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Scope of Eagle Scout Service Project


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One thing our troop does is set a goal of minimum Man-hours worked at above 100 for the project. If 10 people not including the scout who's project it is work more then 10 hours each it has reached minimum man-hours. Our average tends be be closer to 200 man hours.

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I get to chair Eagle Boards for my district, let me shed some light on this. The Eagle Scout Leadership Service Packet (you know the official manual?) states that the project should be substantial (I'm paraphrasing, but that's close)


Our council sounds like many of yours, we look at about 100 man hours to be an indication of a substantial project. One of the things that appears lost on many people however is that it is a REAL opportunity to demonstrate leadership on the part of the Scout. Therefore project with 100 hours that are mainly adult hours may need more time since it is hard to direct adults (don't believe me, ask any District Training Chairman, or maybe even a UC)


Hope this helps...

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