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Posts posted by matuawarrior

  1. Our District Dinner last month was well attended, for some reason, many Scouters were told that they were nominated for an award. This in turn gave a pretty big turn out from other units with the exception of my units due to an unfortunate incident with one of our volunteer leaders.


    Anyway, the turn out was bigger than expected. Another unit took our place for entertainment.


    Bob, you gave me an idea for our next District Dinner next year. "The Oscars", what a magnificent template for a dinner.


    We could increase attendance by having different leaders be presenters for awards, instead of two presenters the whole night.


    We could announce the nominations for all awards just like the Oscars. This would surely bring the family or guests of the nominees to dinner.


    There is so much we could do. What a production this will be. My mind is racing, gotta put this on paper.



  2. For Venturing Activities --


    You maybe having the same problem we are having out here. We have 3 Venturing Crews and 1 Ship. My Venturing Crew started 1997 as an Explorer Post. So we have pretty much trained leaders in our Crew. The other Crews started in 2001 and the Ship started up this year.


    This is my observation only so it may not mean anything. Anyway, I have tried to bring the units together for a Venturing Only Activity within our District for a couple of years now. It is not easy.


    3 years ago, my crew hosted a Scout Camporee. They planned, coordinated, and directed the camp. I was the logistics guy. The theme was Orienteering. They planned a series of compass and map reading classes in the morning, after flag raising. In the afternoon, they planned a 3 level orienteering contest for Venturing, Scouts,and Webelos. The Crew's Leadership were getting compliments from parents, Scouters, and Youth members from the other units.


    What happened the next day, I'll never forget. A Venturing Advisor from another unit got up in front of the assembled District after flag raising, and complimented my crew for a job well done. I thought, that's good. What he said next was what actually killed the moment. He told the other Crews assembled that they should strive to be like Crew 26. What's wrong with that you may think?


    Nothing, if you're an Adult Scouter or parent. But if you're a teenager, Alot comes out of that "Encouragement". Some Venturers took the message for what it was and others were offended, especially the members of that Advisor's Crew.


    Here are some rules that I've learned.


    1. Teenagers, no matter what organization, don't like to be compared to other teenagers. They hear it from their parents 24/7. They don't want to hear it from you.


    2. Teenagers are territorial and fiercely loyal. They don't care what goes on in other crews or groups. They expect their leaders to do the same.


    3. They want someone to listen to them, not talk to them or tell them what to do.


    4. They want their leaders to be fair and just. Anything else, they could find in the streets.



    Now with that said. Getting your District Venturing Program going is half way there.


    Next, you have to approach "Their Leader", not the Advisor. I would suggest that you let the advisor know what's going on before hand. Then stop by the Crew meeting place and ask to speak to the Crew President away from the other members but within eye sight of them. Let the President know that the District has this idea and what he/she thinks about it and if his/her crew would like to get involved. Get thier input on what they expect to see and do at the event. Do this with the other Crew Presidents. (Rule 2and 3)


    Make it Competitive with a rotating trophy. The rotating trophy will bring them back year after year. Use different events to try to equalize the playing field. During the awards, don't compare the crews. Just congratulate them for doing a job well done. (Rule 1,2, and 4)


    I would suggest that your district gets a Venturing RT Commissioner, if they don't already have one. Make sure that the Crew Presidents are invited to RT to get their inputs.


    Disclaimer: The above suggestions may or may not work for your district. but have fun using it.




  3. We have similar policies.


    We do allow siblings to participate in our activities as long as one parent is there to supervise.


    I would not allow the friends of a former member to participate. There is no accountability. The idea is to recruit potential members.


    We do insist for guests and their parents to attend the meeting prior to the event. This way they are briefed on what is expected, receive a packing list, parent permission form, and that we may answer any questions from the guest or parent regarding anything.



  4. Yes, we have a troop neckerchief. It is official stock. We wear the neckerchief with the collar turned under. All Scouts who have participated in an overnight campout with the unit is awarded the neckerchief and slide. Our neckerchief is Maroon and Gold with a Gold BSA print logo.


    We are planning our own custom neckerchiefs for all leaders. It will be Maroon with Gold Embroidered Logo with our Charter name and troop number.


    Each of our Scouts may wear any slide that they desire. One of our Scouts has a bronze arrowhead slide from his father. Some wear slides that they carved during camp.


    We wear neckerchiefs during inspections, COH, BOR, and District events. Our Eagle Scouts wear their Eagle neckerchiefs and WoodBadgers wear their WB neckerchief for COH or District presentations.



  5. Eamonn,


    Thanks for making me see that I have a bigger obligation to the district. AS for the DE making program plans, I'm pretty sure it's because we don't have a District Committee but that's his area of responsibilty. I've tried helping him with getting people as you, BW, and DS have suggested but I was given the brush off and that he'll get to it later. We'll it's been a year.


    The money was never an issue with my crew. My Venturers understood the committment but they wouldn't be able to make it to the dinner. We have the funds to pay for those seats if other Scouts, Venturers, or Scouters were not able to cover those seats during the dinner. Once we get the actual number from our office manager on attendance, we will cover those seats, no more than 30 though, that were not covered.


