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Posts posted by purcelce

  1. eagle90. I've been to the Illini Jamboree twice. It's a great time. Due to work schedule I'm unable to attend with my Troop. You can pm me with your questions or post them here.


    Quick Tip.


    Make breakfast on Sat breakfast cold. You'll be getting on the bus for the game early. You can eat lunch at the game. Also there will be food vendors on the midway.


    When you say anybody from Okaw Valley Council ask them about Cary the Mean Old Guy who was the Aquatic Director for Camp Joy and Camp Vandenter. They'll share some awesome and funny stories with you.



  2. I'm headed out the door to be the Aquatics Director for our Council's Cub Resident Camp. I just finished up as AQ Dir for Boy Scout resident camp and I had a blast.


    Everyone says that Cub resident camp is fun, but I have some reservations as this is my first time working with this age group. I've only worked with cubs a few times before as the judge for the Dist Rain gutter Regatta, and being at a few B&G banquets as a FOS presenter.


    Wish me luck!!!(This message has been edited by purcelce)

  3. Happy Independence day to everyone. I've got my clothes washed and nows it's time to head back to Camp Joy for another fun week as the Aquatics Director.


    I'll be posting my summer camp escapades next weekend since this is our last week.

  4. Hello everyone!


    I've just been asked by our Camp Director to attend National Camp School starting next week. I'll be this year's aquatics director. I'll be headed up to Nebraska. Has anybody here on the boards been to Camp School?


    Details, I need details, as I won't be able to talk with the Camp director again until later this week.





  5. ANZAC! I remember the mini-series called ANZACS. I think Mel Gibson, and the guy who played Crocodile Dundee in it.


    I think it came out in the mid to late 80's. I wonder if it's out on DVD?


    I'll say a prayer today for all those who have served, serving, and will serve down under.



  6. I say let him go for it. This kid appears to know what he wants, and know what he's doing. If he's just going for these mb's then he should be fine time wise.


    Wilderness Survival can be completed during the session besides the overnighter.


    Environmental Science - A lot of time is spent in the field studying nature.


    Lifesaving - Yikes...When I had the choice I got Emergency Prep instead.


    Good luck to MrsSmith's baby boy!!! :) I'm sure he'll achieve his goal.



  7. Since Terry started this area I'll jump on the bandwagon and start her up.


    I'm currently ASM for a Troop at Scott AFB (was a MC, but got bumped up to ASM at recharter due to losing a few ASM's). I'm also ADC, an Associate OA Lodge Adviser, and a behind the scene guy whenever a volunteer or DE needs something. (Just got "volunteered" to help out with Outdoor Training next weekend.)


    I got back into Scouting two years ago after a 15 year hiatus. I started out Scouts as a Cub (not Tigers waaaay back then), got my Eagle, and was ASM for a few troops here and there until I got reassigned overseas for the second time to a location with no Scout program (no kids for that matter). Weird thing is my kids are not in BSA (My daughter is a Brownie Scout, and my son just a few years from Tiger age). The idiot typing this is also a registered GSUSA leader...Am I a glutton for punishment or what? :)


    I've only got a two weeks left in the AF and I retire. Will be moving just down the street from the base and will be still involved with my troops, district, and council.


    OK who's next? How 'bout you Manyirons? :)


  8. "Are we still entitled to membership in BSA after a group hug? "


    Last year when I worked as camp commissioner at summer camp, the Program Director would always yell "This is no hugging in Boy Scouts".


    Of course me being having a little fog in me, led the staff in singing the Barney song and gave him a group hug.


    Now he has moved up to Camp Director. Rumor has it this year that one of the requirements to get the Scoutmaster merit badge is to hug the CD once.




  9. mrssmith wrote "Purcelce, Korea Scouter and Trailpounder, Do you also read Playboy for just for the articles? Come on. Is there any kind of talk you would not tolerate around the campfire? And although its a free country, would you tolerate this from Scouts? "




    Please don't put words in my mouth. I don't read the above publication. How would you like it if I posted something like....."Do you smoke crack? come on." I don't think you would appricate it. Therefore I don't appricate yours.


    My suggestions is to use Bob's words of wisdom of squelching FOG if you don't like what he has to say.


    As for me, and a few others around these parts, we like to hear what everyone has to say.



    Still got opening at your camp?



    Cary P

  10. Just curious on how it can be time for a Venturing Honor Society?


    Venturing has only been around for 6 years. Shouldn't Venturing wait a few more years or so to get more membership?


    Also what do the youth think about it? Do the Crew members in your district and council want to expand?



  11. I went to NLS as a youth in 19XX. Back then it was a "How to be a Lodge Officer" program.


    Went last year as an adult... It is a weekend full of "How to be an effective leader". You can use the knowledge in Scouts, school or on the job.


    Very worthwile and action packed weekend.

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