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Posts posted by k9gold-scout

  1. My son was elected SPL by one vote several years ago. He realized that half the troop wanted another leader. He starteed having patrol leaders councils, he enlolved the other patrol leaders and his ASPL in the troop, and learned to delegate leadership to others in the troop. The more scouts that are involved in making decisions the easier your job will be. The leadership experience of SPL is the best path ot Eagle Scout, also JLTC is worth the week! Then consider a staff position, it will all add to your leadership ability, GOOD LUCK!

  2. Yes, this from a country goes into churches and puts priests and ministers in jail for preaching out against homosexuality, and they laugh at boy scouts wearing their uniform in public. Is any type of sex or drugs OK in Sweeden? How do they treat people of either Christian or Jewish faith?

  3. Our troop was featured in June '01 issue and the only uniform was a red troop t-shirt. There was no direction given from the staff at Boys' Life. Since it was a backpacking story our scouts wanted to all wear our troop shirt. We knew for many months they would do a story on our trip but we did not know that it would be used.

  4. If a scout from another troop wants to take a merit badge, I almost always have him come to one of our troop meetings since I will be there anyway. We meet in a large rec. room, where we only have to pull up a table and chairs against a wall. Everything is done in the open. Parents are always welcome to sit down and listen. Sometimes I do have to remind that their son must make the entire presentation himself.

  5. I have read (sorry I dont' have the reference) that the adverage age for Eagle Scout is 14 years 8 months. Yes, I think most young eagles stay more active in scouting. Now I am not suggesting that we should try to encourage younger scouts to rush, but when I see 13 and 14 year olds with 2x the experience as the 17+ who come back to finish eagle, I agree with National policy. They should be Eagle Scouts and join a Venture Crew.

  6. Less than 10% of our Boy Scouts have never been Cub Scouts. Spend your time with Cubs (troop guide is helpful). On the other hand our venture crew has been able to get non scouts to join (I guess they now realize the adventure they have been missing is now cool).

  7. A scout or his parents can not change the rules If the scout has never had a leadership job since he became a life scout, he would need to finish the 6 months before he is 18. Some scouts are granted an appeal from National but they need to have compleated the requirements as stated. Letters from a past Scotmaster or several letters from other adult leaders could be used to receive his rank. Thers is a special 6 month extention, but this is reserved of extraordinary reasons.

  8. Many senior scouts come back to their troop to finish Eagle Scout before they are 18. Many times they were very active when they were younger, it is not unusual for a boy to be life scout at 13. Now if your troop takes his money and registers him on your charter, he is counted as an active scout. Now as for leadership, if he has 6 months as an accepted troop jr. leader then he will be an Eagle Scout.

    This is the National Standard and many Scoutmasters have trouble accepting this point. In my experience this is the biggest reason a scout will be granted an appeal to National.

  9. Our crew has 2 reasons to advance. First most are life scouts and while finishing their Eagle requirements they will receive credit on Venture advancement. Secound our unit is sponsored by the National Guard and they expect to see results in order for us to keep our facility. Our sights are set on Eagle Scout to Venture Ranger. We will be doing 3 Eagle Project this month with more to come. Also a follow the stream backpacking trip, everyone stays wet on this one.


    Website - www.crew746.com

  10. Our troop has over 60 scouts and just a few blocks away is another troop with more than 40 scouts. Both troops were started 50 years ago by the same scoutmaster. (For some reason scouting is popular in our little courner of the world.) For good or bad the paid DE's are judged on new # and

    FOS money. For each DE there can be over 40 scouters who make the program work, many put in long hours and dig into their own pocket when scouts need equipment or supplies. Troops come and go even 50 years+ units. The leadership of the scoutmaster is the reason a troop will flourish or fail. Other factors will either help or hinder but the scoutmaster sets the course of the troop. A scout, after a few years, will have friends in other troops and will move if he is not happy with his own troop.

    Outdoor activities along with living the scout oath and law will keep scouting going.

  11. Our troop plans its events well in advance but our OA lodge dose not. We have only had elections in 2 of the last 5 years and the ordeal in one of those years was planed for a weekend when we had a backpacking trip. Our scouts choose to backpack. Of the last 10 eagle scouts in our troop, only 2 were OA .

  12. Our troop starts planning for the next year after summer camp. We take the ideas from the PLC and find adults who are willing to sponsor each activity. We have a hikemaster who runs the backpacking program, he has first shot at the troop calander. We have learned to book next year's summer camp and long term hike early so we are not shut out of our desired dates. Now an adult is responsible for each outing in our program. Last year our troop reg. 67 scouts and 73 adults. Yes you do need the adults to make the program happen.


    We have a venturing crew with 23 scouts and 5 adults. They do everything, but they only plan 3-4 months in advance and many outings are changed because one of the scouts did not follow up on his job. They take pride when they hare a good outing bacause they did it all themselves.

  13. Duty to GOD. duty to country, duty to others, and duty to self is the basis of scouting. If a person wants to be in the BSA he should embrace these ideals. Now if a parent objected to a specific religious service OK, but he should use the time to worship GOD in his own way.I would ask the parent who chose not to go to the service to do his own.


    Now if he objects to this, I would say they need to look for another camping club not scouting.

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