get them to ease off. Good luck.' YIS
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