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Posts posted by JimmyD

  1. I am a republican and voted for the 1st time in the general election during a presidential year. My analysis is as follows: (If your democrat/liberal you may not want to read)


    Its been proven that the hidden reason for a lot of people to get out and vote is because of moral values. The Democratic Party does not have this with the American people. A good example of this is looking at the south. I was watching Hanity and Colmes on fox news (Best network for coverage) Sean brought up a great point with this issue. In 1980 there were about 20 some democratic senators in the south and only 6 republican senators now those numbers have flip flopped. Back then Democratic Party had good religious values but now they've lost. Bush won the catholic vote over his opponent who is catholic.


    When you have hardcore liberals such as Michael Moore sucking up a lot of light and being a spokesmen in a way for Kerry its also a bad idea. Michael Moore and his fellow liberal stars failed horribly to try to defeat Bush in this election.


    As for my home state of Pennsylvania, my party did half decent. I am a member of college Republicans at Bloomsburg University. I got to see Dick Cheney speak at my university live on my first day of college. I was able to be a staff member at a Bush rally at the Wachovia arena in Wilkes Bare PA a couple weeks ago. Getting to see the president speak lvie is totally different then you see him on TV. The energy surging through a 10,000+ filled arena is incredible. I was very lucky at the entrance from where Bush came out I got to shake his hand which was very big for me at such a young age. I'd compare to my Eagle Scout ceremony or my first deer kill. I knew at that point Bush was going to win the election.


    State wide races didn't go to well. I think my party only won attorney general, but that was the only one I was expecting us to win. My state senator won reelection by a lot who is NRA endorsed and has his son in cub scouting. My state rep who is a democrat who I support also is NRA endorsed and has 2 or 3 sons who are eagle scouts. (he even owns his own paint ball field and shop)


    The republicans kept Arlen's seat intact. Better to keep the incumbent in office who is a moderate. Toomey a conservative ran against him in April and Arlen squeaked the victory. Since PA is very democratic now it was just better to keep specter to face off against the democrat.


    Republicans now have a firm control over all 3 branches of Government. Bush is the first president in 68 years to have won relection and gain seats and both houses. Daschile the minority leader lost his election which was a huge blow for democrats.


    Kerry going Canadian geese hunting was the worse thing I had ever seen. As a sportsman for the 2nd Amendment I was very disgusted about that and that also might have pushed a lot more hunters out. John Kerry is very much against the 2nd Amendment.


    If Rudy or (if laws are changed) Arnold are the republicans nominees in 08 there is something very wrong with the Republican Party. Arnold for sure won't be and I don't know Rudys views well enough to decide but I do know he is moderate. I'm expecting Hillary as the nominee in 08 and use her husbands legacy (if thats good or bad) to her advantage. Edwards won't be a factor. If Hillary runs in 06 for senate seat again and if Rudy is her opponent she'll get killed. Rudy is moderate enough in my view to win New York for a senate race.


  2. I would give the guy a break. As long as he is wearing a shirt and tie for right now that wouldn't bother me. If he didn't even move into his house yet i'm sure he does have higher priorities then the whole boy scout uniform thing. His District when he was youth could've been lacked on the issue. You may know of his personal stituation more but if its only 13 days I would doubt it. Just start complaning when he does things that are wrong with procedors and all the othger stuff DEs do behind the scenes.

  3. Ok thats cheap. Our council was $230 this year. 2 free leaders and each extra leader is $100 each. Neighboring council's camps are $150 I think and $190. Back in 96 when i first went to camp in my council it only cost $140. We're are all afraid that council might raise camp to $250. Big difference over the past 8 or so years.

  4. I believe the camp is near/close to harrisburg PA. THe Camp is called Camp Tuckahoe. I found the home page of the camp and i'll post what they say about Gettysburg.


    "The camp's four older cabins have been completely remodeled to create comfortable accommodations for groups looking for a warm place to stay during the cold weather months or for units visiting the Gettysburg area (about 35 minutes to the south of Tuckahoe)"




    As you can see it is a far distance away. I know when we went down with the cub scouts in 01 we stayed at a girl scout camp that was as far away. It was inconvient for us. Camp i suggested is right outsaide of Gettysburg, 5 bucks a person per night /w showers, 5 minture drive and you just park in the visitors parking lot when you do the hikes.

  5. Our troop when we went down last year used Artillery Ridge campground. I believe they charge 5 bucks a person per night. They also have individual showers their also. So it did save a trip. I would say the site is less then 5 mintues away (driving wise) from visitor center. Call the number i they are open during march at least becuas ethey have an activities thing for March on their calender.


    We did the whole Gettysburg Trail in 2 days and one night and left about 4 or 5 PM on the second day home. WE did cyc, the map, farm, in the morning. I would start around 8 or 9 when the palces open. THen after the map and cyc head over to the farm. Eat Lunch, do the 9 miler, get back to cmap to get cleaned up then eat. We went out to Hoss's which was on the other side of town but a very nice dinner after a long day. We as a group were put in the baclk and had a room to ourselves. THere was room for 2 other large groups but none were dinning. YOu'll day will probably end around 10 PM at night. 2nd day you'll have to time for gift shopping and stuff.

  6. Swimming and life saving haven't been absolutley required for about 15 years. I just checked by old BS hadnbook from 96. Says personal fitness or swimming or sports. Also it was still lifesaving or Emer. Prep. Now, Personal Fitness is requried plus I believe that the merit badge was changed so that it added an extra month for 3 months for the fitness workout part. Now its hiking or cycling or swimming. I think hiking is tough the way it is. Cycling now you have to bike 150 miles altogether. So if anything when they did change to the current required badges it added more physical fitness it did not detract.(This message has been edited by JimmyD)

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