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Posts posted by Knight

  1. I think each Scouter needs to set a good example. There are, unfortunately, lots of fols with their hearts in the right places and who do lots and lots of things ot deliver wonderful program - but they also set a poor example in this particulat area.


    Physical actvity and exercise are the keys. Diet is important also.


    My personal annoyance is roundtables that feature snacks.



  2. We just got back from Camp Dark Hammock - it is a very interesting camp here in Gulf Stream Council. The camp is set in a forest (hammock) of Sabal Palms, Live Oaks and Slash Pines. Not much in the way of facilities, but there happen to be several horses that stop by to visit every night and morning.


    Here is a link to a picture of the camp:


  3. Cobbler is a nice starter to introduce people to he Dutch oven - but the real fun is expanding the range of foods to cook your breakfast, lunch and dinner in the Dutch oven. My son bought a Dutch oven cookbok from the Scout Shop and we've been having a great time with it. The scouts love it.


    Dutch ovens do NOT need to be the camp sugar snack oven.

  4. I frankly care little for patches on my own uniform - I do care about what I see on the boys in my Troop.


    I am most proud of the ones who have earned and wear the tiny little gold star patch beneath their patrol emblem - the Baden-Powell Patrol Award (AKA National Honor Patrol Award). Not everyone in the Troop has earned it and we rarely see them on boys from other troops.


    I view it a mark of a boy who is applying the patrol method. Keep it up boys, you are running your own patrols and troop.

  5. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...


    ...We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

  6. I'd like some advice on what to do with an old item I received.


    My father, God rest his soul, passed a few years ago. My mother sent me a small book she found. It was printed in 1937 and is entitled "The Old Scoutmaster's Poems" by Edward G. Matlack, one of the very earliest recipients of the Silver Beaver award. The book belonged to my Dad when he was a Boy Scout and was apparently given to him by Mr. Matlack.


    It has some poems and stories that are very good even to today.




    It also has several poems that, 70 something years later, are clearly offensive, including use of the "n word" and other similar terms.


    What do I do with this book? It clearly has some historical value. Some of the poems and stories are wonderful and would even be very entertaining and useful. But, I hardly want my sons, or other Scouts to read through the book without first seriously considering and understanding the context of when and where it arose.


    I also think my Dad must have had a similar quandry what to do because I knew of or had everything else of Dad's few existing Scouting items.


    I'd appreciate any comments.


  7. This is a hypothetical - it has not come up for me, but I'm just wondering...


    What if a boy had done plenty of camping but no summer camp (5 nights in a row). However, if he participates and camps in a NYLT course that extends for at least 5 nights in a row, would that qualify as a long term camp for him?

  8. It has been pretty common around here to have two, sometimes three, troops at a crosover because the Webelos are going to different troops.


    If they all bring their troop and patrol flags, it makes for quite a bit of show for the younger Cubs to see.


    ...and that reminded me of this gem I saw on the BSA site:


    Flaming or Magic Neckerchiefs


    "It has come to our attention that some Web sites, older publications, and instructions exist for a Webelos crossover or Boy Scout advancement ceremony that involves igniting a neckerchief dipped in a chemical fuel including acetone or alcohol mixed with water."


    Who the heck is setting a neckerchief on fire?!?!?!?!?! I hope the boy was not wearing it... (yikes!)

  9. Our troop will never be the biggest, certainly not best looking, but we keep on trying to let our boys run their troop.


    Our boys won a "best booth" award in their district at a recent Scout Show.


    Nobody in our troop expected to win anything.


    Other troops and packs had plenty of big booths with lots of well-built, showy exhibits and games. Very good for the Packs - great parental involvement. But the troops - in theory - are boy-run.


    What did our boys do? Well, they looked at the booth suggestions many weeks ago and decided they would do a "Boy Scout cooking demonstration." It turned out to be nothing very fancy at all - just the boys and their camp cooking gear frying hot dogs in a pan. They had the fire extinguisher there along with a demo of using a three pan method of cleaning. They had an hour-by-hour duty roster posted of who did what for the entire Scout Show. The role of we adult leaders? We could stop by for free samples from time to time.


