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Fuzzy Bear

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Posts posted by Fuzzy Bear

  1. "But Mary Strasser, vice president for community impact with the United Way, said the decision was made because the current Boy Scout policy of appointing only heterosexual males to leadership positions conflicts with the United Way's longstanding policy concerning discrimination. She said that any organization that seeks funding from the United Way must not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, and sexual orientation."


    Well, two out of four aint bad.


  2. As stated in the Boy Scout Handbook: While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to your religious institution, school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than the BSA.) The project idea must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your unit leader (Scoutmaster, Varsity Scout Coach, Venturing crew Advisor), unit committee, and by the council or district advancement committee before you start.


    Routine labor (a job or service normally rendered) should not be considered. Work involving council property or other BSA activity is not permitted. The project also may not be performed for a business or an individual, be of a commercial nature, or be a fund-raiser. (Fund-raising is permitted only for securing materials or supplies needed to carry out your project.)


    While a First Class Scout take part in Service projects totaling at least 6 hours of work. These must be SM approved.


    While a Star Scout take part in service projects totaling at least 6 hours of work. SM approved.


    I would suggest using the guidelines established for the Eagle when considering service projects for Star and Life.

    a service project helpful to your religious institution, school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than the BSA.)


    The reason is that helping ourselves is what most of learn at an early age and practice it frequently from then on.


    Helping others daily is something that is unexpected and touches that Higher Power that we like to debate about so much. FB


  3. Bev,


    Let's assume that someone says, Here are the statistics on the 20 units in my district. Because your design is flawed, your barn will still be built with the same cow chips as before. The variables in unit attrition are high, making it a complex question requiring design control. Leader observation is flawed but it makes for good conversation.


    I like my cow chips with a little dip on the side.




  4. I am trying to put this into perspective with past columns. I am sure someone will clarify it. I think this is how it goes:


    A religion/Church's stand against homosexuality is not considered discriminatory because it is part of their ethical code.


    But if a business has a rule against Gays and says that the rule is based on an ethical code, it still is considered discrimination simply because it appears that the rule was made to bar certain groups. Scouting has maintained that it is a business so their rule is considered discriminatory.


    Now if Scouting accepted the ruling of one judge, I can't think of the case, that Scouting is in fact a religion, then the same rule would no longer be considered objectionable and therefore discrimination would no longer have a bases.


    At least, that is the way it might be reasoned.




    Webnote: fgoodwin, what happened to the rest of the Scout Law?


  5. The objective of the 40 area Academics and Sports Program is for Scouts to learn and improve skills. There are two levels of involvement and recognition, Belt Loops and Pins. Webelos may earn belt loops and Pins a second time to qualify for Webelos activity badges. Different requirements may be encouraged to earn the Pin a second time. Pins are to be worn on the A and S Letter ©. There are also pocket certificates, activity medals, trophies, and a participation emblem.

    The funniest part is that...

    Recognition is secondary.


    I believe that if a person earned all of this mess that they would need to own a dump truck to carry it and a bank to pay for it, suspenders would never work. FB


    (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)

  6. It makes little difference if the Patrol is all present at Summer Camp to learn about Patrol cooking and the Patrol Method. If one or eight members have learned to cook on a fire pit area where the water is on to boil for cleaning at the same time that the food is being cooked, then you are well you way to learning about cooking for a group or by yourself at Summer camp or anywhere else. This and several other short-cuts can be learned but usually only with practice. I learned while spending most of my life in Texas where the temperatures were hot enough to bake the morning biscuits just by taking them out of the can and putting them on a nearby rock, another short-cut.


    What about the area attracting animals because of food being left out? What is wrong with this picture at any camp and especially a Scout Camp? Part of the process is to keep it clean and to check it afterwards. This is only one of the reasons that we do it and it is something that is learned but only with practice.


    Is Summer Camp a vacation? I am not sure that this subject can be debated with a straight face. If we wanted a vacation, I am not sure that Summer Camp would be first on our list. Do people have fun? Sure lots of it. Is it better than looking at the world's Biggest Ball of String in the middle of nowhere? I would take Summer Camp.


