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Ms. Eagle 515

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Everything posted by Ms. Eagle 515

  1. You never know when your Course Director is waiting in the wings. Yes Jer, Wood Badge is worth your time. As the mother of four scouts, if it wasn't worth my time the first time around, I wouldn't have served on staffs afterwards or accepted this current assignment. What did I get out of it, more than I ever expected, but I won't list specifics, each individual takes something different and I don't want to influence your experience. Now, you have less than three weeks left, get ready for the fun to begin. Signed, The Course Director ) SR-912
  2. This would be my fourth year as day camp program director, and eighth year working with Cub Scout Day Camp. I have seen previous directors have a seperate Webelos program run in conjunction with the camp (2 of each range, etc.) but that involved almost twice the amount of volunteers and I have not been able to swing it during my time. What I can do though is offer a more entailed craft for them and during advancement time offer them something out of their book to work on for advancement. My schedule has a Sr. Webelos den traveling to an activity with a Jr. Webelos den and usually the majori
  3. "Those examples are ludicrous, as it appears that is what you intended. Continuing in the same vein: " No, this example was and uncalled for as well. GernBlansten, thank you for the correct and indepth explanation of the importance of the tree in LNT fashion as well as the public land private land explanation. I appreciate your entry. We can minimize the importance (trees)and the significance(water) of all natural resources but if we don't all try to minimize the footprint we make when we take our scouts or ourselves in the outdoors, this will be a mute point when our kids kids
  4. I know how to earn the Paul Bunyan award without upsetting Leave No Trace. Visit any Council campsite along the Mississippi and Louisiana Gulf Coast. We're still dealing with downed trees 17 months after our two-fer Hurricane punch. I'm sure up in the northern areas or those areas prone to heavy snow that you too encounter downed trees which can used to help complete the requirements, and as a Leave No Trace trainer, I can say we won't mind a bit just as long as you dispose of it properly. That's another topic and another training though. Happy cutting. Down and Out for now!
  5. Our council just hosted a Wood Badge course last fall and it was anticipated that since the Course Director was well known to the older scouts from his time as Summer Camp Director, these now 18 year olds would be lining up to fill the rosters. While that was their intentions, as is the case with most active 18 year olds, their schedule had a conflict and they weren't able to attend. With the exception of one that is, who attended along with his dad who was in another patrol. The overall reception of his presence from the rest of the participants was positive and a few of the adults turned
  6. While sure someone somewhere could see the potential to abuse this opportunity, and I've run into those people before, I think the original question was innocent enough. Tiger Cubs and Boys Scouts are way apart when we come to advancements. I took a good hard long look at the requirements as well as the totem when the changes first took place. If a boy completed each elective only once, there would be alot of room left over on his elective thong. The acheivements are meant to be done and credited once and as such they are awarded with a big bead that fills the thong. The only way to fill
  7. One, or two more things that might work. Make a typical RT outline (this is an example only) Opening Invocation-Pack???? Pledge-Pack???? Business Song/Skit-Pack ???? Breakouts Closing-Pack???? Where the Pack ???? are, ask various packs to sign up a month in advance and bring something interesting or commonly used in their pack to fill the bill. They may have a popular flag ceremony, closing, song or skit that they would like to share and it hooks them in for attending the next month. If per say only a CM or a CC shows up and signs up for skit, then one wou
  8. A friend that just moved to Dallas sent me links to their Council web site. Check this out http://www.circle10wb.org/ click the box to enter and then at the bottom of the page click "all ready a Wood Badger". There is a story on that page that I thought fit in to this forum pretty well and it was kind of inspiring actually whatever your personal stand may be.
  9. Some things that have worked for me since I took over as Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner are; 1-Sending our reminder e-mails one week before and the day before using the e-mail addresses I've collected at Roundtable. Then, most of those recipients forward the e-mail which helps. 2-Every month we have a birthday cake and bring up the birthday guys and gals for the month and sing HB in some unusual way, last month we focused on language and culture and had a Feliz Cumpleanos cake and sang Feliz Cumpleanos. 3-In the past, the leaders were given beads and arrowheads for attendance a
  10. My vote is for 2 or 4. These boys need to experience scouting activities other than #3-Troop run and 1 really shouldn't be an option. If you went with 4 you might have some of the older scouts who would attend this as well whether or not they are going on the out of town outing, so then the boys would still be functioning as part of / with the Troop therfore nullifying the all or nothing nay sayers arguements in the Troop.