    We have 2 of the 3 for the KEY 3. I've tried explaining that if the volunteers don't plan it. Their not going to buy it and then it rolls down to the youth leaders as well. He needs to step back and let the volunteers do their work.


    As per the camp Aquatics Issue, I stated my position to the planning committee. I have last year's camp manual and there are no changes as he has stated. The other volunteers have blindly sided with the DE just to make camp happen. If push comes to shove, I may have to call council and restate my position with the Council President and the Council Commissioner.


    We never have played this numbers game before. We planned activities because it was fun for the boys and young ladies.


    I don't mind if he plans an event, but He needs to give us time to react to it. A month or two is not enough time for youth-led units to react and support a district event, especially when it's new. Negative remarks do not help getting things done. My units have thier planning done for the year and most of our unit events are confirmed 90 days out.


    Anyway, I'm glad that you reminded me, Why. We're there for the boys and young ladies.


    It's going to be a tough year.



  6. I need to vent and it looks like the forum will get an eye full.


    This is just my opinion. I know BSA has thier own hiring requirements. This is in no offense to those professionals doing an outstanding job with the Scouting Movement.


    IMHO, I believe that the BSA needs to rethink their policy regarding hiring professionals with no Scouting experience either as a youth or adult volunteer. They need sometime in the program to understand the program. It is really hard working with someone who has no idea of the program. It is not my job to train these folks. That's the Council or National's job.


    I understand that the pro's manage the admin side of the house while we the volunteers take care of the program but that's where it should end.


    I tried for over a year to make it work. But when the DE gets upset because the Volunteers decide to cancel December camp for safety reasons. He needs to back off.


    When the DE plans a last minute district event (like a month before) and wonders why the troops and crews can't make it. These units, especially mine, are youth led. Yet, he makes comments and compares units like mine to other units that do show up and make it. Well, those units are adult led. Those Scouts don't have a choice.


    Two weeks ago, our DE made a comment that really burned me up. The day before our district banquet. Many of my Venturers were to be part of the entertainment. They were supposed to do a Hula show and two of them were to sing some island reggae songs.


    The Thursday, before the banquet, I informed him that my venturers will not be there due to a death in the family of one of my volunteers. My venturers and other volunteers wanted to spend time with the family in mourning before the funeral on Saturday. We were supposed to have about 30 people attend the dinner. Instead of showing any type of compassion, he was more concerned that the district will take a loss on the number of seats not paid for. I was not only flabbergasted but also dumbfounded at his comments.


    I tried to explain to him that many of my venturers and senior scouts are close to this volunteer. Who happened to lose his first born son a week before the dinner due to complications from birth. The baby boy was 6 months premature when he was born. He was 2 months old when he passed away. I didn't find out about the loss until our Tuesday night scout meeting. I also didn't talk to the family until the following day, Wednesday afternoon. Anyway, my explaination didn't sink in. He was more concerned about the loss the district will incur. Also, he did not care to make his comments private. He just commented in front of the scout office manager and another volunteer doing scout business in the office.


    My other issue is in the Summer Camp Thread titled

    "Camp Requirements in ??????".


    I've lost much respect for this DE. I am seriously thinking of resigning as the District Commissioner and just concentrate my efforts on my units. Yep, and I just started in this position.


    Thanks for hearing me out,


    Matua(This message has been edited by matuawarrior)

  7. Since 1997,I used to be a Camp Director, Program Director, and Commissioner for our Annual Scout Camp here. Because of the rebuilding last year due to the two typhoons that hit us in 2002, we started planning camp late. In fact, we just started last Thursday. I know were behind the power curve with camp scheduled in June.


    Anyway during the meeting we discussed potential sites on island, food requirements, volunteers, the normal stuff until we started discussing positions. The biggest concern for me is the waterfront.


    When I attended National Camp School 3 years ago. The Trainers mentioned that the Waterfront Director must be BSA Aquatics Instructor Certified. Not a problem, many of us took the class, which was the weekend, after NCS class, BUT many of the leaders who took the certification, including mine, expires this June 15th. Our NCS certification expired last December 2003.


    Now during the meeting last week, our DE informed us that we don't need a certified Aquatics Instructor for the WaterFront Director. We could get a waiver from council. Also we don't need certified BSA Lifeguards for the waterfront. We could use ARC certified lifeguards.


    Our DE claims the Camp Program Requirements have changed. Does anyone know of this change or changes?


    Now I'm concerned that he is under pressure from Council to have a camp. This was mentioned many times during RT's or at other meetings. So I believe, he is taking short cuts to make this camp happen at the expense of Safety.


    I don't have the current Camp Program that council usually sends us. So if you have the current reference, please let me know.


    Matua(This message has been edited by matuawarrior)

  8. We've been using "Staff Patrols" since we started our Troop years ago. It has never gone the way that is described in the original post.