    Scouting is done 12 months a year and yes, even in the Summer and the heat or the Winter and the snow. The reason is not to show that we are somehow male chauvinist pigs but that we can learn and teach worthy skills that will last a lifetime. Young boys grow up too quickly and then they are men and then they have families, hopefully they will be well Prepared.


    Webnote: Ducks have never been known to have eaten in one Boy Scout dining Hall to date.

    (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)

  7. A perceived wrong is one that a person believes no matter what the circumstances. The basic reaction or feelings of anger to the perceived wrong is the same no matter if there is or isnt justification.


    It is what we do when we feel that anger that makes a difference.


    There may be hidden things that neither you nor OJ knows about which could be a comedy of errors or a situation of problem saturation.


    Maybe a phone call to an old friend would help both of you figure it out and more.



  8. This is a good example of problem resolution within Scouting and Life in general.


    The Director had two options, give the Scouts their checks or not give the Scouts their checks. With either choice, the Scouts were going to leave camp. By not giving them their checks, the Director felt that he/she was able to express an equal amount of anger or resentment for the perceived wrong. By giving them their checks, he/she would not have felt that there had been any payback for the perceived wrong. That is a learned method of justice. The problem comes in what I call the "Ping Pong effect" which always happens. The Scouts now must find a way to acquire the justice lost by not reapplying for Camp and you now feel anger.


    There are always more than two options and ways to express emotions and to obtain justice in any situation. When confronted with a problem, and there will always be problems in Scouting, the Trained Leader will assess the situation and go to Plan B or C and/or realign duties (delegate). Once a person knows that the anger one has about the situation can not be fixed and the repercussions will always be multiplied, then an alternate expression is essential, so we work it out and go on.


    There are the methods of anger resolution that are found within one's religion. 'Do unto others as you would do for you.' Taking one's problems to a Higher Power, doesn't change the problem but it may change the way it is perceived, therefore reducing or changing the anger. Once one asks for help, then an answer will be given. We must accept and sometimes reach out for the answer but it is always there.


    There are methods of anger resolution found within one's own daily regimen of physical fitness. 'For every mile run, one small problem in life will be eliminated.' Working out on a regular basis does more than reduce one's waistline.


    There are methods of anger resolution developed within one's own home life. "Honey, how was your day?" The importance of family sometimes is the only way to hold it together.


    When we look around, listen to the news; listen to what is said at our places of work, in Scouting, at home, in church, from our neighbors, we will find more opportunities than we care to count to use all of the methods we have learned to reduce our anger.


    and yet it is still a battle.


    I hope a few reminders will help. FB






  9. A few years ago and in a different Council and job, one of my fellow Shop Teachers carved in wood (*I don't remember him using wax)and then casting in metal an Eagle Medal replica, about 4 foot long. Ribbons were made from fabric.


    Being that I didn't have the same skill level and I wanted the Arrow of Light enlarged, I used the basic enlargement process of measuring and multiplying to get a replica 3' X 4' (approx.). This process may take a little longer but it is accurate. I also have difficulties with color variations so I had to ask another person to help with the choice of paints. To keep it lightweight, I used a heavy cardboard, about 3/4 inch thick. I sealed both sides and edges first and painted with several coats of paint. It still needed to be stored inside.


    Regarding candles, I have been given large amounts of wax over the years and have made candles by melting down and reusing the wax in various holding forms. FB


  10. You inspired me to search the Forum for past answers to your question. I made a file that turned out to be six unedited pages but it was about Eagle COHs in general, including two answers to your question, which I will now post. I also want to thank several of the past Forum members for their contributions to my file.


    This answer came from one of our past distinguished contributors:


    One troop has a big 3 by 4 ft box with stained glass copy of the eagle badge. Then there is a light bulb behind each section of the badge and they turn each on as they describe the meaning of each part of the badge.


    Another posted:


    We have an oversized Eagle medal replica about 4-ft. tall that we hang center stage behind the Eagle Scouts chair. Then we have a set of 4 large flora delis candle holders that we use for a Scout Law ceremony.


    The Eagle was made by taking a clipart image of the Eagle medal enlarging it a little and printing it on a sheet of transparency film. then it was put on an overhead projector and projected onto a half sheet of 1/4 inch plywood and traced. We asked an art student at the local high school to paint it for us. She got a grade we got a great Eagle. She painted the Eagle and the banner with the knot. Then a parent sewed the ribbon section. The ring connecting the ribbon and Eagle was cut from plywood as well.


