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Posts posted by prairie

  1. Guilty, I earned that Basket Weaving MB.

    I liked it because I'm good with my hands and wanted to learn how it was done, came in usfull when we did basket making in art class.

    No, I did not take it at Summer Camp. it and Stamp Collecting and Farm Mechanics were done at home. Heck thanks to living rural I finished up my Rifle and Shotgun here at home after several years of trying at camp, Archery took two trys as well. Cooking and Horsemanship were done the first year at camp, good fun!


    Back on topic, Supprise!

    Sometimes I think all those partials indicate a boy who just picked something cause he was told to but he really wants to do is just have some fun. The notion of earning one harder MB that isn't offered at home and have some fun as well would be much better than coming home with one easy MB and some partials.

    Sadly my old troop also had the notion that Summer camp was wasted in the boy didn't come home with at least two finished MBs, those that earned four got praise.

  2. I get something like this every week, farm repairs are not subject to sales tax here, it's handled at the point of sale, tryin to get that tax money back after you paid it is much harder. Council should have given you the tax excempt paperwork BEFORE you got the equipment.

  3. Severl parents here use a safety pin through the necker just under and behind the slide so it's hidden from view.

    How did I go seven years and never lost a slide or necker? I eather stuck them in my pocket or in more orginized events left them in my hat which had my name in it.

  4. I really don't like the way temp patchs that hang from the button look, adding streames makes it worse. Others can do as they like, it's not for me.


    Saw the slide, didn't grab me, they might have had the necker, was getting late and I had enough stuff on the counter already.


    The catalog shows a cool backpatch #18167 thats on my list of wants.

  5. Gunny, somebody good with a sewing machine could add zippers to the Gen2 Switchbacks, and as a mod not easily seen nobody will notice till you want them to. I'm looking at a sepperating zipper long enough so that the pant leg will be split and won't have to be pulled over dirty boots.


    Brite idea! Supply should spec that the legs have a tag for your name so getting switched with somebody else less likely.

  6. Visited the Councils Scout Shop last night, they don't have all the new stuff but I picked up some.


    Handbook, seems okay, type face size means I cant read it with out stronger reading glasses, often print is over color so harder to make out as well.


    The Ring for around the World crest, A eyegrabber with metalic thread, I am concered how it will hold up to wear and washing, at $1.49 I can put several in my collection and wear one.


    The temp patch item#18143, a good looking square patch, fully embrodered, will wear it on my Den Leader shirt for school recruitment night, but not the ring as well. There is another one with places to dangle mini ribbons, hope to avoid that one.

    There is a large one too, the cataloge lists it as fully embrodered but mine is not, does have the tiny universal pin though.


    The freebe cataloge, some neat stuff but also pages of things I'dd never want.


    Cool item alert!

    #24280, 100 Anniversary Stainless Steel Carabiner Mug $9.99

    built in clip so it saves weight on your belt, wish the inside was better polished and its a bit smaller at 10oz than the cups I normaly use. Bought two and would still be thrilled if somebody gave me another.




  7. Count me as a vote for, true the suplex in't a nice office shirt but it's cool in hot weather, important when you don't want Scouts having to treat you for heat stroke. I do wish they would offer a shirt in all natural fibers though. The new belt rocks and the Centennial canvas pants work well, still using FirstGen Switchbacks for hot weather. Coulda been much worse, like a polo shirt with velcro strips for easy patch swappin and board shorts.

  8. Agreed, 2nd grade is early enough, both the parents and boys burn out, and this incresses the time Scouters are exposed to a adult lead and driven program, makes it even harder for them to stand back and let Patrols function in Boy Scouts.

  9. ""I find your use of the word "gay" in such a derogatory fashion to be highly offensive.""


    Durogatory use of a word that means happy and light hearted?


    All other meanings spring from a subculture hijacking a word for their own use. Kinda funny to see the tables turned when the word is hijacked again.


    Is it just me or are some members having a hard time the last few days remembering a Scout is "Friendly"?


    Funny thing, the word friendly had a second meaning localy when I was growing up, high school youth culture can be like that.




  10. Have thought about this for the last week, seems Scouting could use two things, a national figure for recruitment, and a training course in ScoutCraft (maybe GB) thats flexable in how its delivered. Guess thats two Voices.

    We have gotten used to training conducted and controled by district, council, region and national with the accompaning awards or reconginition. If the new course has no pins, patchs, diplomas or cards as Gern prefers it could be conducted with just a few troops worth of Scouters and young leaders, kinda a study at home but done on local terain instead. The patrol would self mentor and cross train so that the their abilitys are brought up to First Class leval. Would a graduate of the National Camping School course on Outdoor Skills be of any use as a trainer?



  11. "Some years later, I was invited to serve on the staff of a WB21 course. I was rather stunned to learn that "the hat" was no longer a requirement and was actually frowned upon. So now "the hat" has become somewhat of an anachronism and I wonder, is the campaign hat even relevant to Scouting anymore, and if so, how?"


    Wear "the hat" cept at WB21, if they don't want to wear them its their choice, and loss. I don't have one yet cause I'm cheap and have a hard to fit head.

    sherminator505, what hat was approved?

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