    Their sign consisted of a hand-written cardboard pizza box.


    But the boys did everything. We adults did none of the planning (Ok - except for us vetoing them wanting to use bait squid as their food instead of hot dogs) nor anything else. This was their baby 100%. Other troops had plenty of professional stuff with adults helping out (one troop had a big Guitar Hero competition booth - I'm not sure what that has to do with Scouting), but our boys did it all by themselves. They stuck to the basics - Boy Scouts go camping and cook outdoors.


    So when awards were being awarded, little did anyone expect to out little booth to win anything. But apparently, the judges saw what makes me so proud of our group - boys running their troop.


    We'll never be the biggest or most organized troop. But we have have several good patrols in which the boys are finding their way to become leaders.

  10. I had a chuckle from our boys last night.


    They have a spoof group they call the Duct Tape Patrol. For the last regular campout, the SPL and ASPl announced there will be a "Tape Out" ceremony to invite new members into the Duct Tape Patrol.


    The boys had just seen an OA Tap Out over the weekend, so their humor was very well received last night.




  11. I see plenty of back and white velcro in stores. I want khaki so my sons can sew velcro strips on the shirts and patches for rank and position. Then they won't have to keep re-sewing (wiht my help - of course...) inside the pockets.



  12. Note - There are Duty to God requirements in Bear as well, not just Wolf and Webelos.


    As long as there is some spark there (ie, not complete rejection of the Almighty under any name or form), he can continue. But, this is also crucial parent decision. They can sign his requirements as Akelas - and the religious requirements are squarely their responsibility. If they totally reject God, then yes, it is time to part company. If they complete the exercises (and sign their son's book), then he stays. Nobody but the parents could sign the boys "Duty to God" requirements in the Packs we've been in. Of course, our CORs have not been religious organizations. Yes, you should require to see the book and verify that everything has been fully signed off.


    Tell the parents that the boy is not only welcomed but that everyone very much wants him to continue. However, complete atheism is fundamentally incompatible with the program and organization.


    As stated by others, let the parents know it know it will only become a much bigger issue in Boy Scouts. At every every single meeting, he will be publically announcing aloud his promise to do his Duty to God and his obedience to the 12th point of the Scout Law (a Scout is reverent). At that point it is the Scout - not the parent - taking responsibility.


    Many, many boys are skeptical or uncertain about their religious beliefs during the age they are Boy Scouts. I view that as healthy - the boy is beginning to learn on his own - not just parroting the parents (yeh words are so true, Beavah!). Scouting can help a boy find his way - as long as there is not complete rejection of the Creator.(This message has been edited by Knight)

  13. This is exactly what I was commenting on in another thread about the belts.


    Several parents locally were under the impression that the crummy black belts are a permanent part of the pants. Like CD Ranger says, the two stiches in the back need to be cut.


    I wish BSA would just skip the crummy black belts all together. The new green belt is very nice.

  14. As far as adult patrols - my Wood Badge patrol members are like family to me.


    If we had adults want to form a patrol - OK, good team-bulding, so long as it supports the goal of promoting our boy-run troop.

  15. I am glad our Troop is not huge. 40+ boys on a once-a-month camping experience plus loads of adults does not seem like a front country - much less back country - rugged experience for my boys.


    I don't know how the boys are supposed to have the physical separation (Kudu!) into separate patrols and away from adults with that many campers. Each campout would seem more akin to a mini camporee.


    But I readily admit the key here is - I'm not used to working with a large troop. I would have lots more to learn in such a troop.

  16. Maybe I don't understand, but it does not make any sense to me to have a Webelos "cross over" if he is not crossing over to Boy Scouts.


    If this is the end of the line for some of the boys, you could have a "farewell" to those not crossing over and remind them that they will always be welcome to re-join the climb up the Eagle trail with the Boy Scouts. Maybe give them one green (red) shoulder loop and say there other one is always waiting for them in the Troop (BTW, epaulets are the button-down shoulder thingies on the shirt, the colored loop is not an epaulet).


    P.S. - I'm not in favor or combining the B&G and the crossover. Too many things at once confuses and dilutes the messages.(This message has been edited by Knight)

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