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Troop Library


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There certainly is nothing illegal about that, but $1.00 seems very high considering the merit badge books cost less than $3. Maybe you could allocate $50 from your next money-earning event to add to or replace part of your library. What is the problem your troop wants to solve?

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I could see a dollar deposit on a book returnable when the book is returned in good condition, then again, the whole definition of Good condition comes up.


Way back when I was a youth (after Brownsea Island, but before the demise of the red berets) the Troop of my youth didnt have a library and I went to the Public Library and used the merit badge books housed there. Talk about knowing and utilizing your resources!

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why on earth would you charge a dollar to borrow a three dollar book???


If it is a matter of them not bringing books back thats part of the librarians job...and "A scout is trustworthy"...

If it is a matter of income... find another way!(This message has been edited by anarchist)

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I agree, $1 seems awful stiff. This would probably discourage scouts from borrowing books which is the whole point of the library. I agree with FScouter, allocate some money from the next fundraiser. A seperate fundraiser might be an option. Car washes are really easy and do great. You could always tap into troop reserves as well.


Make sure the Librarian handles this situation. It is a critical part of his responsibility and a great learning experience.

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First, a couple of questions. Who bought the book in the first place?


What we do is the following. All books are volunarily donated to the troop (paid for by individuals). We require a $5.00 deposit to check out the book. If the book is lost, damaged, etc. - no problem. We then have enough money to buy a new one. If the book is returned undamaged, the $5.00 is returned to the Scout. This teaches responsibility for borrowers, organizational skills to the Librarian and provides a "free" service to some.

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