    I cut out the shape and traced it onto 1/4 plywood squares 12in X 12in. Then I used a band saw to cut out the shapes. A rectangular block of wood about 2in X 2in and 7 inches long with 3 holes drilled into it to receive candles was glued and nailed to the back. Then a simple base was attached and the whole thing sanded primed and then spray painted metallic gold.


    Attach a short length of 1 1/2 PVC pipe (with a cap on the top end) to the back of the banner. It can then be slid over a post in a flag stand.


    The candle holders I made. I took a scout emblem from the Internet blew it up to 10 3/4 inches tall, and printed it out on heavy paper stock. We use red, white and blue candles in them.




    FB(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)

  11. Three rules to remember as a Leader in Cub Scouting


    The CM should always remain a NON-voting member of the Pack committee.

    The reason: is to delegate and involve others to help run the Pack.


    The CM should only CONSULT with the PC Chairman on the Pack Committee Agenda each month.

    The main reason: is to allow others to have authority and to stay involved.


    The CM should only sign up for the CM position for ONE year at a time. If at the end that year, the PC decides to choose another, it is their decision or if the CM decides to move on then that opening is available.

    The main reason: is to give the PC the knowledge that everything can change and that keeping priorities and goals in focus is necessary.


    You will find these three rules work closely with each other in helping a TRAINED group define and guide them to their destination. (*meaning the goals of CS)


    For those that have control issues, they will strongly disagree with the above. Generally, they want the program to be THEIR kind of perfection. Working alone and doing it all yourself takes allot of time and the only person that will listen to your misery is you.


    Either way, the same amount of time will probably be spent.

    Working with others to encourage them and helping to recruit new members takes time as well.


    I suggest that working WITH others is more fun.



  12. Quackers


    For more years than I want to believe

    men and ducks have been at war

    with each other hidden in the reeds.


    Men have guns of all sizes and shapes,

    With scopes and

    barrels the size of a canons.

    Ducks have their quack.

    Some say the ducks

    have the advantage.


    Some call it a Holy war

    but if you ask a duck

    they quack out

    hole(e) war.


    Nobody has complained about

    how lopsided it all is.

    The ducks, well they just

    keep coming back.


    Who is to say who is right?

    What is the point?

    Well, nobody knows

    or is talking

    or is quacking.


    Each year it all starts anew

    Men a hiding and

    Ducks a frying.

    Ducks, well, they just

    keep a flying


    Some like their duck

    Smothered in onion

    Others like it well done.

    Nobody has asked the duck

    How they like theirs

    Probably they like it

    Out of season.


    Author will remain unknown


  13. I have done both over the years. I lean toward the patrol cooking. There are the standard problems with patrol cooking. The boys must learn to run a clean area, cook correctly and use proper storage. This can only be done when boys have been trained and then checked after each meal. This takes longer and there will be less advancement. The payoff is better food.


    The dining hall adds in camp songs and the rush to the MB classes.


    I suppose cooking breakfast in camp and then making quick lunches and having a prepared supper in the Dining Hall is a type of in-between answer but provides little more than a rush to activities.


    Cooking is fundamental and a lifelong skill. Dining Halls are compatible with lifestyles that focus on TV dinners. Learning to add a little onion to soup can make life so much more flavorful. The price is learning to cook.



  14. Hunt I like your idea. I would like to see a list developed.

    1. BOR- maybe once per year

    2. COH- quarterly

    3. Guests at meeting- 2 x's per year

    4. OA elections- 1 X per year

    5. Leadership Requirement- Set the Example

    6. Scout Sunday

    7. Travel to and from Monthly campouts

    8. Camporees- Flag times and gatherings

    8. Travel to and from Summer Camp

    9. Dinner and Flag lowering at Summer Camp


  15. Would we have even put our big toe into Iraq if they didn't have a desert full of oil?


    "They will have to pry my cold dead lead foot from off the accelerator of my six miles to the gallon Hummer before I ever give it up." John Charlton Carter (I believe that is what he might say.)


