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Posts posted by matuawarrior

  1. KS,


    Congrats for stepping up. You'll have fun. AS posted earlier, there is a Roundtable Program that Aloha gives out to RT Commissioners. Check with Rob N. at the Council HQ. I understand he is the new Asst. SE.


    The greatest challenge is the preparation but I've learned to delegate different areas of the program. Find out what your units are planning for the year and go through the program or see if there was an actual plan before you stepped up and just follow that until the next District Planning Conference.


    Yes, you need your own staff as well for the Boy Scout side of the house, Hint: delegate to your unit leaders. Get them involved.


    I had Fun,


  2. As a Scout in the 80's, our Troop always had competitions to build up our Scout Skills, Teamwork, Sportsmanship, and most of all it was FUN. Back then, I didn't know that joining patrol or troop competitions would be building Character, not until I was up in the ranks as a SPL, then a JASM and later on, year's later, as a Scoutmaster.


    So I took what I learned as a Scout and from many Boy Scout Leadership Trainings and applied it to my Troop, Crew, and Pack. The young boys and girls had no idea that they were learning Character development or leadership skills until we did reflections. With Competitions, we sometimes have it patrol vs. patrol or 1/2 the unit vs. the other. Most times it was patrols vs. their old patrol record.


    Now in the District, There are times when we have competitions like orienteering, First Aid, or Pioneering, or on some other Scout Skill during camporees. Where different Patrols from different troops would compete against each other. When planned properly, many events were FUN. We even have a huge competition event for Summer camp where all the troops compete against each other in various categories: games, Scout skills, pioneering projects, service projects, camp inspections, and citizenship.


    When we do competitions our camporees and summercamp turn outs are pretty well attended. When we don't have competitions, not many troops show up.




    During one of our summercamp planning meetings, the group was told that the traditional camp competition will not happen because it sends out the wrong message that "We're better, badder, Bigger" to the units that do not win. Now this competition has been on going since 1994 as a camporee award and modified in 1997 as a summer camp award. Since implementing this award, our summer camp attendance has grown every year. The retention of Older Scouts returning to camp with their troop or as camp staff was high because camp was no longer boring.


    The alternative stated at the meeting is to have a "Jamboree type experience" where all the scouts would just socialize during a certain period in the camp program and play Capture-the-Flag or some Mongrel Bulldog game. (I thought there wasn't supposed to be any competition during camp)


    Is it just me or has competition now become a target to Political Correctness?


    --We don't want Scouts to get hurt emotionally so we now have to do away with competitions.


    We might as well pack up the Pine Wood Derby Tracks. All Cars have to go down the same time with a yard stick in front of all the cars, so they can all finish at the same time. We don't want little Johnny Tenderfoot breaking a tear drop because his car came in 2nd. There will be alot of disappointed dads. At least the parental shouting matches will be gone.


    Is this just happening in Scouting or is little league and soccer having the same problem? Are sports scores now "0-0" so that both teams are happy. So what happens at the finals?


    I could go on and on on various good programs that involve some type of competition but I don't have all the time in the world.


    Do you use competition in your units, districts, councils as a tool to build skills, teamwork, character?


    I looked in the G2SS (Orange Cover) and competition was not on the restricted list. I'll probably pass this off as another Scouting Urban Legend.





  3. Hello Folks, It's been awhile.


    Summer Camp starts in about a month and a half here. Everything is moving into place but it's to slow for my comfort. Yes, I know that our district has planned late, but what is new.


    We have a New Camp Director fresh out of Camp School leading the pack (It's our DE). Our Program Director used to be the Camp Director for Day Camp so there is some expierence there. The Camp Commissioner is also new his position.


    So here are the questions. Is it an Official BSA Camp without a Certified Medical Doctor/Nurse/or Medic on duty? Will the District/council be liable "IF" something happerns if there is no medical person on duty? What's the actual medical personnel requirement to run the camp?


    Our Adhoc District Camp Planning Committee decided that since the camp will be at a military installation, we don't need a Medical person on duty. The Camp Staff can just call 911.


    Now I'm trying not to get to involved with the planning since I'll be in Mainland this summer but this is a great concern to me.


    Now I've checked the forum archives and I tried looking into my NCS binder but I cannot find the resource. When I was the Program Director and Camp Director we've always had a Doctor or Nurse on duty.


    Thanks in advance,


  4. We have . . .


    1 working with our Two NSP's(we started last month), he also works as liason with our Webelos Scouts in the Pack;


    1 working with the Venture Patrol and liason to the Venturing Crew;


    1 working as our Unit Medic takes care of all the medical forms, First Aid and Emergency Preparedness areas;


    1 working with the regular patrol and as a liason to the Charter's Ship; and


    1 working similar to an executive officer, he works with the other ASM's and takes over when I'm not present.





