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Everything posted by ozemu

  1. Hey dozer - Im here too! You know - oz emu... australian bird...oh dear. There was another here somewhere. Tasmanian bloke. Thanks dan I was away. Welcome Phil, is essex near wessex? met a scout fellowship bloke who is a city councillor in wessex (i think) at our jamboree early this year. Is the jamboree you mention a national event? We got 12 000 to ours and that was a bit down. Got 16 000 two jams ago. Do your changes include a uniform that resembles a fast food outlets attire? We are doing that soon. Very depressing. If you have gone that way how has it worked
  2. headlamps in the tunnel simulated accident to practice first aid (careful where you do that - dont want to cause a real accident by sudden braking) go fishing along the way each patrol to locate itself to a 6 or 8 figure grid reference at least three times. They should use a few minutes before starting to examine the map and find obvious places with lots of features to use when plotting the grid ref. scavenger hunt ideas - find sign of another group using the track, collect nuts / fruit / flowers / seeds, identify the origin of rock types, find erosion / high
  3. Thanks everyone. Monthly seems most useful but I also have issues with the time required. Well not me but my beautiful wife has issues. All the others are married too and have similar spouses. Not beautiful mind you, two are husbands after all but the time thing is common. The training idea I had not considered. As we are more likely to meet quarterley (given the above) with a few ad hoc short meetings thrown in we might even look at training. Thanks Mike F. Eamonns liquid was a given already (mine is rum and coke). Incidentally a UK Scouter told me about a bumper st
  4. Similar to KS but without the BSA rules. If you have already signed of on the individual requirments then you may be compelled to letting this one through. This may be unpleasent. On the upside Second class is commendable but not exactly worth you dying in its defence. We all make mistakes. You did in getting to this position. He did in paying lip service to the standards. You will pay for your mistake by denting your pride in unit (and some gnashing of teeth perhaps). He will pay for his by being very closely observed while earning the next rank. Please remember t
  5. Have you blokes seen the turtle scenes in Finding Nemo?
  6. Oddly we dont have a term for the adult leaders meeting separately to iron out the details of for the PLC and our own needs in the program. Lets call it a leaders meeting. I am finding that our expansion and swelling adult numbers require more of my time in planning. I used to do it after each meeting but that cant happen now with young Scouts and Monday night meetings. Our leader meetings now need to be more formal, less often and yet timely. Question: How often do your adults meet either formally or informally. This is separate to the PLC. After the PLC I find that we need th
  7. wish him good fortune for me pls
  8. it is not fair. it reads like he was just getting his stride worked out.
  9. can never have enough of these. thanks eisely
  10. I have not read the detail of the previous posts because I dont always understand things across the pacific but you seem to be getting good local advice. My advice from a very stand back position is that if you like Scouting then do what you must do and if the pack folds just move on as many kids as you can into other packs etc and then do the same yourself. Your energy and enthusiasm are needed elsewhere. There is always a job going. The cubs will continue to have a great time somewhere else. I can think of two other jobs that are available and I would try my hand at. Differen
  11. What would make the leadership positions in your troop more attractive to otherwise enthusiastic Scouts? Is there something missing from the way you handle the incumbents that is not attractive to the others. I am definately not saying that you are being a bad SM but rather that I have learned and put into practice many things that make the role of PL etc sought after and respected in our Troop. Having said that the newest additions in our Troop who have arrived as older Scouts (about 4 Scouts) are evenly split on wanting to have a leadership role and not. The more experienced olde
  12. Hiemlich on a bus. Not the best location; I suppose it was moving too so conditions are even worse. A teenager hugging a peer from behind even if they know it is what is needed. Acting with the doubts that Proud Eagle had at his party - is it needed or will the student cough up the obstruction? Plenty of room for doubt there. I'm not impressed that the Scout knew what to do but taking action under those conditions is commendable. Remember most teenagers are far more self conscious than we (self assured) adults. Well done in my book. Medals? Wouldn't get one here bu
