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Posts posted by FrankBoss

  1. If thats the case... Shouldn't we be doing that at the troop level?


    I rather chat with you guys on a open forum than talk to a guy thats trying to sell me a load of goods.


    So thank you for your candid responses and patients.



  2. John Yes there is a OA forum. But it is closed to all non OA members.


    So nonmembers Elect the Scout/Scouter to be recruited as a AO Hopefull.


    I was wondering how they(the OA) selected the quality of their members?


    I'm not wanting to start a mud slinging debate, but I feel it "MIGHT" not be all worth while for the candidates.



  3. Where can I get info on the OA Program?


    What is its real purpose?


    I have other questions but I'm not wanting to stir the pot just because I have no insight to that part of the scout world.



  4. I want a "A" shaped Tent with two poles for sure. The one I saw had aluminum poles.


    And Guys I have better quality equipment but the JUNK tent lasted a very long time with little to no problems. So Go ahead and judge it as you will.


    I worked all summer back in the day just to buy a tent and a Bicycle. Looking back at the investment it was loads of fun... And a lesson in Fun...my 7 year old loves it, I see no problem with what little was payed and the smile on his Face.


    Thanks Anyways


    FrankBoss(This message has been edited by FrankBoss)

  5. When I was younger I had a A frame tent. it was the best.

    Fast to setup..easy to repair.. cheap and light...

    I got it when I was a Webelo and Carried it all threw my scouting well into Explorers. I took care of it and it lasted 20 years. It was what a young man could afford nothing Hi Tech but simple water proof. My Dad and I took it on a 50 miler and camped in mountains in the snow.

    I made my own rain fly that mounted to the poles and kept the gear out of the direct rain. I was Quite proud of the little tent.


    Now my kids in Scouts I have shopped for a two man tent to pack and camp with. that the youngest kid can set up him self so I looked for the replacement of that great tent.

    I found one just like it and my kids like it.



    Has anyone seen one that would be a little bigger?

    I witnessed a Orange one looked taller and might have slept 2.5 or three people. But when I went to talk to the owner they had left already.



  6. I was working on a leather program for the older cubbys to make neck slides. So I went to the Scout store and bought my self the Cub Leader neckerchief. got home and tried it on and the thing is TOO small..

    less than two inches of fabric hanging out the slide. Talking about goofy looking.


    They really should add some more fabric to these if adults are to wear them.



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