  5. Bob,


    You're correct. Every Service project is a Good Turn. The BSHB does not require the PL to be informed. That was something our PLC decided to keep accountability when our troop used to be so big. It was hard keeping track of who was doing what and when.


    Yes, I do consider a Scout who does a service project who does it with no anticipation of using that project for advancement to have more character, than a Scout who just does service projects just to get advancements out of the way.



  6. Wow, Those are great ideas: Triathalon, Marathon, Bed Race Relay.


    We have 1 Xtreme Triathalon a year here. It has a really big turn out. Many of the racers complain that there isn't one more to train for before the actual Xtreme Triathalon race. I know my Venturers have been talking for years of putting a team together to compete in the race.


    We have 1 Marathon or we call it Hafa Marathon. I know it's done every other year. I'll have to check with the race association.


    We used to do the Carol Kai Bed Race from Hawaii in the 1980's. I believe that it is still a popular race in Oahu. I remember distinctly that the OA would always enter in the race here. I did it one time with our OA team and came in last but we had lots of fun. I don't know, but it may have also been a fundraiser for the District then too. I'll have to look into that.


    Thanks FOG and Wingnut for your ideas, I'll bring this up to our District Committee. I'm pretty sure the Rotary will jump on board.



  7. This reminds of a situation that happened 4 years ago with one of my Scouts.


    A young 1st Class Scout in the troop approached me at the Troop meeting one night. He was one of those go getters. Always doing things without asking anyone or getting permission first. So during the past weekend prior to that night's meeting, he had worked for his church in doing some clean-up around the church yard. They did a great job.


    That night prior to the meeting starting, this young scout came running up to me to sign-off his handbook. I sat down on my desk and gestered the Scout to wait until I found what I was looking for. I dug out my Scoutmaster's Handbook and researched what I needed to know. The SPL was observing quietly from his desk. I looked up, then looked at the SPL, and smiled.


    THe SPL asked the Scout if he had told his PL. The Scout said, "No". The SPL asked if he had told the SM and if the SM had approved it. The Scout said, "No".


    The SPL tossed him a Gold Coin. The young Scout read it aloud, "Secretly transfer this your right pocket each day after your Good Turn has been done". The deer in the headlights look was priceless. The SPL took him out for a walk and explained to him that if the SM don't know and approve it, the project is just a good turn.


    Today, that young First Class Scout is now a Life Scout and the SPL and doing a fine stand up job. The SPL, then, is now in the U.S. Marine Corps.



  8. Eamonn,


    WE have a Key 3 now. It's about time. I'm waiting for the DE to schedule the first meet.


    We decided not to do the 10K run due to logistics and I was not comfortable with it. It's just to much work and outlay for little return for the unit. I'll support the Rotary 10K. They do a pretty good job with their race. I hope they have a better route than last year.



  9. It took awhile but we, the COR and myself, met with the applicant. He answered most of our questions. This young man has an attitude issue.


    He did not think it was anyone's business regarding his private life. I told him that I agree but when he starts bragging about his personal life to the youth members of the organziation. It becomes our concern.


    Apparently, he has issues with the mother of his child and her parents as to why he hasn't paid any child support for the last 3 years. I explained that two wrongs don't make a right. If he really cares for his child, He'll make payments via the court. If, he has any issues as to how the money is being spent. I suggested that he inform the court and let them deal with it.


    I informed him that because of his child support issues. The Charter Organization will decline his application. I further explained that I could not trust him with our youth members if he was not responsible for the care of his own child. But, I did leave him the opportunity to reapply should he decide to pay off his outstanding balance and change his attitude.



  10. I think this is the correct place for this topic.


    We have a dilemma here. We started a new unit a couple of weeks ago. One of the leader "candidates" bragged to a teen member that he has a child from a previous relationship and does not pay any child support. A Jr. Leader, who was present during the conversation, reported it to me and several committee members.


    Last Friday, It was confirmed by the charter contacts that this person has a child and has not paid child support for the last 3-1/2 years.


    The Chartered Organization was told about it. Our charter rep has decided she will not sign the application because this individual sets a bad example to the youth members.


    Is the Charter in the right for doing this?


    I'm siding with the Charter as the IH.



  11. Hey Dave, Good to hear you're back.


    So how does one get nominated for this honor? Is it through Council or National? Where can I get the paperwork?


    We have a Scouter here that I feel should be nominated. He has over 30+ years in the program. I believe there are enough Scouters here to get the required donation.