    We call our Staff Patrol the Leadership Corps. I guess that would be the pre-venture patrol (70's-80's). All our Leadership Corps are members as is the ASPL. Our ASPL is the patrol leader of the Leadership Corps. If we have more than one ASPL, then we make sure everyone knows who is in charge. WE have not had any problems. They do the exact same things as a regular patrol but their responsibilty is to service the regular patrols or NSP, if we have one. The SPL is not part of the Leadership Corps. He may tent with them or the JASM's.


    Our Leadership Corps is also dependent on membership. During high membership, our staff patrol is large. This is to help the various patrols function properly. During low membership years. We may or may not have one.


    As posted earlier, it helps the younger Scouts move up the chain in elections or appointments. It also moves them to the next level of challenges or opportunities. They receive perks but are not outside the realm of the unit standard. They are still subject to the same inspection as the rest of the unit.


    For Scouts moving on after their term or pulled out for disciplinary situations, which we have yet to have, these Scouts are transferred to the Charter's Venturing Crew since most of our Leadership Corps members are 14+ yrs. old. Some are appointed as JASM's if they are 16+ yrs. old.



  9. Great Job KS on the intercept.


    I agree that G2SS should be part of the JLT. I've only done it for SPL and JASM's but with your suggestion. We'll add it to our JLT as well. Our Green Bars should also be aware of the guides and not just certain leaders.


    Great timing too. We have JLT next Weekend.




    KS, Did you attend the Council Dinner?

  10. Thanks Pounder, Hops;


    This will help us with recruitment. I agree that our Scouts, Venturers, and Sea Scouts should strive higher. The extra four years will not hurt. It will only makes things better, if not financially. Never the less, this will be an option to those who want to go straight into the services.



  11. It's good to see you back, Dave.


    When you get to your new stomping grouds. Let us know. I have great Faith that you'll do a great job. You are one professional that really stands out from the rest. Give my regards to Mrs. Lady Steele.



    (This message has been edited by matuawarrior)

  12. TP,


    Do you know anything about Sea Scouts who earn the Quartermaster Award are promoted to E-3 in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard upon completion of basic training?


    My Skipper for the ship found it on the web and now we can't locate it. I've asked my DE to see if he can get a hard copy from council regarding this. I've called the recruiters, both navy and coast guard, and they'll get back to me Monday morning.


    We want to use this to our advantage as one of our recruiting points for potential Sea Scouts.


    Anyway, we gained access to a 25' sailboat from the local yacht club here. We'll probably use that to start training until we get the 40' tricat. We even discovered a sunken fiberglass row boat in good condition in 25' of water in the lagoon. The coast guard and port police said that if we bring it up. It's ours, Something about salvage laws. I have to look that up. So within two weeks time, we may have our first boat even if it's a row boat.


    I can't believe the number of people who are approaching us about our Ship willing to help out. It's just amazing. The local university cooperative extension service is willing to get a local navigator to train our Sea Scouts using ancient navigation techniques using the stars and waves.


    Having Fun,


    Matua(This message has been edited by matuawarrior)

  13. Hail Comrades, should our Party Rulers at National Party Headquarters not select us, to attend the prestigious Global Party Event for the National Workers at the Brownsea People's Republic (BPR), may we attend on our own?


    I plan to stop by the Nippon Party Office before visiting the Fatherland and catching the train to Paris and then the BPR, via the Chunnel. I hear the caviar in Moscow will be bountiful during that time of year. Would you like me to pick up a case for you before we meet at the BPR?


    Comrades, I have fond memories of my last visit to the Fatherland in '94. I was but a young soldier serving the cause stationed in Germany. Ah, the days of our youth.


    Who would I get permission from Party Headquarters to give out our propaganda leaflets along the trail?


    Our small outpost rarely gets any information from the National Party.


    Comrade Matua

    1st General, Venture Secret Service

    People's Republic of Micronesia


  14. Laurie,


    Good post. I feel the same way. There are times when I read the different posts that I nod my head in agreement, Scratch my head trying to fugure out what the poster is trying to say, or just feel lost and then move on to another thread.


    I make it a point not to squelch anyone out or ignore them but when they start rambling and it doesn't appear to help the program or is not what I'm interested in. I just move on.



  15. I agree with Fuzzy Bear.


    Let me suggest that you should work with the Active Core first, those boys who continually show up and participate. Train them and put those boys in their own patrol, if they are not.


    Try to get your Chartered Rep to help you rebuild the Committee and start fresh.


    Activly recruit NEW Scouts.


    Drop those Scouts who don't show up. No need to work with Caspers.


    Above All Get Out and Camp, Camp, Camp. The best Marketing is Word of Mouth. The boys excitement will build on their commitment to return if the event is challenging, thier learning, and thier having Fun. These same boys will tell their friends and/or brothers who may come in because of the excitement.



  16. Thanks Trail Pounder,


    I'm caught up in the excitement of the new unit. The Skipper and Sea Scouts are planning their uniform. Their going with 3 types of uniforms. I'll post what they come up with later.


    As the Charter Rep, I suggested that they start brainstorming on activities. SCUBA certification is first on the list. It looks like we'll have a great year.


    It's hard staying on the sidelines but I know I have too. The Skipper has his job to do. It just feels good seeing a new unit form from the ground up.



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