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New to forum-seeking sharing on scout values

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Hi folks! I am joining here in hopes to have sincere sharing with other adult scouts on scouting values and what they mean in our lives. Values include Scout Oath and Law, and also values reflected in the program. Is there such a forum already in place?


Thanks! Yeshe

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I'll jump in.


While I was not a Boy Scout as a youth I am a leader and now after a couple years get publicly identified as such in my neighborhood, church, and workplace. Therefore "living up to the law" has prompted me to be more helpful, cheerful, and kind than my more base nature may be want. I know I will go out of my way more to help a stranger than before.


As I have to scout sons when I admonish them "a scout is cheerful" when they are surely in the morning or whatever you better believe that they throw it right back in my face!

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I'll second TT about the cheerfulness.


Anybody can be cheerful on a sunny day. Scouts have that uncanny ability to squeeze joy out of what other folks consider miserable conditions.


Although there's no specific forum about translating values into everyday life, a lot of the discussions hinge around how to be trustworthy and loyal, yet kind and courteous, scouters. (In the adult world, we sometimes find those to be on opposite sides of a spectrum.)

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Ya know, one of the really brilliant features of scouting, not often tied to the ideals (oath and law) is the patrol method. I find that the two can be used together to train young scouts in building their moral philosophy. How does this work? When we put 6 boys together to live in close proximity and to do the chores of life, like cooking, fetching water, setting up camp, etc., not only are we having them act as a team, but we are setting them up for potential conflict with each other. I see this at summer camp, where we usually have at least one shouting and pushing match. I saw one this summer. At that time, after the adults pull the combatants apart, we sit them down and listen to their tales of being persecuted by the other scout. We then can go over the values of scouting, and help the scouts come back together with some degree of civility. My best advice is "that stuff about being courteous and kind; we mean that." or helpful, or friendly, or what ever. A patrol can be the perfect place to let all the boys selfish and un-scout-like qualities come to the surface where they can be dealt with. But the adults have to expect this, and be watching, and be ready to capitalize on the moment.


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If there is such a forum? I missed it.


Values are strange things.

Many of us share very similar values, but may not them in the same order.

When it comes to the points of the Scout Law, I might struggle with being obedient, but have little problem with being kind.

My own thinking is that living the values found in the Oath and Law is a life long quest. Just when you think that you've got it the bar is raised even higher.

I also think that a lot of people want to bash others especially young people over the head with their own interpretation of the Oath and Law.

We are not in the brain washing business our goal should be to give young people the tools needed to make the ethical choices and allow them every opportunity to put the good stuff found in the Oath and Law in practice.

This means that if we want a Lad to be trusted we need to trust him.

If he messes up then maybe he did his best and we can reflect with him and start again and if need be again and again.


For the record I get up most days at 03:15 and need half an hour and two cups of coffee before I'm willing to talk with anyone let alone be cheerful - If your lucky you might get a "Bar Humbug"

This half hour is my time and I'm busy petting which ever dog gets up with me.


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