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Everything posted by eagle97_78

  1. Time and time again we see the same old problems with the youth of today. I had the same problem when I did my eagle project when I was younger. It is the boy's job to lead and get help for the project, but it is hard when you have young boy's that don't want to work hard for what they have they want it handed to them. This young man sounds like he is very dedicated to the program and it sounds like he will be around for the longest of time. My recommendation for this young man is that he go on with his project as planned. Keep the numbers of people that he has helping and just keep up t
  2. Hello all! I am new to this site I have almost 20 years of experience in scouting (this is including my years growing up through the program). I have held positions in units and now on the district level. I am an Eagle Scout (one of the 4% of all boys that enter scouting that earn this rank). I love the program and I believe that the program works if it is done properly. Thanks for looking at my profile and Have fun Scouting.
  3. Time and time again we wonder what has happened to these young men when they don't move on to Boy Scouts. I know this because I deal with my Districts Webelos to Scout Transition. Most of the time the boys don't move on because there parents tell them that they have to make a choice between scouts and sports of course they will chose sports all the time, some times it is that they didn't like any of the troops that they visited and the way around this is to let the district send out a bulk mail to all the boys from the District Executive and the District Webelos to Scout Transition Chairperson
  4. You might want to sit down with your Unit Commissioner and talk with them about your situation first and option that you have is the Lone Scout program. It is a great program and The boy would work with his father on his advancement.
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