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Posts posted by jmwalston

  1. "What does (did) a dining hall commissioner do?"


    They basically handled sanitation, food preparation, and food procurement/purchases. The dining hall steward was in charge of the KP and coordinated the food servers. Staff rotated on food serving, Scouts from the troops camping provided work parties to clean up tables and sweep and mop after meals.


    Please understand that except for meals, crackerbarrels, and staff/leadership meetings, I didn't hang out around the dining hall. Any person doing that (i.e. "loitering") might get conscripted into some dining hall chore. Staff and campers were encouraged to spend time around the camp.


    I believe the term "dining hall commissioner" was more in reference to the old military term "comissary." I guess his actual title should been Camp Comissariat.(This message has been edited by jmwalston)

  2. The last time I worked in a Scout Camp as staff was in 1989, as a Field Sports Director (now Shooting Director). I was a 27 year-old District Member-at-Large. I made $300 per week plus room and board. All the staff were Scouts or Explorers except for the Shooting Instructor, whom Camp Lejeune graciously cut orders for 7 weeks each year (they were not Scouters but were registered as one before camp season began, they were also different each year). The dining hall steward was a Scout, the dining hall Commissioner a Scouter, only cooks were non-Scouters. Scout Staff made from $100 - $200 per week plus room and board, CIT's only got room and board.


    Flash ahead to this year. Our Council camp had staff who were all Scouts or Venturers. The Camp Health Officer was from a LFL EMT Post. Talking with Scouts on the Staff, wages hadn't change any over the years. This Camp is in a different Council than the one I worked, but in the same state.

  3. BP,


    I have not advocated keeping the CO in the dark. I consider the unit level to be the CO/COR level as well. I merely stated that technically the District is involved if the COR is consultated. As to strained District/Council relations with the COs, my experience has been that it is caused by lack of CO involvement with the District, not direct involvement of the District with the CO.

  4. My Council newletter from the beginning of July mentions the position, but not that it is required either. In truth, I just skimmed over that section of the NL when it came out, but looked at it in more detail when the subject came up here. The Scoutparent website is like a maze, I don't know where to begin to find my way around. As stated earlier, poor judgement (on my part) led me to believe that PTC information clarified what the Council NL didn't.

  5. I don't see how you can say that because someone didn't like the way information was delivered that the information was wrong. BW was correct in regards to the relationship of SM and ASM within the troop organization. And the advice on keeping it a an unit level is not unwarranted either. Involving the COR is involving the District, since they are a member of the District Committee. I feel that they would prefer to handle any problems in-house before having it kicked upstairs. When I was an UC, I recall only one unit problem that went to the District level and it was over a husband and wife who had control of a unit and the finances of it. The CO sought advice on what was the best resolution to the problem and it was simply a matter of removing the wife as unit Treasurer to another Committee position. It all could've and should've been taken care at the unit level. I would expect a concerned parent or leader to ask the CO about the program rather than jump to the District.(This message has been edited by jmwalston)

  6. "The solution there is to trim the excess fabric back to the border."


    I also do the same with the square knots. Leaves them nice and neat when sewn on. Had a SM ask me how I got my knots on that way. His were machined sewn and still had some of the border material. Sort of looked like a scrabble board that had taken a whack. And surprisingly enough, I use the Wal-mart monofilament and never have had a problem ironing it. And I like to steam press my stuff every so often. It will stretch out on you when sewing it though.

  7. I wonder where the Commissioner's Arrowhead will go? It appears that the button tab on the sleeve is directly under the shoulder pocket. Moving the Trained patch above the POR patch seems to imply that space is at a premium on the sleeve.

  8. "I have also heard that you are not suppose to wear patches and other parts of a older or newer uniform... so if you are wearing the standard uniform that we wear now the so called 1981 unifrom then you have to wear the patches that were meant for that shirt. If you want to wear the new colors and patches meant for the new shirt then you have to go to the new shirt."


    There is no prohibition on wearing older patches.

  9. The BSA Employee position would mean that the staff were paid comparable wages with benefits. Most camp staff under 18 receive a token wage and room and board. Don't see how you can register them as District or Council Committee members at large (which they are not) if they are under 18 (its a leadership position). If they are 18 or older, just register them as MB Counselors. That is free and doesn't cost District or Council fees. If they are under 18 and not already a member of a Venturing or Scout unit, what are they doing with the summer camp program anyway if not medical or food services?

  10. This is hair splitting as to the requirement. The badge doesn't say catch, kill, and mount 50 insects, though I would. It says collect and mount 50 insects. If the politically correct scout has an objection, don't do the badge. If it's a matter of ethics, call your local Orkin or Terminex agent.


    And Fishing/Fly Fishing says catch two fish and return at least one unharmed. If you have a problem killing insects, I think you would have a problem setting a sharpened hook in an animal's mouth just for the joy of the capture.

  11. Yes, mounting them would generally mean shoving a mounting pin through them. Or gluing them to a mounting card. Either way kills them if not already dead. Personally, this is not an issue unless you are squeamish about killing insects. As to being conservationally green and not killing bugs, really not an issue. Class Insecta has been around and dominant for 460 million years, still the largest class of animal out there. You won't make a dent in them by taking out 50. If butterflies and moths are an issue, don't include Order Lepidoptera in the collection. Your other alternative is to collect already dead specimens.


    Going by BSA standards on Merit Badge Counseling, photos are not acceptable to fulfil the requirement.

  12. Without sounding like Uniform Police,Pack212Scouter is correct. The Cub Scout program has specific neckerchiefs for the ranks. The Insignia Guide points that out in black and white. As to a Cub Scouter wearing it, that is their call, although there are specific Leader neckerchiefs also for them.

  13. Family Life appears to be a reworking of the old Citizenship in the Home MB. I think it is very appropriate as many youth today have little or no concept of what decisions are made or resources are needed by a family. Being a traditionalist (I wear my old side cap to meetings), I would have preferred them bring back CiH with the new requirements.



    Citizenship in the World (I'm a USA citizen, not a citizen of the world. Sorry BSA)

    Environmental Science (they get plenty of this stuff in school.)

    Personal Fitness (Again - Health & PE cover this in school. This is scouts, not an athletic team.)"


    Guess again about CiW. The US is a member of the UN, NATO, IWC, contributes to the ISS. The BSA is a member of the WOSM.


    Environmental Science is not emphasized in school, taught, by not emphasized. I think it is very necessary for Scouting.


    Personal Fitness is being curtailed in many schools. In my state, the PE requirements have been halved to allow more emphasis on math and english (the only material on the College SAT test). And in a nation of obesity, they get plenty in school? Your right, it is Scouts, not an athletic team, that is why they dropped Sports MB as an optional requirement.


    Family Life MB was added and Safety MB dropped, adding Cooking MB seems to go hand in hand with requiring Camping MB for Eagle (hey, I know how to pitch and tent and survive a night in snow, the mountains, etc., but I don't know how to feed myself while there).


    I think Wilderness Survival MB and Energy MB are good choices. One emphasizes camping emergencies, the other emphasizes conservation in a modern form.



  14. "The site was to give new Scout parents (or prospective new Scout parents) information about what the Scouting program is about. It is also set up to (hopefully) get new parents involved in Scouting."


    "Remember National wants a million more adults by 2010 (whether they do anything or not). Let's see. One million adults times $10.00 equals big bucks plus they can say they have one million more members."


    A million Scout parents registering as PC equals big bucks. A million Scout parents registering as PA equals nothing in the money game.

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