  12. Eamonn, Ed;


    The return is not much for the work put out. Most sponsors make about a third of what actually comes in. Some of the Annual Big Sponsors get donations for their refreshments or from co-sponsors jumping in for the marketing coverage.


    I am concerned that doing this as a fundraiser, if it's my units or other local units, may jeapordize our annual FOS contribution from the Rotary.




    That's a great question. I'm not sure about liability. Last year when I helped out with the other youth organization. We were told that each participant: runner or worker, has to sign a liabilty waiver. My lawyer tells me that the waiver is only worth as much as the paper it's printed on.


    I'll have to report this back to the committee.








  13. Aahhhh, this discussion has resurfaced.


    One of the reasons why we created our own HCS is because the Order of the Arrow is a Boy Scout Program. There are certain requirements that were mentioned in early posts that would not allow a Venturer to be a candidate unless they were a multiple in a Scout Troop.


    Even if, and when, the OA decides to open up membership to Venturers as it did with Explorers up to the mid 90's, it still leaves out those venturers who are different because of their gender. I don't think that would sit well with any co-ed crew, where there is not one set standard.


    I feel for our District's OA chapter. It's been defunct for 2 years. Now, their trying to revive it. With our "Tribal Clan" now organized for the Venturers here. I often wonder where most of the male senior scouts, who are also multiples in Venturing Crews, would place thier focus. Being in two different units is hard enough. What more with two HCS's?







  14. I was involved with another Youth Organization that started sponsoring 5K and 10K races as a fundraiser a year ago.


    This organization made over $3000+ last year not counting the $200 race fee that went to the race officials. There is a race almost every weekend if not every other weekend. In order to get a slot as a Race Sponsor, an organization is put at the bottom of the list to get on the calendar. Some dates are open but many calendar dates are now exclusive to certain sponsors annually.


    5/10K races have really picked up in the last 6 years here. It used to be sponsored solely by the race association but now there are various non-profit organizations: Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, Red Cross, Girl Scouts, and many others that are now big sponsors. The local Rotary sponsors a race for our district here as part of FOS.


    Our parent's committee brought this subject up as a fundraiser a couple of months ago. So, I looked into it.


    A Sponsor has to define:


    the route of the race- Where the race will take place and mark the route.


    what type- running, walking, mountainbike, cycling, etc. (Cycling are 10/20K races).


    What categories- Male, female, masters, youth, etc.



    Now the Race association for a small fee (avg. $200) can take care of the start/finish line, race clock, water points, control points, traffic cones, mark the route, and computerized categories.


    To attract runners or walkers to their weekend race, A sponsor should be able to provide t-shirts (minimum is a 100 for the first 100 finishers, regardless of category), refreshments after the race, awards for the top finishers in each categories, and other goodies that the sponsor can think off. The Race Sponsor also sets the race fee which is about $10 average for the general public but $5 for the race association members.


    Now here is where I'm confused if this may possibly be a likely fundraiser for local scout units to be Race Sponsors.


    What is the product being provided?


    I say, It is the opportunity to run the route that was planned by the sponsor. Other committee members say, it is the t-shirts, goodies and refreshments after the race, the awards, or just providing a safe venue for the participants.


    What work would the scouts be doing? Working the control points, water points, as safeties along the route, and registration. This would be negotiated with the race officials and then the price would vary to their fee.


    Would this be an appropriate fundraiser for the scout units or should it be left up to the Chartered Organization?





  15. I have a black briefcase that I bring with me to outings and meetings.


    I have pens and pencils in the outer pockets.


    Highlighters and compasses.


    An Assignment notebook and college ruled notebook


    BS Handbook, Spl and PL handbooks, G2SS


    Scoutmasters HB in binder next to Bible


    Songbook, OA Handbook,Fieldbook, Requirement book


    Applications Youth (Scouts, Venturing, and Cubs) and Adults.


    Bluecards, Totin' Chits, Fire'em Chits


    1" Binder with contact names and other paperwork and calendars. (I need an electronic organizer)








  16. Dana,


    You may have somthing there. Although, I agree with Bob. I do see where you are coming from. the only thing, is do you have access to any of the old 50's-60's manuals that can be changed to "21st century" guidlines.


    The process to add Air Scouts into the Venturing Program will take time and resources. It would have to start in the Venturing Crews asking for that program.


    In order for this to "take off". It has to be a grass roots movement starting with the Crew, then the District, then the Council, then Region, and then finally National, BUT there has to be a demand for it.


    National's reply would be, we already have Aviation in LFL or they can join a Venturing Crew that is Chartered by a CAP unit.


    There is nothing in the Venturing Manual that suggest that Air Scouts can't be done in the current program. It's up to the Venturers to decide if that is what they want to do. They can take the old format and upgrade it to their program needs.



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