    Once we have no need for their oil, then all they will be fighting over is desert. FB


  16. BA,


    I am not suggesting people are not working on alternative sources of power. What I am saying is that the rest of us appear to covet a way of life that is not sustainable, given that oil drives the economy. The price of gas is $3.00 a gallon and rising while consumption is up from last year's lower prices. People are still driving vehicles that get less than 10 miles per gallon. Urban planners do not include the least of ideas for energy conservation while houses are being built larger with fewer ways to save energy than ever. I am saying that if someone invented a car that converted oxygen into energy that people would refuse to buy it because it is to small, too ugly and doesn't represent their idea of wealth.


    However long that the people of this country worship unleaded gas, that is how long it will take to solve the Mid-East conflict.



  17. If it is a matter of being held hostage to our oil appetite and fighting terrorism for the next 100 years, then I suggest we give in and learn to walk, rebuild our cities, buy smaller cars and ride bikes. We could use some of that brain power that everyone speaks about when promoting their sons to the highest levels of academia to finding alternative sources of power and then they can brag about their sons Nobel Peace Prize. We need a country where people are fit and not a place where being overweight is considered normal. We dont need an economy of modern day commuter tanks just to impress the few friends that everyone seems to not be able to have since they are working overtime everyday to pay for things they cant afford. Chasing money has stuck our heads so far into the sands of the middle-east that we couldnt dig ourselves out if we wanted to ever

    but I believe that we can. FB

  18. Brent Allen,

    I find your conclusion about Packsaddle's statements to be short of the mark. Please expand on how you arrived at your WW-2 answer.



    The reasons for wars are almost always different but the results of all wars are generally the same. That is the reason we should carefully study them.







  19. OGE,


    I am not a revisionist of WW 2. It is my belief, that there are times to act to protect yourself, your family, and your country.


    I am suggesting moderation and to choose carefully when it comes to picking up a gun to change things. We should use our brains, our hearts and our courage first.





  20. Although I have long been intrigued by the early jackets, I always itch when I think about them. I imagine them to be wool.


    Over the years of collecting Scout stuff, I have yet to see one. I have gone to many places where something like that would or should pop-up but "nada". I don't collect uniforms but I have several just by accident of being in the wrong place at the right time.


    I suspicion the jackets to be for professional use in part because of the scarcity. But, if they were in popular use, then the early Northeastern units would have them and so they might be found in Tradeorees in PA or NY.


    I have pictures of BP, Uncle Dan and J.E. West but not E. T. Seton in the jackets. I think I have seen the full dress uniform in early ads of BL or the BSHB's but I would have to look again to confirm it.


    I admire them. FB




  21. CSJo,


    Taking personal responsibility for a job well done is our goal in Scouting. The emphasis is on the taking personal responsibility which is probably more important than the requirement. One would need to look closer to see that if the overall goal of improving Character has been met in the BOR by others or at home by himself during his meditations.


    Let me review. What about being trustworthy? If a person does not do all of what is asked, is that person trustworthy? The goal of the requirements for fishing is not just to check to see if a person can catch and clean a fish but to check for obedience. Catching a fish is just plain old fun and cleaning to cook one is just part of the reward but then it could also be a brave act as well, if one had a little fear about doing it.


    What about being friendly or even kind? Can a person catch a fish, clean and cook it and feed their ASM? There is an element of kindness brought to bear in that one requirement that goes well beyond the fishing MB. If a person finds that the Scouting program is not just fun but goes deeper into one's life and makes a person full and I don't mean just on fish but on happiness or cheerfulness, then loyalty can also be achieved. It also gives a reason to be courteous because we begin to find Brotherhood, which also brings us to the brink of Reverence.


    Of course I don't mean to leave out the practical part of cooking, cleaning and eating and that is thrifty. Most of us will find it a necessity to be able to do so some time in our life, so getting a good start will ensure us against a day that we may depend on it.


    So, I would want the Scout to review a few of these points and make a decision for himself on how he wants to be known and especially how he wants to know himself. Hopefully he will want to enrich his character but then some chose to do otherwise but that is a choice we each make in our own heart. FB





    (This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)(This message has been edited by Fuzzy Bear)

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