  11. Lisa Bob, My husband's Troop is discussing the option on staying local (or in your case T-2-1) with the scouts crossing over and then taking the older scouts OOC. Reasoning is based on previous years camping and there are some exceptions. First years have a tendency for the homesick bug and the farther away they are it seems like the worse it is. When we stay local, they are familiar with the area and don't get so homesick. Arguement for your T-2-1(plus it's shorter time away). Plus it shows support of our Council program and camp and from what I've been reading elsewhere we need to
  12. Saw it, cringed, thought back to the backpacker mag. biased forum. Brought it up to a group of leader friends I meet with tonight and they cringed too. Let's hope there is an important part of the story missing, but it really doesn't look good. Was actually wondering if there was anyone from that Council who might be monitoring the discussions who could hopefully fill in some blanks. Sadly, I have seen some poor fire habits first hand at Winter Camps which inspired me to put together a fire safety program as part of my Wood Badge ticket which I have presented at encampments, unit meetings,
  13. Thank you SR540Beaver, as you stated is correct. The recent changed expanded on the cub portion. Had I not seen a program for a B&G from a differnet course OOC, I would have kind of been at a loss. Instead, I worked with what I saw and added a different flair which was well recieved. Thanks to all you have suggested either here or through PM some of which include Starting the second weekend on Saturday to avoid conflict with Venturing youth. Making a diverse menu the entire second weekend that covers the globe. Having an actual theme for your blue and gold Looki
  14. Funny, we just had this conversation at Roundtable last night. I've seen this project done in my District and Council and it's usually done by boys pushing 18 as a quick project because there is not a lot of leg work involved with it. Actually I've heard a DE say that blood drives and food drives are frowned upon as Eagle projects and that boys should think of bigger things, his words not mine, "newsworthy items". "A food drive would be acceptable if the boy filled an 18 wheeler" but realistically, is that going to happen? Guess it would depend on the boy. Besides the leg work asp
  15. Thanks Sue M. Personality and Creativity are definitly traits I am looking for in potential staff. Elitism is not in my vocabulary. I want a good repore amongst the staff that carries over to the participants as well. Since we can't choose the participants personalities the staff definitly has to be impactful. I have had the privilege of two 21st century staff experiences so I get what you are saying. It's nice for it to be spoken though to help me keep my focus. Hey for our theater feel we did the popcorn as well. We also had movie posters which added to the atmosphere.
  16. Your comments are giving me some things to think about. Keep 'em comin'. On the last course I staffed in Sept., there was a new change in the syllabus in which the first meal is a Blue and Gold banquet. I had been given a program from another council's course which was a little bland for me and told to run with it so I gave it a Hawaiian theme and went all out with decor as well as name translations for the participants and music. The participants as well as the invited guests commented on what a good idea that was and to me it was a no brainer all along. So, yes, I will stick to the
  17. WDL Mom, If your unit did not meet it's "Goal" last year guaranteed your DE and the District committee even are aware of it and don't want that to happen again this year. The one FOS presentation that sticks out in my mind the most was when I was just a parent and the presenter went off on some tangent about other things. I did feel like I was being held hostage though and have since learned that no one can hold my boys meetings hostage. I did not donate that year and as CM have informed my FOS presenters who are normally outside of the unit what is expected time frame wise. I
  18. Greetings everyone, I've been watching this forum since Oct. and even looked at the past Wood Badge Forums. For whatever reason, I couldn't post so I re-registered tonight and woo hoo, I'm part of the action now. During the course of different topics, I have stumbled across some really great ideas (like starting the second weekend on Saturday so it doesn't interfere with the Venturing youths school) that I would like to try to incorporate in my Council's Spring '08 Wood Badge course which I have the honor of being asked to be Course Director for. What I would like to know, what made your W
  19. Having trouble and unable to post since original sign up in Oct. Help e-mails to Scouter.com unanswered. Re-registered, let's see if this works?
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