  13. Come on Scouts. Looking at the top of the page there are lots of us waiting for some pointers. Where are the others?
  14. Excellant question. I have concentrated at the micro level rather than discussing politics or campaigning. I must say I dont usually know who to trust anyway. What has been done is: not allowing abuse of our countrys leaders on the premise that anyone can poor scorn on public figures but not many can offer better solutions. If they can rationally be critical then they get a good hearing and a discussion. discussing bullying and the teenage tendancy to be negative or even cruel as a defence against cruelty and ridicule to themselves. Standing up for a cause is very hard
  15. Welcome OTTEROBC. Your post does not reveal much about the numbers that you have in mind nor the nature of the disabilities or even what adult and funding support that you have or expect. In the absence of the detail I offer my recollections of Scouting with disabled people. I add that I have never had a connection with a disabled Troop or event. I knew well three boys with 5% vision or so, a totally blind SM (also leader trainer), an intellectually disabled leader and his son, Have also met two other intellectually disabled Scouts and another with cerebral paulsy in my Distr
  16. Hmmm. Thinking back on the comments (all of which I value). Advancement is not an issue just as leadership is not on the agenda. Why is he here? He wants to join in. And while he is here we will rub some character into him.
  17. Fair enough. A few differences that you may not understand. There are no appointed Troop leadership positions over here. None. I have invented them twice before but in this case I agree. This young man will not be in a leadership position. Also there is no Venture Patrol Adrianvs. Rather we run a few activities that are more adventurous for older Scouts and he can help the adults arrange them. He would have no responsibility for other Scouts. He in fact would have no Patrol and needs a recognised role (which is NOT senior to any PL). Where does he stand on parade and wh
  18. This thread was spun from another thread.Three times I have had a Scout who I did not want to be in any Patrol of Scouts. I have tried three different methods of including them and am interested in others experiences. Firstly an overview of why they could not join a Patrol. I do this to paint a picture. We have a different system and I do not wish to go into a full thesis on our differences. I'm really out to compare solutions of employment. So the Scouts were: Much older than other Scouts when they first start (a 14 year old being led by 12 year olds did not seem likely on this
  19. When we have an SPL equivilant they always camp with the adults as I see it as a part of their transition toward adulthood. To this end they get to spend time close up with the adults, get recognition of their maturation from the Scouts in Patrols and the previous comments about impartiality stand in my opinion.
  20. BW - You've got to be kidding! It is very sad. Keep your armour on mate. Personally I find the ignore has much improved my presence here. A bit like burying your head in the sand or like wearing intergalactic gargo blasters but works for those as weak willed as myself. Thanks Terry
  21. given up trying to vote for the moment. I get the register page (chore) and do that only to find I still cannot vote. this thread is being mirrored in Scouter Announcements forum
  22. Sounds great but frankly I do not have enough leisure time for that. My method of keeping up is the Roundtable and visiting other Scouters at big camps. and this forum. I want to know how to be a better Scout Leader. That is how I have fun when not with my family and my job.
  23. I have a poor memory for detail and must check all the time. What never fails though is that my gut feeling is always correct. Not to say that my gut feeling is always alert though (sleepy little blighter) but when it whispers I listen. It seems that KS pays attention to the same animal. It is a good backup to the official rules and should never be underestimated. That is what I teach my Scouts. If it doesn't look/feel/sound right then don't do it. These were Tenderfoot Scouts though and they are always wild cards. Well done KS.
  24. Hi guys, jamboree had some real problems that detracted from things a bit so I did not boot the idea off formally. Got lots of interest from leaders though so I will pursue the plan from our home base in this new Scouting year. Specifically I have a number of older Scouts without leadership positions available so I will start with my Troop and will then invite other older Scouts along. Jamboree reunion will also show the drop out rate and will collect the keenest older Scouts. (we get lots drop out after Jam - only one of mine but it is normal in other Troops). I don't think
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