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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/21 in Posts

  1. A friend of mine is an accountant and did see the books. There is no accounting system set up for my council. There is only one account. Nobody could ask, for example, what is the net on a summer camp? Is it making money or losing money? Each camp should have it's own account, I'd think. So yes, we have repeatedly asked and repeatedly gotten nowhere. One of the council staff is solely funded on volunteer run events bringing in enough extra money to cover this person's salary. So does this mean the "budget" covers salary for all staff? Who knows? But this still evades the issue of value. W
    3 points
  2. When I gave my FOS pitches, I always took our DE with me. Most of the parents only saw a pleasant - appearing young man but aso saw the Commissioned Scouters present smiling at him (reflecting their positive experiences). That gave maning to my report on the hours he put in, units he helped form, and units he had helped survivie times of crisis. We led the council all three yeasr in FOS donations, exceeding our "goal" each year.
    2 points
  3. "What happens, legally speaking, when a group of people get together and decide to perform some task without filing any legal paperwork or establishing any formal legal structure? Whether they know it or not, they have formed an unincorporated association. “Unincorporated association" means an unincorporated group of two or more persons joined by mutual consent for a common lawful purpose, whether organized for profit or not. Now, if the lawful purpose they’ve joined together to accomplish includes earning a profit, their association is automatically a partnership or joint venture fo
    1 point
  4. The biggest problem in my district on event costs is that the Council wants event fees turned into Council. The Volunteers that put on the event then have to jump thru hoops to get back there out of pocket for event costs. The volunteers do not like having to wait several months after the event to be reimbursed for the cost of putting on the event.
    1 point
  5. Which would require 1) the outright liquidation of Boy Scouts of America and 2) the rescinding by Congress or court-ordered dissolution of the Congressional Charter. Until that time, that Congressional Charter prohibits what you are considering unless you want to completely create a new organization (e.g. the Baden-Powell Association).
    1 point
  6. Our Area does training annually (probably not this Spring), including all "basic" and a wide range of "other" training. Any Scouter is free to attend, but publicity could be better.
    1 point
  7. If adults have position patches and youth have rank/award patches that reveal their program, do we need shoulder loops at all?
    1 point
  8. No accounting system? At all? Then how do they report their IRS 990s? If they have no accounting system at all, then your Council is in violation of at least half a dozen state and/or federal laws regarding charities/not-for-profits. Pick up the phone. Call the police. Call the state secretary of state and/or whoever has oversight over charities in your state.. Call the IRS.
    0 points
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